Hiding CIA Torture Evidence in the Name of Fighting “Terrorism”

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Jose Rodriguez defends the government act of hiding torture evidence in his new book, "Hard Measures"

Jose Rodriguez defends the government act of hiding torture evidence in his new book, “Hard Measures”

Ex-CIA Chief Defends Hiding Torture Evidence, But We Need to Know the Truth:

() It feels like we have been here before. Another testosterone-fueled memoir from a charter member of President Bush’s torture team unapologetically seeks to justify the unjustifiable with inflated claims of attacks thwarted and secret battles won.

Latest to the plate is Jose Rodriguez, former Head of the CIA’s National Clandestine Service, and the man charged with implementing the application of enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs) to detainees that fell into the CIA’s clutches after 9/11.

Rodriguez was not always quite so willing to boast about his handiwork. In 2005 he destroyed 92 videotapes of high value detainees Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri being water-boarded at secret CIA prisons in Thailand.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: “Defends hiding evidence.” Read that a few times in a row. Critical thinking is key here. When, where and why does “evidence” typically require “hiding”? Also, what technically constitutes “criminal conspiracy”? Here’s a helpful clue: http://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-charges/conspiracy.html

For 30 Years, US and UK Have Plotted Against Libya’s Gaddafi Using Secret Intelligence Agencies

I originally posted the following information onto my Facebook wall…

Libya: Target of USA and the UK

Libya: Target of USA and the UK

I recently read the following article:

Libya: Who’s Terrorizing Whom? (1997)

Intrigued by the reading, I decided to do some research into the topic. I soon wrote the blog, US-Armed, Trained & Funded Mujahideen Becomes Maktab Al-Khidamat (MAK), Al Qaeda, Taliban, and Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) Terrorist Groups. Upon completing it, I continued to do more research, soon discovering the following information:

(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

US-Armed, Trained & Funded Mujahideen Becomes Maktab Al-Khidamat (MAK), Al Qaeda, Taliban, and Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) Terrorist Groups

Mujahideen, Al Qaeda, Taliban, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group... Hmm... (Artwork by Karsten Schley)

“Question 1: What was first – the egg or the hen?
Question 2: What was first – Al Qaeda or US foreign policy?”
(Artwork by Karsten Schley, as part of the comic, “Just Guess”)

Let’s start with the facts about the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG):

According to the article,

The LIFG was founded in Afghanistan during the early 1990s by a group of mujahideen who had fought against the Soviet occupation. Once they returned to Libya, their main goal became overthrowing the Qadhafi regime in order to establish an Islamic state.

With this information in mind, read my other article, entitled “Questioning the Motives Behind America’s Invasion of Afghanistan,” and take note of the following facts:

(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Ron Paul: War in Libya is “Impeachable Offense”

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Ron Paul – War in Libya is an “Impeachable Offense”:

My Commentary: A few days ago, CIA operative Anderson Cooper had Congressman Ron Paul on his show to discuss the current illegitimate campaign of American military aggression (aka “unprovoked, undeclared, unauthorized war”) being launched against Libya, and funded by our tax dollars, in order to murder untold numbers of innocent civilians in the name of the “War on Terror” (aka “corporate imperialism”).

Anderson Cooper: Rich Elitist, CIA Operative & Professional Actor

The following article was inspired by my debate, “Discussing Egypt’s Revolution“…

2011-02-02 - Anderson Cooper - Rich Elitist, CIA Operative & Professional Actor

Anderson Cooper has the word “actor” written all over his face. To me, he’s simply not believable as the “regular person” he presents himself to be. There is something very “manufactured” him. In doing some quick research about his background, I discovered the following facts:

  1. Anderson Cooper is the great-great-great-grandson of Cornelius Vanderbilt, a super-wealthy shipping/railroad tycoon – one of the richest Americans in history. This information reveals that Cooper is a member of the ultra-wealthy “elite” class on the very top of the hierarchy, far removed from major society. Of course, in the spirit of unhealthy self-insulation, Cornelius even married his cousin towards the end of his life, helping to keep a portion of his wealth “all in the family.” (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)