Discussing Obama’s Oscar-Award-Worthy “Drink” of Filtered Water from Flint, Michigan

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Watch Actor, Obama, ‘Drink’ Filtered Water from Flint, Michigan“…

Rayn: That was some “sip”! 😉 LOL!

Obama “Drinks” Filtered Water from Flint, Michigan:

Bradley T.: This is a joke! Good drinking water is water a 6 year old can drink, this country is sad…..

Samantha P.: usually they say under 2, pregnant women, and the elderly because a 2yo isn’t as immune as 6 year old..Obama is a joke anyway!

Paul G.: Fake sip at that

Diana B.: Foolery

Andrea S.: oh, so fake, so fake

Nicole B.: …he’s no fool! LOL!


Andrea S.: he didn’t swallow

Rayn: There’s always a first time for everything! 😀

Watch Actor, Obama, “Drink” Filtered Water from Flint, Michigan

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Obama “Drinks” Filtered Water from Flint, Michigan:

My Commentary: That was some “sip”! 😉 LOL!

Raging Against the “Financial Elite,” Trump-Style!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Rootstriker,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Raged against the 'financial elite' Wants the CEO of JPMorgan to run the Treasury Department"

“Raged against the ‘financial elite’
Wants the CEO of JPMorgan to run the Treasury Department”

My Commentary: LOLZ!

Withdraw Consent Because Statism is Really Just a Cult!

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance…

Actor, Isaiah Washington

Actor, Isaiah Washington

Unay U.: Actor Isaiah Washington Wants Black People to Stay Home to Fight Police Brutality:

Imagine if we just all, at the same time, stopped participating in the country, period. Or even if we didn’t stop total participation. What if we all cut off our cable on the same day? What if we all did something to affect the monetary structure at the same time. It worked with the bus boycotts.

Rayn: Withdraw Consent! Statism Is A Cult!

Roads to Kill For!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Liberate RVA,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Drops tears for 'the children'... Then drops bombs on the children. Maybe it's time for a common sense ban on Government."

“Drops tears for ‘the children’… Then drops bombs on the children. Maybe it’s time for a common sense ban on Government.”

My Commentary: All of the wars and mass murders that our tax dollars fund are worth it, so long as Muh Roads and Muh Borders exist! – Shit Statists Say