Double-Thinking About National Sovereignty: Trumpite Edition

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following status update here, posted by Voluntaryist, Larken Rose, and originally shared it to my own wall, along with commentary…

Larken Rose: The world according to Trumpites:

a) Several thousand unarmed men, women and children, escaping a crappy situation in their country of origin, walking towards the U.S. = A HORRIBLE INVASION! WE NEED TRUMP TO CALL OUT AN ARMY TO VIOLENTLY REPEL THEM!!

b) Several thousand heavily armed U.S. troops go to a foreign country on the other side of the world and start killing people, including civilians, and blowing shit up. = Perfectly fine, spreading freedom. Murica!

My Commentary: *sigh*

Just Four More Days Until the Hypocrites on the Left Become Staunchly Anti-War, Again!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam”
April 30, 1967 – Riverside Church, NY

Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam:

The sermon which I am preaching this morning in a sense is not the usual kind of sermon, but it is a sermon and an important subject, nevertheless, because the issue that I will be discussing today is one of the most controversial issues confronting our nation. I’m using as a subject from which to preach, “Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Just four more days until the hypocrites become staunchly anti-war, again! Some have even been trying to get a head-start on the crowd for a few months, now!

Shilling for the State is What the Mainstream Media Monopoly Does Best!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

"The Washington Post"

“The Washington Post”

Rayn: WashPost Makes History: First Paper to Call for Prosecution of Its Own Source (After Accepting Pulitzer):

Jordan K.: Well fuck the Washington Post then. What a bunch of pieces of shit.

Sara: Sickening.

Rayn: Shilling for the corrupt State is what most of them do best.

Discussing Hypocritical Western Victimhood Culture’s Positive Reaction to Mockumentary, “No Men Beyond This Point”

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Hypocritical Western Victimhood Culture Reacts Positively to Mockumentary, ‘No Men Beyond This Point’“…

Rayn“No Men Beyond This Point” Trailer:

Hmmm… How about some similarly-themed, and purportedly “wry-humored” films, like “No Women Beyond This Point,” “No Whites Beyond This Point,” “No Jews Beyond This Point,” “No Disabled Beyond This Point,” or “No Blacks Beyond This Point,” etc. Would such mockumentaries ever even be premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, like this one was? Would audiences respond by thinking, “what a premise!,” as this trailer suggests? Would those who negative react be considered “oh-so-sensitive” and labelled as having “fragile egos,” like this trailer also suggests?

Social Justice Warriors and feminist, alike, who just so happen to be prominent members of victimhood culture, and appear perpetually “triggered” by anything that can even remotely be seen as “offensive,” including comedy and satire, are, of course… eagerly embracing this film, and it’s premise? Hypocritical much? Doublethink much? *facepalm* Ironically, they fail to realize that this mockumentary is actually critical of the concept that female-dominated society will lead to utopia…

Matthew A.: Fragile male egos! Coming from an SJW, that is one of the most formidable acts of projection I have ever witnessed.

A film like this could be quite interesting, but of course this is just going to be progressive nonsense.

Let’s see a world without men and find out whether the women left have any electricity, running water, machine repair, etc….

I agree that there wouldn’t be any war, principally because there wouldn’t be a large enough population to warrant it.

Some people! 😉

Hypocritical Western Victimhood Culture Reacts Positively to Mockumentary, “No Men Beyond This Point”

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto the Facebook wall of an acquaintance, after discovering it being shared from here

 “No Men Beyond This Point” Trailer:

My Commentary: Hmmm… How about some similarly-themed, and purportedly “wry-humored” films, like “No Women Beyond This Point,” “No Whites Beyond This Point,” “No Jews Beyond This Point,” “No Disabled Beyond This Point,” or “No Blacks Beyond This Point,” etc. Would such mockumentaries ever even be premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, like this one was? Would audiences respond by thinking, “what a premise!,” as this trailer suggests? Would those who negative react be considered “oh-so-sensitive” and labelled as having “fragile egos,” like this trailer also suggests?

Social Justice Warriors and feminist, alike, who just so happen to be prominent members of victimhood culture, and appear perpetually “triggered” by anything that can even remotely be seen as “offensive,” including comedy and satire, are, of course… eagerly embracing this film, and it’s premise? Hypocritical much? Doublethink much? *facepalm* Ironically, they fail to realize that this mockumentary is actually critical of the concept that female-dominated society will lead to utopia…