FDA Continues War Against Nature, Classifying Form of Vitamin B6 as a “Drug”

I originally posted the following news commentary onto to my Facebook wall…

FDA SWAT “Training” Session (artwork by NaturalNews.com)

FDA SWAT “Training” Session (artwork by NaturalNews.com)

FDA Declares Form of Vitamin B6 a Drug, Effectively Banning Pyridoxamine from Dietary Supplements:

(Mike Adams, NaturalNews) The FDA has effectively banned a naturally-occurring form of vitamin B6 called pyridoxamine by declaring it to be a drug, reports the American Association for Health Freedom. Responding to a petition filed by a drug company, the FDA declared pyridoxamine to be “a new drug.”

Now, any nutritional supplements containing pyridoxamine will be considered adulterated and illegal by the FDA, which may raid vitamin companies and seize such products. See the history of FDA raids on vitamin companies here: http://www.naturalnews.com/021791.html

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: The FDA, operating as the political and military arm of Big Pharmaceutical companies, incrementally attempts to eliminate its true competition: NATURE!

Feedback on My Poem, “The Slave-State of Corporate Capitalism”

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my poem, “The Slave-State of Corporate Capitalism“…


Rayn: I’ve witnessed the underclass and understood its necessary permanence in a capitalistic world where commercialism and technology are the new imperialisms, and the race to manufacture and sell has caused America to declare a war on poverty and ignorance, and punish those assumed guilty with life-sentences of servitude to dead-end jobs that trickle down minimum wages and allow the rich to get richer, while the rest get deceived into thinking that they, too, can one day become the next John D. Rockefeller, yet, never do, because the fruits of labor have been replaced with high-tech paper, suitable to be used for the purchase of the same illusions of necessity and convenience that they’ve spent their work day creating…

Keith M.: Thank you!

Rayn: You’re most welcome!

Thomas Pr.: There is this guy James at work. He graduated Duke on Scholarship. He works for me. I tell him how it is with the back of my hand upside his head.

The Slave-State of Corporate Capitalism

I wrote the following poem in 2001, and originally posted it into the “Notes” section of my Facebook profile…

2009-02-09 - The Slave-State of Corporate Capitalism

I’ve witnessed the underclass and understood its necessary permanence in a capitalistic world where commercialism and technology are the new imperialisms, and the race to manufacture and sell has caused America to declare a war on poverty and ignorance, and punish those assumed guilty with life-sentences of servitude to dead-end jobs that trickle down minimum wages and allow the rich to get richer, while the rest get deceived into thinking that they, too, can one day become the next John D. Rockefeller, yet, never do, because the fruits of labor have been replaced with high-tech paper, suitable to be used for the purchase of the same illusions of necessity and convenience that they’ve spent their work day creating…

High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contaminated With Toxic Mercury

I originally posted the following news commentary onto to my Facebook wall…

High Fructose Corn Syrup is Contaminated with Toxic Mercury

High Fructose Corn Syrup is Contaminated with Toxic Mercury

Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury:

(HealthDay News) — Almost half of tested samples of commercial high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contained mercury, which was also found in nearly a third of 55 popular brand-name food and beverage products where HFCS is the first- or second-highest labeled ingredient, according to two new U.S. studies.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Here’s yet ANOTHER reason to avoid the man-made poison referred to as “high-fructose corn syrup” (HFCS). It is nothing more than a cheap, pathetic substitute for natural, quality ingredients. Use unbleached cane sugar, honey and maple syrup instead. Sweeten meals with fruit whenever possible. Take daily steps towards boycotting this refined toxic compound.