Various Anomalies Surrounding Events At WTC on 9/11/2001

I originally published the following information in March of 2007 to the “About” section of a MySpace profile I created, entitled “World Trade Center“…

These videos illustrate the various anomalies and inconsistencies
surrounding the sequence of events that took place at the World Trade
Center Complex on September 11, 2001:

The Inexplicable Fall of World Trade Center 7:

WTC7 Drops At Near Free-Fall Speed w/Near Symmetry

WTC7 Drops At Near Free-Fall Speed w/Near Symmetry

WTC7 Drops Into Self At Near Free-Fall Speed & Symmetry

WTC7 Drops Into Self At Near Free-Fall Speed & Symmetry

WTC7 Drops At Near Free-Fall Speed & Symmetry From Fire?

WTC7 Drops At Near Free-Fall Speed & Symmetry From Fire?

WTC7 Drops At Near Free-Fall Speed w/Near Symmetry WTC7 Drops Into Self At Near Free-Fall Speed & Symmetry WTC7 Drops At Near Free-Fall Speed & Symmetry From Fire?
Molten Metal Steel Found in Ruins of World Trade Center:

9/11 Heroes: Molten Steel Flowing Like Lava In WTC Ruins

9/11 Heroes: Molten Steel Flowing Like Lava In WTC Ruins

Molten Metal Found in Ruins of World Trade Center

Molten Metal Found in Ruins of World Trade Center

WTC Exposed to Temperatures as Hot as Inner-Earth

WTC Exposed to Temperatures as Hot as Inner-Earth

9/11 Heroes: Molten Steel Flowing Like Lava In WTC Ruins Molten Metal Found in Ruins of World Trade Center WTC Exposed to Temperatures as Hot as Inner-Earth
Other Scientific Inconsistencies:

Fires Hot Enough to Melt Steel & Collapse Buildings, You Say?

Fires Hot Enough to Melt Steel & Collapse Buildings, You Say?

Roaring, Red-Orange 1500°F Core In WTC Ruins 6 Weeks Later

Roaring, Red-Orange 1500°F Core In WTC Ruins 6 Weeks Later

WTC Towers Designed to Withstand Impact of Loaded Boeing 707

WTC Towers Designed to Withstand Impact of Loaded Boeing 707

Fires Hot Enough to Melt Steel & Collapse Buildings, You Say? Roaring, Red-Orange 1500°F Core In WTC Ruins 6 Weeks Later WTC Towers Designed to Withstand Impact of Loaded Boeing 707
Eyewitness Testimony – Explosions Inside Twin Towers:

9/11 Heroes Barely Escape Controlled Demolition of WTC2

9/11 Heroes Barely Escape Controlled Demolition of WTC2

Eyewitnesses & Media Report Explosions at Twin Towers on 9/11

Eyewitnesses & Media Report Explosions at Twin Towers on 9/11

Gov't Suppressed Tapes: FDNY Witnessed Demolitions

Gov’t Suppressed Tapes: FDNY Witnessed Demolitions

9/11 Heroes Barely Escape Controlled Demolition of WTC2 Eyewitnesses & Media Report Explosions at Twin Towers on 9/11 Gov’t Suppressed Tapes: FDNY Witnessed Demolitions
Recorded Proof – Explosions at Ground Zero:

Explosion Heard at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Explosion Heard at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Yet Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Yet Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Explosion Heard at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers Yet Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Still Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Still Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers

Explosion Heard at WTC7 Shortly Before Its Near Free-Fall Drop

Explosion Heard at WTC7 Shortly Before Its Near Free-Fall Drop

Still Another Explosion at Ground Zero After Fall of Twin Towers Explosion Heard at WTC7 Shortly Before Its Near Free-Fall Drop


The Facts About World Trade Center 7

I originally published the following article to the blog section of a MySpace profile I created, entitled, “World Trade Center“…

On 9/11/01, at 5:20pm, World Trade Center 7, a 570 ft. tall, 47-story building, suffering from scattered, uneven diffuse-flame fires and a gash to it’s lower south-western corner, drops from it’s 81-vertical-steel-column-reinforced position in the sky at near free-fall speed and symmetry with virtually no resistance from the still-intact, structurally-bound-to-column floors below the scattered diffuse-flame fires within, with no evidence that ANY portion of ANY of the 81 vertical steel columns remained standing, all while falling neatly into its own footprint.

Here are three photos of WTC before September 11, 2001:

Front Entrance of WTC7, as seen from Vesey Street.

Front Entrance of WTC7, as seen from Vesey Street.

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Deconstructing Alexander Pope’s “Essay on Man”

I wrote the core of following piece in March of 2001 for the Stonybrook University class, EGL 310 – Neoclassical Literature, later added to it, then originally published it to my MySpace blog…

"Essay on Man & Other Poems" by Alexander Pope

“Essay on Man & Other Poems” by Alexander Pope

When studying an author’s writing, a reader is sometimes presented with the opportunity to better understand and appreciate one particular work by considering it in direct relation to another. In holding two points of reference, one can fluidly journey with a writer through some of life’s more complex and far-reaching topics, while still thoroughly exploring them to conclusion, and in regard to one another. Alexander Pope’s two writings, Essay on Man: Epistle I and Essay on Man: Epistle II, being complimentary works, are worthy of such comparison.

Both Epistle I and Epistle II are laced with the themes of passion and reason. Using them as a basis, Pope is able to describe some of the many complex characteristics of the personality and behavior of human beings. Reading both works together is the best way to gain a fully-enriched understanding of the implications surrounding these two themes and just how intricately they are related to each other.

Pope believes that our amount of reason not only separates us, as human beings, from any other animal on earth, but that it also gives us our power over them. According to Epistle I, “…Throughout the…world, an universal order and gradation in the sensual and mental faculties is observed which cause the subordination of creature, and of all creatures to Man. The graduations of sense, instinct, thought, reflection, reason; that Reason alone countervails all other faculties” (VII, 122). Aware that this is a powerful gift, Pope does not believe, however, that human beings are the sole carriers of reason. He notes the fact that non-reasoning inorganic and organic matter, as well organisms, still follow an overall reason-based balance with each other in their environment. He also doesn’t exclude the possibility that reason might have been given to human beings directly by another force, with direct access to reason, as well. For proof, Pope observes that our natural environment makes sense even when it is unaware of this fact for itself. According to Epistle I, “of Systems possible, if ’tis confest…that all that rises, rise in due degree; then, in the scale of reas’ning life, ’tis plain there must be, somewhere, such a rank as Man” (43-48, 123).

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