Zero Tolerance? Try Zero Intelligence! Brain-Dead Bureaucracy in Action!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Amy Parham sits with her son, Rhett, who displays the cartoon Bomberman64 picture he drew and brought to school, which resulted in his suspension

Amy Parham sits with her son, Rhett, who displays the cartoon Bomberman64 picture he drew and brought to school, which resulted in his suspension

Autistic Student Suspended for Bringing Drawing of Cartoon Bomb to School:

( An Upstate mom says she will meet with school and district officials Wednesday after her special needs son was suspended for drawing a picture of a cartoon bomb from a video game.

Amy Parham spoke with News 4’s Mandy Gaither on Tuesday.

She said her son, Rhett, is autistic and goes to Hillcrest Middle School.

Parham said Rhett drew a picture of a cartoon bomb from a video game he watches on YouTube called Bomberman 64.

She said Rhett drew the picture at home and then took it to school and showed it to some older students.

She said one of those students told school officials about the drawing and Rhett was suspended.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: And, THIS is brain-dead bureaucracy in action, my friends!
“Zero tolerance”? Ha! Try: ZERO INTELLIGENCE!

Besides, No Victim, No Crime, control-freaks!
Get a grip on yourselves, already!

Discussing the Cartoon, “Captain Planet”

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Sybelle S…

“Captain Planet and the Planeteers”

Sybelle S.: Captain Planet, he’s a hero 

Mandi L.: With your powers combined, I am Captain Planet! My hubby and I both loved that when we were kids, we still use that line lol 

Groucho M.: Gonna take pollution down to zero.

Rielly J.: Oh wow now this post takes me back! Captin planet had a mullet!

Rielly J.: Robot Chicken: Ted Turner Saves Earth:

Rayn: Nothing says “cool” like blue skin and a green Mullet. LOL.  “Business in the front. Party in the back”!

Rielly J.: Lol I just got the idea to cosplay at a con like this and run through the halls screaming “CCCCAAAPPPPTTtIIINNN PPPPPLLLLaAAANNNNNNIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Groucho M.: (Sound of shattering glass) You’ll pay for this Captain Planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sybelle S.: I think Captain Planet is sexy. Green mullets r hot.

Amusing Ourselves to Death?

Amusing Ourselves to Death:

My Commentary: The above illustration, by Stuart McMillen, was developed using the book, “Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Showbusiness,” by Neil Postman, which, among other things, juxtaposes Orwell’s “1984” with Huxley’s “Brave New World.”

Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse on the Age of Show Business

Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse on the Age of Show Business

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