Foolish Pale-Face…

I originally posted the following artwork I created, along with comment, onto my Facebook wall…

“How amusing! Foolish pale-face offers me trinkets for land that is free! I suppose there is no harm in accepting…” (by Rayn)

“How amusing! Foolish pale-face offers me trinkets for land that is free! I suppose there is no harm in accepting…”
(Artwork by Rayn, and originally located here)

My Commentary: Created in December of 2008 using Photoshop.

The Gift of Democracy…

I originally posted the following artwork I created, along with comment, onto my Facebook wall…

“Be Grateful, Citizens of Iraq! America has given you the gift of Democracy!” (by Rayn)

“Be Grateful, Citizens of Iraq! America has given you the gift of Democracy!”
(Artwork by Rayn, and originally located here)

My Commentary: Created in December of 2008 using Photoshop.

The P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act…

I originally posted the following artwork I created onto my Facebook wall…

“The P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act: Because, sometimes, America DOES negotiate with terrorists. (Especially when they hate us for our freedom)” (by Rayn)

“The P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act: Because, sometimes, America DOES negotiate with terrorists.
(Especially when they hate us for our freedom)”
(Artwork by Rayn, and originally located here)

My Commentary: Created in December of 2008 using Photoshop.