We Are NOT Powerless!

The following debate originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Brooke N…

"We are powerful beyond measure"

“We are powerful beyond measure”

Brooke N.An NC Tax Plan That’s an Exercise in Villainy:

Please read the comment and the article. This is NOT about a conspiracy theory. It is about what is happening to North Carolinians in broad daylight. I have friends who involve themselves in all kinds of conspiracy theories. The Rothschilds, the Fed., Kennedy’s Assassination, 9/11. To my mind, some of these theories could be at least partially true, but it doesn’t matter because even if we knew for sure that the CIA or whomever killed Kennedy, there is nothing we can do with that knowledge. We are powerless. If we could do anything it would make no difference in our lives. I find those things to be distractions from what happens where the rubber hits the road. At the state and local level where we KNOW what is happening, it affects us and we CAN do more about it than we can about Obama’s origins or FEMA camps. With that I share a commentary on North Carolina’s new tax legislation.

Amos H.: I’m glad to see that Gene Nichol is still fighting the villains who’ve tried to silence him.

Brooke N.: Sad situation in NC.

George R.: I had the honor of volunteering on Gene’s campaign when he ran for Senate in Colorado. He is a wonderful man. That said, I have always been a supporter of the “Fair Tax” and don’t believe that it is a “regressive tax” at all. But here we are not talking about the “Fair Tax” exactly although both entail a sales tax.

Sharon B.: One sure thing they can expect is a rise in petty theft. Food ad clothing come first and everything else follows.


"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." - Alice Walker (Artwork posterd located here, on the Facebook page, "Autism Woman's Network")

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” – Alice Walker
(Artwork originally located here, upon the Facebook page, “Autism Women’s Network“)

A Miscarriage of Justice

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of the now-closed Waltz-Astoria owner, Pedro Gonzalez…

Ehsan Abdulaziz

Pedro Gonzalez: And they say the system isn’t broken?

Saudi Millionaire Beats Rape Charge After Claiming He ‘Fell Into’ Teen:

Veronica S.: Money talks…..

Rick T.: Call me a conspiracy theory nut job if you want but when such an egregious travesty of justice occurs, a decision that any child would be able to make, it is pretty damn clear that it is obviously on purpose and these people all have deep ties to each other or, at the very least, are owned due to some black mailing.

Rayn: $ystem isn’t broken. It’s FIXED!

Jury Nullification WORKS!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2015-11-23 - Jury Nullification WORKS!

Colorado Juries Keep Letting People Go for Driving on Weed, Prosecutors and Cops are Furious:

Citizens of Colorado are increasingly employing the use of jury nullification to keep innocents people out of cages – and it’s driving prosecutors CRAZY.

Adams County, CO — Colorado prosecutors are getting frustrated at jurors for daring to exercise rationality instead of blindly following the will of the State. A growing number of juries are acquitting people of driving under the influence of cannabis, even when tests show they are over the state’s legal blood-THC limit.

Since the recreational use of cannabis became legal, Colorado authorities are scrambling to apply rules and regulations to this new reality. They have established a 5 ng/ml blood-THC limit for operation of a motor vehicle, which seems to be arbitrary as there is no preponderance of data to support a specific number.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: “Don’t let ’em fool ya!” Jury Nullification works! No Victim, No Crime! 🙂

No Victim, No Crime – a Fact as Old as Time!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Freedom is a State of Mind,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary

"We don't need Police (policy) officers, we need Peace Officers, people who keep the peace. When the police enforce the political opinions of the ruling class, you have a police state, which is tyranny."

“We don’t need Police (policy) officers, we need Peace Officers, people who keep the peace. When the police enforce the political opinions of the ruling class, you have a police state, which is tyranny.”

My CommentaryNo Victim, No Crime! This fact is as old as time! 😉

Power-Hungry Senator Proposes Licensing for Bicycle “Operators”

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"Licensed Cyclists Only"

“Licensed Cyclists Only”

State Senator Proposes to ID Bicycle “Operators”:

(Scott Roberts, Freedom Foundation) For the past few years, the Freedom Foundation has published our “Big Spenders” list. As a result of I-960, the Office of Financial Management is required to calculate the 10-year cost of any bill that proposes a new tax or a new fee. We then take all the bill sponsors and add up these projected costs, and publish a rank-ordered list. It’s informative for taxpayers to know which legislators propose bills that increase the cost of government and legislators who don’t.

It’s stunning how much government growth—at the expense of taxpayers—is proposed by some legislators.

I’m heading up the project this year, so lately I’ve been up to my ears wading through bills from this past session. I have to give credit to Anne Marie Gurney, our ace research analyst for digging up this bill information. It’s Senate Bill 6301, and it proposes to license bicycle “operators”.

(Read entire article here…)

My CommentaryAccording to the article, “the Senator says this bill was proposed because of constituent complaints about cyclists who were a traffic nuisance and who were urinating in people’s yards–and identification numbers are needed to file complaints with the authorities.”

Good thing that the complaints weren’t against pedestrians, eh?

No matter how peaceful our behavior is, the government always eventually creates some sort of pretext to interject itself into the equation as our Accuser, turned Gatekeeper, on the matter (but, of course). We are being branded guilty until proven innocent with every single oppressive measure like this that is even suggested, let alone passed! Every new law makes a new crime – or, should I say “pre-crime,” in cases like this (just like so many others)! Meanwhile, the prisons continue to overflow with more and more Individuals convicted of VICTIMLESS OFFENSES!

These professionally-lying, morally-bankrupt, sociopathic so-called “representatives” are slowly but surely criminalizing our humanity, while legalizing their criminality, right before our very eyes! Wake up and smell the tyranny!