Discussing the Cartoon, “Captain Planet”

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Sybelle S…

“Captain Planet and the Planeteers”

Sybelle S.: Captain Planet, he’s a hero 

Mandi L.: With your powers combined, I am Captain Planet! My hubby and I both loved that when we were kids, we still use that line lol 

Groucho M.: Gonna take pollution down to zero.

Rielly J.: Oh wow now this post takes me back! Captin planet had a mullet!

Rielly J.: Robot Chicken: Ted Turner Saves Earth:

Rayn: Nothing says “cool” like blue skin and a green Mullet. LOL.  “Business in the front. Party in the back”!

Rielly J.: Lol I just got the idea to cosplay at a con like this and run through the halls screaming “CCCCAAAPPPPTTtIIINNN PPPPPLLLLaAAANNNNNNIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Groucho M.: (Sound of shattering glass) You’ll pay for this Captain Planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sybelle S.: I think Captain Planet is sexy. Green mullets r hot.

Happy Birthday, Mr. Marley!

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

War / No More Trouble – Live in California, 1979 – Bob Marley:

My Commentary: Happy Birthday, Mr. Marley! One love! ❤

The Programming Provided by Television…

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “People Over Politics,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“My job is to keep you distracted while restricting the limits of public debate. I sensationalize talking points to keep you focused on the trivial while ignoring the important questions. I never contradict the status quo because what I really do is deliver state-sponsored propaganda. What I omit is often more significant than what I share.”

My CommentaryUnplug the Signal!

Starvation as Warfare

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following captioned photo here, being shared by the page, “The Arcane Front,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Man Poses with Tens of Thousands of Bison Skulls: This photo from the 1870's shows a man proudly standing in front of a mountain of tens of thousands of bison skulls —an iconic American species that was systematically slaughtered by the millions as European Americans settled the west. The U.S. Army actively endorsed the wholesale slaughter of these animals for two main reasons: to remove any competition with cattle, and to starve Native American tribes who greatly depended on the bison for food. Without the bison, the resisting tribes of the Great Plains would either be forced to leave or die of starvation."

“Man Poses with Tens of Thousands of Bison Skulls:
This photo from the 1870’s shows a man proudly standing in front of a mountain of tens of thousands of bison skulls —an iconic American species that was systematically slaughtered by the millions as European Americans settled the west.
The U.S. Army actively endorsed the wholesale slaughter of these animals for two main reasons: to remove any competition with cattle, and to starve Native American tribes who greatly depended on the bison for food. Without the bison, the resisting tribes of the Great Plains would either be forced to leave or die of starvation.”

My Commentary: Destroy the food supply, destroy the people – historically, and presently!

Reacting to So-Called “Anti-War” Obama Supporters

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Bastiat Institute,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“That face you make when someone says they are ‘anti-war’ but supports Obama”

My Commentary: Mine is more of a disgusted scowl than a smirking eye-roll.