The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Sybelle S…
Sybelle S.: Captain Planet, he’s a hero
Mandi L.: With your powers combined, I am Captain Planet! My hubby and I both loved that when we were kids, we still use that line lol
Groucho M.: Gonna take pollution down to zero.
Rielly J.: Oh wow now this post takes me back! Captin planet had a mullet!
Rielly J.: Robot Chicken: Ted Turner Saves Earth:
Rayn: Nothing says “cool” like blue skin and a green Mullet. LOL. “Business in the front. Party in the back”!
Rielly J.: Lol I just got the idea to cosplay at a con like this and run through the halls screaming “CCCCAAAPPPPTTtIIINNN PPPPPLLLLaAAANNNNNNIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Groucho M.: (Sound of shattering glass) You’ll pay for this Captain Planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sybelle S.: I think Captain Planet is sexy. Green mullets r hot.