I originally posted the following statement and video onto my Facebook wall…
Intriguing anomaly…
Roaring Bright Red-Orange 1500°F Core in WTC Ruins 6 Weeks Later:
I originally posted the following statement and video onto my Facebook wall…
Intriguing anomaly…
Roaring Bright Red-Orange 1500°F Core in WTC Ruins 6 Weeks Later:
I originally posted the following statement and video onto my Facebook wall…
Jet fuel cannot reach the temperatures required to turn structural steel beams into molten liquid…
9/11 Heroes Saw Molten Steel Flowing Like Lava in Ruins of WTC:
I originally posted the following statement and videos onto my Facebook wall…
Ever heard about the “meteorite”? This anomaly is a physical impossibility in regards to the revolving “official stories,” because jet fuel cannot reach the temperatures required to melt structural steel beams…