“War on Drugs” Provides Government With Legal Pretext to Shape Black Market, Then Corner It

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Kratom plant

Kratom plant

RaynThe DEA Is Placing Kratom And Mitragynine On Schedule I:

Teddy C.: I think the DEA is doing the pharmaceutical industry’s dirty work because it would lower people’s dependence on prescription drugs and thus affect their bottom line.

Tammy S.: So I’m confused. If the leaf helps people to recover from heroin addiction why make it a Class I? Isn’t this a good thing. The attached article says it’s non-addictive.

Rayn: Government creates law against substance.
Government seizes substance whenever possible.
Government law, and enforcement of it, lead to artificial scarcity.
Government law, enforcement and subsequent artificial scarcity, drive drugs into black market.
Government corners black market, as only entity legally allowed to possess substance.
Government monopoly and control over substance drive prices into sky.

Diana B.: bastards

State Enforces Immoral “Laws” to Promote Poverty, Corner Black Market, and Consolidate Power

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Sapona Ridge Country Club home in the small town of Lexington, North Carolina

Sapona Ridge Country Club home in the small town of Lexington, North Carolina

510 Pound Marijuana Bust in North Carolina Mansion:

Two men have been arrested for turning a North Carolina country club mansion into a massive marijuana farm.

Hong and Haih Nguyen rented a large Sapona Ridge Country Club home in the small town of Lexington where WFMY reported they operated seven grow rooms containing more than 500 pounds of pot when cops stormed in Monday evening.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Thieving pigs enforce immoral “laws” to promote poverty, corner the black market for the State, and consolidate more power into the hands of the government officials at the expense of peaceful individuals.

Thinking About Health Food

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Plant-Based Whole Food Living,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Think about it: if there is a 'health food' section in the grocery store, what does that make the rest of the food sold there?"

“Think about it: if there is a ‘health food’ section in the grocery store, what does that make the rest of the food sold there?”

My Commentary: LOL!

Government: Expanding and Cornering the Black Market, Since Inception!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"No medical value?"

“No medical value?”

BREAKING: DEA Proves Loyalty to Big Pharma, Maintains Cannabis Has “No Medicinal Value”:

(Jay Syrmopoulos) The federal government has once again revealed itself as nothing more than puppets to the big pharma industry. On Thursday, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) moved to deny any changes to marijuana under its federal drug schedule, keeping the drug in the most restrictive category for U.S. law enforcement purposes.

For decades the pharmaceutical industry has poured millions into the pockets of corrupt politicians as they lobbied to keep cannabis illegal. As the Free Thought Project reported last month, a new study from the University of Georgia shows exactly why all that money was spent. Legal marijuana destroys big pharma’s profits.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Government: expanding and cornering the black market, since inception!

Discussing Plant-Based Proteins

The following correspondence originally took place on the Facebook wall of an acquaintance, after they shared my post, “Know Thy Protein!,” and tagged me…

Allison H.: Saving this! Awesome to know! Thanks Rayn!

“8 Great Sources of Plant-Based Protein:
Tempeh, 1 cup, 30 g
Almonds, 3 oz., 18 g
Lentils, 1 cup, 18 g
Chickpeas, 1 cup, 15 g
Quinoa, 1 cup, 11 g
Peas, 1 cup, 9 g
Oats, 1 cup, 7 g
Spinach, 1 cup cooked, 5 g” (The VeganRoad)

Rayn: You’re most welcome, Allison! 🙂