Beware of ‘Free Healthcare’ from the State

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

First Coronavirus Vaccine Doses Administered In Hard Hit Indigenous Communities:

() Health officials are administering the first doses of a coronavirus vaccine in Indigenous communities across the U.S., one of the populations most vulnerable in the pandemic.

About 68,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses will initially be distributed among the population, the Indian Health Service said last week. Doses began to arrive this week and will first be given to the elderly and health care workers.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Most of y’all act like our government didn’t operate a “free healthcare” eugenics program for most of the 20th century, and an entire national body of medical professionals didn’t dutifully sterilize untold hundreds of thousands of the disabled, minorities, the indigenous, and immigrants on behalf of “science,” and the Almighty State’s legislators and judges, AND IT REALLY SHOWS!

Foolish Pale-Face, Elizabeth Warren…

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Foolish pale-face, Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren’s DNA Test is ‘Useless,’ ‘Inappropriate and Wrong’ Cherokee Nation Official Says:

(Juliana Rose Pignataro) After Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren took a DNA test to determine if she had Native American ancestry, a Cherokee Nation official responded, calling such a test “useless.” In a statement, Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. said the test was “not evidence for tribal affiliation.”

Warren released a DNA test on Monday showing that while the vast majority of her ancestry was European, there was “strong evidence” of Native American ancestry, “likely in the range of six to 10 generations ago.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Foolish pale-face…

Timeless Colonial Wisdom…

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Statist Zombies,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Good news! The government said if we just give them our guns, they’ll keep us safe.”

My Commentary: We’re saved!

Discussing the North Dakota Access Pipeline (NDAP)

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Daniel Sv, after he shared a captioned graphic from here

(all replies from third parties have been omitted for clarity)

Daniel Sv.:

So I still have friends on my page liking and sharing these anti-pipeline articles and memes. If you don't pipeline for a living, and you're not from North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, or Illinois then you should really stay out of this conversation, especially if you're just going to keep sharing the same lies over and over. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but this is not about opinions, it's about facts, and the facts are; the Dakota access pipeline DOES NOT cross the Standing Rock reservation, it DOES have all the necessary permits and approvals, and it is NOT disturbing any burial grounds This information is easily accessible online with a quick Google search, but I'll include a map anyway, in case you don't have time to research the lies you're sharing. And here are the links showing they have the permits, and that North Dakota's top archeologists surveyed these sites and found nothing. before you start in about possible water contamination, that's just another scare tactic. The Missouri river will be directionally drilled and the pipeline will have the latest technologies and monitoring systems to help prevent releases and will be constructed 90 feet below the riverbed to ensure nothing may reach the river — far above and beyond what’s required by federal regulations. Don't be fooled, the battle right now may be against this pipeline, but the war is on oil. I know some of you hate oil (even though you consume as much as the rest of us on a daily basis) but there simply is not enough renewable energy to meet the current demand, so this oil WILL be brought to market one way or another, and the safest way is via pipeline. They have a smaller carbon footprint and are 4.5 times less likely to cause a spill than trains. It's an easy choice. So don't tell me you're against pipelines because you care about the environment, because the two ideas are contradictory. With that being said, I will not hold back any longer, if you've got the nerve to post these lies, I will call you out on it, so you better do your research before you chime in on something that you know nothing about.

So I still have friends on my page liking and sharing these anti-pipeline articles and memes. If you don’t pipeline for a living, and you’re not from North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, or Illinois then you should really stay out of this conversation, especially if you’re just going to keep sharing the same lies over and over. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but this is not about opinions, it’s about facts, and the facts are; the Dakota access pipeline DOES NOT cross the Standing Rock reservation, it DOES have all the necessary permits and approvals, and it is NOT disturbing any burial grounds This information is easily accessible online with a quick Google search, but I’ll include a map anyway, in case you don’t have time to research the lies you’re sharing. And here are the links showing they have the permits, and that North Dakota’s top archeologists surveyed these sites and found nothing.

And before you start in about possible water contamination, that’s just another scare tactic. The Missouri river will be directionally drilled and the pipeline will have the latest technologies and monitoring systems to help prevent releases and will be constructed 90 feet below the riverbed to ensure nothing may reach the river — far above and beyond what’s required by federal regulations.
Don’t be fooled, the battle right now may be against this pipeline, but the war is on oil. I know some of you hate oil (even though you consume as much as the rest of us on a daily basis) but there simply is not enough renewable energy to meet the current demand, so this oil WILL be brought to market one way or another, and the safest way is via pipeline. They have a smaller carbon footprint and are 4.5 times less likely to cause a spill than trains. It’s an easy choice. So don’t tell me you’re against pipelines because you care about the environment, because the two ideas are contradictory.
With that being said, I will not hold back any longer, if you’ve got the nerve to post these lies, I will call you out on it, so you better do your research before you chime in on something that you know nothing about.

Rayn: The protesters, also called “water protectors,” are attempting to prevent the Missouri River from possible destruction in the event of a pipeline leak.

This much more detailed map accurately portrays this fact:


The Reaction of the Average American to the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Indigenous Americans,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Dear Riot Police, The whole world is watching. These are peaceful water protectors. Don't you dare harm a single person."

“Dear Riot Police,
The whole world is watching. These are peaceful water protectors. Don’t you dare harm a single person.”

My Commentary: Or, by golly, I’ll vote harder!