Multiple Studies Reveal the Truth that Human Beings Are Naturally Compassionate and Cooperative

The following debate originally took place here, upon the Facebook page, “Living in Modern Times“…

Living in Modern Times:

"10 Things to Use to Make You a Better Human 1. Self Ownership 2. Natural Law 3. The Non-Aggression Principle 4. Consent 5. Using Conscience at All Times 6. All Interactions Must be Voluntary 7. Only Self Authority is Inherent to Humans 8. Truth & Freedom Come Before Family Obligations 9. Positive Rights Are Not Inherent to Humans 10. No Ruling Class, Society, & Collective Can Provide 'Justice,' 'Morality,' or Protection, as These Are Owned, Individually"

“10 Things to Use to Make You a Better Human
1. Self Ownership
2. Natural Law
3. The Non-Aggression Principle
4. Consent
5. Using Conscience at All Times
6. All Interactions Must be Voluntary
7. Only Self Authority is Inherent to Humans
8. Truth & Freedom Come Before Family Obligations
9. Positive Rights Are Not Inherent to Humans
10. No Ruling Class, Society, & Collective Can Provide ‘Justice,’ ‘Morality,’ or Protection, as These Are Owned, Individually”

Joseph H.: Fine on,paper but won’t work,in reality. You don’t understand the universal nature of evil.

Living in Modern Times: oh? please explain the universal nature of evil, Joseph H.

Jeff R.: You don’t understand the universal nature of good.

Joseph H.: Everyone is sinful and everyone is capable of evil. Radicals always make the same basic, fatal mistake. They want to overturn an established flawed
order and replace it with What they think is a utopia. They don’t see that
they are subject to the same faults as the rulers they replaced. It happened in the French Revolution and in the Russian Revolution. A bloody, sadistic regime replaced a long established monarchy. Power corrupts and unless you have something to balance that, you’ll be corrupt too.

Rayn: Reality does not tend to agree with the highly cynical notion that humanity needs to be ruled over by morally-bankrupt criminal scum. And, the Statists currently denying our natural right to live, to own ourselves, and to peacefully co-exist are simply those who wish to violate them, by way of robbery, slavery and/or murder – either directly, or through violent, coercive proxy (church, state, etc). This is typically done while espousing the usual brand of illogical superstition, replete with “original sin/presumed guilt/pre-crime/chaos” myth about the inherent “evil/cruelty/disorder” of humanity.

Of course, I reject such cult-like nonsense, as it is absolutely illegitimate. Not only have I personally met more kind and caring souls than I can count, I also recognize every human being as a UNIQUE, SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUAL – to be judged ONLY by the merits of their OWN character! As far as I’m concerned, assigning humanity with labels fit for criminals is merely an excuse for the corrupt and polluted souls among us to collectively oppress and punish us all for crimes we haven’t even committed, in an effort to catch a boogie man that lives no further than the nearest MIRROR! Besides, biology, itself, does NOT support the “freedom is slavery” double-think mentality of such control-freaks, no matter how many clever excuses they come up with in order to justify their lust to harm and enslave others:

Forget Survival of the Fittest: It Is Kindness That Counts (Aug. 2009):

Humans Evolved To Be Peaceful, Cooperative And Social Animals, Not Predators (Feb. 2006):

The Compassionate Species (July 2012):

Young Children Are Intrinsically Motivated to See Others Helped (August 2011):

We’re In This Together: A Pathbreaking Investigation into the Evolution of Cooperative Behavior (Nov. 2012):

Humans Naturally Cooperative, Altruistic, Social (Sept. 2011):

A Cooperative Species: Human Reciprocity and Its Evolution (Jan. 2011):

Instinctively, People Are Generous (Sept. 2012):

(archived copy of above link located here:

Emory Brain Imaging Studies Reveal Biological Basis For Human Cooperation (July 2002):
(Brain intrinsically rewards reciprocal altruism over self-interest)
(*all it takes is free-will initiation of altruism by only one party in most cases!)

Thinking About Giving, Not Receiving, Motivates People to Help Others (Aug. 2012):

Joseph H.: Sin isn’t an,illusion, you just don’t want to admit it exists and acts on you too.

The American Government Considers Saudi Arabia an “Ally,” Even Though the Brutal Regime has Institutionalized Fundamental Human Rights Abuses

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Man given public lashes, after being found guilty of "terrorism"for the "crime" of publicly posting his Atheist beliefs online, while criticizing the Quran.

Man given public lashes, after being found guilty of “terrorism”for the “crime” of publicly posting his Atheist beliefs online, while criticizing the Quran.

Saudi Arabia Sentences a Man to 10 Years in Jail and 2,000 Lashes for Being an Atheist:

The 28-year-old reportedly refused to repent, insisting what he wrote reflected his beliefs and that he had the right to express them.

The hardline Islamic state’s religious police in charge of monitoring social networks found more than 600 tweets denying the existence of God, ridiculing Koranic verses, accusing all prophets of lies and saying their teaching fuelled hostilities.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: US “ally”… 😉

Seeking to Remove the Freedoms of Others Due to Being Offended is Tyrannical

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “V is For Voluntary,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"If you seek the removal of freedoms from an opponent, simply on the grounds that they have offended you, you have crossed a line to stand alongside tyrants." - J.K. Rowlings

“If you seek the removal of freedoms from an opponent, simply on the grounds that they have offended you, you have crossed a line to stand alongside tyrants.” – J.K. Rowlings

My Commentary: Here’s one for the cultural Marxists…

The State’s Allegedly “Temporary” Liberty-Stripping Measures Are Often Permanent

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “The Art of Not Being Governed,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Give up your freedom It's only temporary"

“Give up your freedom
It’s only temporary”

My Commentary: 😉

As Long as You Have a Master, You Are Not Free!

As I scrolled through some Facebook pages, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Campaign For a Longer Leash and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…


As long as you have a master, you are not free

As long as you have a master, you are not free

My Commentary: Pssst… spread the word.