Obama Will Continue Engaging in War Crimes, Unabated, Until the Day He Leaves the White House

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Obama Will Not Roll Back Drone Program Before Trump Takes Office:

Meanwhile, The Guardian is reporting that President Obama will not tighten rules governing the U.S. drone assassination program before Donald Trump’s inauguration.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Surprised? I’m not…

Your Conscience is Clean, America! Obama is Only Dropping “Peace” Bombs on the Middle-East and Africa!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Barack Obama continues and escalates America's timeless legacy of endless wars

Barack Obama continues and escalates America’s timeless legacy of endless wars

Obama Has Bombed Twice as Many Countries as Bush:

() Every President changes significantly once they’re elected and actually in the White House. It happened to small government conservative George Bush who made speeches about cutting government and a restrained foreign policy in the 90’s. He turned out to be one of the biggest government Republicans in decades by creating new departments, expanding Medicare, starting two wars, and bombing two other countries. His small government beliefs completely evaporated by the time he left office.

Then Barack Obama was elected because of his campaign of hope and change. He won because he ran against the wars and against the big government security state. But, just like Bush, he changed his tune once in office. Obama kept the Iraq War going exactly as long as Bush wanted him to. He followed the timetable that Bush had negotiated to the letter. Obama actually changed Bush’s plan for the Afghanistan War though, by extending it. Obama has promised to keep troops there until 2016, which is two years longer than Bush had originally planned.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Don’t worry. They were “peace” bombs, so y’all haven’t *really* been supporting a women-and-children-murdering sociopath, committing crimes against humanity for eight solid years. Oh, no. Only Bush is guilty, and Obama merely “inherited” his mess. Your conscience is clean. 🙂

Obama-Led Drone Strikes Kill Innocents 90% of the Time in Afghanistan, in Just a Single Five-Month Campaign:

Whoops! Ignore the article above. It’s irrelevant.

Instead, focus on what’s really important! Continue posting those stats “proving” that Obama has been “saving” the economy… you fucking lizards…

Bush 2.0 is Addicted to Endless Wars

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"Why did you kill my family?"

“Why did you kill my family?”

War to “Stop” War: Why the Obama Doctrine is Ravaging the Middle East:

(Ramzy Baroud) Everyone seems to have a theory on how to obliterate ISIS, or ‘Daesh’. However, two points are rarely raised: one, concerning the origins of the group and the second, on whether there are genuine intentions to defeat it, in the first place.

We must boldly address the first to unravel the enigma behind the rise and growth of ‘Daesh’ – otherwise, how else can the group be dismantled.

We must contend with the second point before engaging in superfluous discussions about the most appropriate war strategy – that if war is, at all, the answer.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Bush 2.0

Exercising “Freedom of Association” in Response to Open Celebration of Crimes Against Peace

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I shared my artwork, “Spreading Democracy

Rayn: Are you doing your part to help spread democracy, tax-serf?

"I'm doing my part to help spread democracy! ARE YOU?" (by Rayn)

“I’m doing my part to help spread democracy! ARE YOU?”
(Artwork by Rayn)

Morgan S.: HAHAHAHA we did tooo.

Morgan S.: aint nothing better then watcvhing a two thousand pound JDAM take out those donkey fuckers that were just shooting at us from a building. KAA-BOOOOMMMMM. Say hello to Allah you fuckers.

Morgan S.Marine Hornet Drops 2,000 Pound JDAM Missile on Terrorist Target:

Rayn: Perhaps you missed the point, Morgan, but the artwork I shared above is completely ANTI-WAR in nature, and derides the terrorism of spreading “democracy” with bombs. From now on, please use your *own* Facebook wall to eagerly and gleefully celebrate the American government’s Crimes against peace, their imperialist occupation policies, and your hatred towards Muslims, rather than doing so upon mine. I am not even slightly interested in reading such comments, and am annoyed and disappointed to read yours, here. And, now that I have made myself explicitly clear, if you continue to exercise such “freedom of speech” on my wall, I will respond by exercising my “freedom of association.” Consider this your first and final warning. I can only hope that you understand my request, and will show it the full respect it deserves, so that we can continue to be friends on Facebook without issue. And, please try not to take exception, cousin, because many others wouldn’t even receive a warning. I would simply take action, instead, with the “unfriend” button. Thanx for your time.

“Nation-Building” is Orwellian Newspeak for Wars of Aggression, Occupation and Imperialism

The following debate originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Brooke M…

Brooke N.: Does anybody remember when we did nation building instead of nation breaking? When we gave foreign aid instead of shock and awe? I suspect that if we made micro loans to individuals in Latin America instead of running our drug wars through their countries, we’d have fewer immigrants from there and they could stay home and make a living and one day our neighbor would be as well off as we and not be plagued with gangs and drugs and paramilitary and insurgents. If we had actually fixed Iraq after we broke it instead of having hired Halliburton and paying them billions for doing nothing, we could have provided power and clean water, people are appreciating ISIS over there for giving them power and clean water. We could have given people jobs rebuilding schools instead of having tortured their citizens and weaving a web of intrigue from inside the green zone—and it would not have cost nearly as much as the wars we’ve gotten involved in since 2001. Just a thought.

Preston W.: There you go again being rational…

Brooke N.: I used to be wild and crazy now people accuse me of being rational all the time. Getting old.

Patricia B.: Rational is the new wild and crazy.

Brooke N.: Patricia I wish! Never seen such a bunch of nut cases wanting to be President before. SMH.

Obbe H.: Nation building doesn’t work to well either since cries of white colonialism/imperialism would ring out. That’s not as far fetched as it sounds since I said the same thing Brooke said in a history class and was told that I was being insensitive to other cultures. Latin America has rarely been a stable environment and we haven’t helped matters-the drug trade is just one example dysfunctional governments in that area. Iraq of course not fixable after our invasion but not exactly an area of stability before. Note the Iraq/Iran war, the Kurds and the Shia/Sunni mix just festering behind everything. No Brooke with age your beginning to sound more and more utopian.

Laura M.: We certainly screwed up Iraq every way we possibly could…continuing tragedy playing out. Even though our government let all of us down in that, I still know of lots of programs sponsored by generous Americans to help others in need. Programs such as HEIFFER, Habitat for Humanity, OX-FAM, World Vision, UNICEF, and many other programs, some of which are faith-sponsored programs. It will continue to be on us… The ordinary Americans to reach out to give helping hands…just because we are part of the HUMANITY FAMILY!

Rayn: “Nation-building” is newspeak for wars of aggression, occupation and imperialism…