I originally posted the following statement and video onto my Facebook wall…
Intriguing anomaly…
Roaring Bright Red-Orange 1500°F Core in WTC Ruins 6 Weeks Later:
I originally posted the following statement and video onto my Facebook wall…
Intriguing anomaly…
Roaring Bright Red-Orange 1500°F Core in WTC Ruins 6 Weeks Later:
I originally posted the following statement and video onto my Facebook wall…
Jet fuel cannot reach the temperatures required to turn structural steel beams into molten liquid…
9/11 Heroes Saw Molten Steel Flowing Like Lava in Ruins of WTC:
I originally posted the following information and statement onto my Facebook wall…
Death Toll Continues after 8 Years for 9/11 Responders:
As I lament the great and senseless loss of life that took place on this day in history, I also do my best to celebrate our “Ground Zero” responders, as well. And, since so many are STILL sick and dying as a direct result of their valiant and noble efforts in the weeks and months following 9/11/01, the battles they have been fighting since then should not be ignored! Their betrayal by our federal government is nothing less than criminal, and continues to go largely unnoticed!
The following debate originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…
Genaire: Firefighters Watch As Tennesee Home Burns To The Ground:
Raheem G.: nope… its called the free rider effect, we’re learning this in intro to pol. right now. the law requires people to pay the fee, but people dnt pay, thinkin that it will get taken care of anyway. they learned the hard way. they had the choice to pay they chose not too… their loss.
Raheem G.: they were following orders man, give em a break.
Genaire: So if you are behind on luck due to this engineered economic crisis and are without a job it’s ok to just be homeless now?
Rayn: This whole unnecessary situation was created by the strangle-hold monopoly that our local governments maintain over almost all of our civil services nowadays. Too bad there isn’t a REAL FREE MARKET with REAL FREE CHOICE. If there was, some business savy person (or even one dedicated to helping others) would formulate healthy competition to the government-based solution, even by offering a DIFFERENT VERSION of the SAME SERVICE – perhaps a “PAY-PER-USE” version. And, if you think that forms of INDEPENDENCE from governmental oversight sounds impossible, then take a history lesson, because that is exactly how we lived BEFORE our government began ENCROACHING upon our FREEDOMS!
Honestly, with all of the economic issues America is facing right now, if the elected officials in this Tennesse town were intelligent, they would simply charge an INDIVIDUAL RATE to those not interested in subscribing to (or can’t afford) what is, by all technical definitions, a “fire insurance plan” for $75 a year. Why does the State’s SINGLE-OPTION MONOPOLY go UNQUESTIONED as somehow “good” or “necessary”? Choose to pay or get nothing? HOW EXACTLY IS THAT CHOICE!? Obviously, what is at work here is NOT CAPITALISM, but instead, TYRANNICAL STATE-SANCTIONED CORPORATISM (also known as FASCISM)!
I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…
Hundreds of First Responders Die of Cancer:
(RussiaToday) – New York’s emergency services were among the first on the scene of the 9/11 disaster but put their personal safety in jeopardy. Those involved in the rescue and clean-up operation quickly became national heroes.
But now 85 per cent of them are suffering from lung diseases which they say were caused by the huge clouds of dust. Those people are now calling on the state for medical support.
So far the US government has refused to help.
My Commentary: Today, I lament the great loss of life on this day in history… I am also saddened by the fact that our gov’t has turned a blind eye to the many WTC first responders & clean-up crewmen now suffering & dying as a result of exposure to deadly toxins at Ground Zero.
For this, we can thank the Bush Administration, along with the EPA, and their head, Christie Whitman, who falsely declared the lead and asbestos-filled air in lower Manhattan as “safe.”