American Sheeple More Interested in Twinkies Than Israel’s Latest Round of US Tax-Funded War Crimes Against Gaza

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

According to Google Trends, Twinkies are More Interesting to Americans Than US-Tax-Dollar-Funded Israeli War Crimes in the Gaza Strip

According to Google Trends, Twinkies are More Interesting to Americans Than US-Tax-Dollar-Funded Israeli War Crimes in the Gaza Strip

Rayn: Google Trends Results: Americans are More Interested in Twinkies than Israel and Gaza:

(update: archived copy of above link located here:


Jonas A.: How about this?!?! Israel and Gaza lob Twinkies missiles at each other…

Rayn: Hmmm… That might just work, Jonas! And, with new military contracts, Hostess would also be saved! Long live the Twinkie!

Jonas A.: LOL!!! Militarized Twinkies bombs never tasted so good!!!

Peace is a Human Right!

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “American Peace Cooperative“…


“Time to abolish war. Peace is a human right.”

“Time to abolish war. Peace is a human right.”

Brian J.: War isn’t a human right?

Rayn: Self-defense is a human right. “War is a racket.”Smedley Butler

Rayn: War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent.” – George Orwell  (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

America’s Wars of Terror

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “Lets Find 1 Million People Who Know the IRAQ War is ILLEGAL!“…


War on of Terror

Brian J.: War is terror!

Rayn: Exactly!

Daniel Sv.: Peace is good, but always keep your powder dry.

Democracy FAIL!

The following correspondence originally took place here, on the page, “Public opinion cell Pakistan,” after I was tagged in their photo by an acquaintance…

Public Opinion Cell Pakistan: Like and Share this page:

Well done USA you have done a great job to kill the Terrorist of the future how knows tomorrow those children become the most wanted terrorist for USA because of your excellent technology you Know the child will be the terrorist of the future. So OK the rest of the people are stupid to Criticizes you are saving USA and west.

"Well done America"

“Well done America”

Mohammed S.: Taking Lives of the Innocent Children through DRONE ATTACKS is TERRORISM. Dont call it Collateral Damage. Who is Terrorist ? These Innocent Children OR America.. Absolutely America is Terrorist Number one in the World.

Rayn: War itself IS terrorism. To engage in a war of aggression, as America has done with Iraq, Pakistan, and other countries, is considered a Crime against peace. When the military murders a civilian during war-time, as American drone bombings have done again and again to many foreign nations, it is considered a War Crime.

Rayn: For the second American presidential election in a row, the democratic and republican party candidates are both pro-war! Some choice, eh? The American people are being undone by the American Empire! 🙁

Mohammed R.: America is the biggest terrorist actually is the mother of a all the terrisom world is facing today

Samia S.: in bachoon k wursa kya ab terrorist nahi bn jaingey?????????????????

Amanullah K.: e soch soch kr sr k bal sary sufyd hogae k log aysy kyo nhi soch ty

Blame 9/11 Rescue Workers for Air-Borne Illnesses They Developed, or Blame the EPA and Whitehouse for Their Criminal Conspiracy to Lie About Dangerous WTC Air Quality?

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Eleventh Year Since 9/11“…

Death Toll Continues after 8 Years for 9/11 Responders:

Rayn: As I lament the great and senseless loss of life that took place on this day in history, I also do my best to celebrate our “Ground Zero” responders, as well. And, since so many are STILL sick and dying as a direct result of their valiant and noble efforts in the weeks and months following 9/11/01, the battles they have been fighting since then should not be ignored! Their betrayal by our federal government is nothing less than criminal, and continues to go largely unnoticed!