The Irony of Statists Telling Anarchists to “Stop Forcing Their Politics On Them”

The following correspondence originally took place here, upon the Facebook page, “Government Does Not Exist“…

Government Does Not Exist:

"When a Statist Tells an Anarchist To Stop Forcing Their Politics on to Them"

“When a Statist Tells an Anarchist
To Stop Forcing Their Politics on to Them”

Rayn: Indeed! These types of Statists are some of the most intellectually dishonest, around!

I’ve actually been told, and I quote, “As a True Believer (TM) of your own chosen ideology you apparently project rigid, dogmatic inflexibility onto everyone who disagrees with you.”

My reply was lengthy, but here’s how it began… “As a true believer in your own chosen ideology of Statism, YOU project your rigid, dogmatic inflexible, not too mention violent and murderous, tyranny over your fellow man, because you don’t trust anyone but the sociopaths you elect into office, who rob you to live lavishly, while putting innocent human beings in cages for victimless crimes, like possession of non-toxic plants, while bombing women and children, overseas, with the ill-begotten tax funds that take from us all. Calling Voluntaryism, which is the freedom and peace of consensual relations between Sovereign Individuals, ‘rigid, dogmatic inflexible’ ideology completely discredits you, like usual. Keep licking those boots, and eating dust, my friend! 🙂

You can read the whole correspondence, here, if you’re in the mood for a laugh:

Exposing the Retrogressive Left:

Ms. Lauryn Hill and Lysander Spooner: A Match Made by the IRS

The following debate originally took place here, upon the Facebook wall of Ms. Lauryn Hill, after I posted a captioned photo being shared by the page, “Strictly Voluntary,” along with a comment of my own…

Rayn: Check it out, Ms. Lauryn Hill! Voluntaryists understand your position, all too well! Taxation is Theft!

Artwork originally located here, upon the Facebook page, "Voluntary"

Ms.Hill in part of her statement to the tax judge: “I had an economic system imposed on me.”

Ms.Hill was caught in the trap that Lysander Spooner wrote of over a century ago:
“And yet we have what purports, or professes, or is claimed, to be a contract—the Constitution—made eighty years ago, by men who are now all dead, and who never had any power to bind us, but which (it is claimed) has nevertheless bound three generations of men, consisting of many millions, and which (it is claimed) will be binding upon all the millions that are to come; but which nobody ever signed, sealed, delivered, witnessed, or acknowledged; and which few persons, compared with the whole number that are claimed to be bound by it, have ever read, or even seen, or ever will read, or see.” ― Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution Of No Authority

No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority | by Lysander Spooner:

Murray N. Rothbard considered this essay by Lysander Spooner (1867) “The greatest case for anarchist political philosophy ever written.”

Lauryn Hill – War in the Mind (Unplugged):

#LaurynHill #Spooner #NoTreason #WithdrawConsent #EndStatism #StrictlyVoluntary

(Artwork originally located here, upon the Facebook page, “Strictly Voluntary“)

Jahgreen R.: is it like she wants to be free to express her childhood’s homeworks mistakes now that she is an adult??? I today realize what that word means which she spoke in a poem in London way back in 2005: “What an abracaration!!!” -aryist[s], what about -ist[s]!!! I am a voluntarist if I’m not gonna be a volunteer, but not for grammar mistakes, what’s fucked up with you??!!! Who were you sent by? You amp up not being with you!! Now you’re gonna complain why y’all’re not loving me? but, come on, you………………..repulse

Rayn: My apologies, but I’ve read your comment multiple times, and simply I can’t make out what you’re trying to say within it… Can you please clarify?

Jahgreen R.: A flabbiness spray for Lauren to put in a bubble. She needs to understand, anyone who earns more than average must pay taxes, that’s also accepting the luck could have been someone else’s to put in light out of the many poors who have talent in any other field but will never be able to access. Why wouldn’t the poor be able to receive from the wealthiest in partnerships funds, professional welfare like she ain’t ready to do so? Trust it or not, only the wind has got the answer to this question ; she’ll just have to follow the majority.

Rayn: Nope… Individuals cannot simply relegate rights which they don’t have, themselves, to others, no matter how much they imagine that such activity would somehow eliminate the lack of morality inherent to the unjust acts they seek to commit, by proxy – nor will it relinquish them of personal responsibility for the acts now being committed in their name. Since you and I have no right to take money from others without their consent, neither does the State! It wouldn’t matter if we tossed out the claim that it was for the “greater good,” or if we used some of the stolen money to buy our victim a service he also didn’t consent to, as we pocketed some for ourselves as payment for arranging said service. It would be a criminal act, regardless. It’s probably disappointing to hear this, if you’re a member of the Statist cult, but… yeah… true morality is universal, like that.

Taxation is Theft, and Taxation is Extortion. To those who advocate such theft under the guise of “helping the poor” with stolen funds, I say, “Check Your Statist Privilege,” my friend! (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

50 Shades of Tyranny

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Liberty Outlook,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"I will act violently on peaceful people to acquire... Total Socialism: energy, clothing, housing, food Modern Liberalism: universal healthcare Modern Conservatism: unemployment insurance, retirement insurance, limited healthcare (for seniors and poor), limited housing, food, energy (for the poor - 'safety net'), education Classical Liberalism: fire protection, roads Minarchism: police, military, courts Anarchy: I'm not willing to act violently on peaceful people. I will seek to acquire desired services without aggression through voluntary relationships."

“I will act violently on peaceful people to acquire…
Total Socialism: energy, clothing, housing, food
Modern Liberalism: universal healthcare
Modern Conservatism: unemployment insurance, retirement insurance, limited healthcare (for seniors and poor), limited housing, food, energy (for the poor – ‘safety net’), education
Classical Liberalism: fire protection, roads
Minarchism: police, military, courts
Anarchy: I’m not willing to act violently on peaceful people. I will seek to acquire desired services without aggression through voluntary relationships.”

My Commentary: 50 Shades of Tyranny. Enter through the narrow gate, and embrace the Law of Liberty.

“Rules Without Rulers”

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Wake Up & Disobey,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Science is anarchism. There is no ultimate or central authority in science. Scientists don't just seek to work within the existing order, they often actively attack mainstream scientific thought. The decentralised nature of science means that a very wide range of ideas exists. Innovation can come from anywhere and the leading theories can be overthrown at anytime."

“Science is anarchism. There is no ultimate or central authority in science. Scientists don’t just seek to work within the existing order, they often actively attack mainstream scientific thought. The decentralised nature of science means that a very wide range of ideas exists. Innovation can come from anywhere and the leading theories can be overthrown at anytime.”

My Commentary: “Rules without rulers,” in essence.

Successfully Peaceful and Prosperous Anarchy Has Existed All Throughout the Humanity’s History

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I shared artwork posted to the page, “Anarchist Memes” by a fan…


"What people think Anarchy is What Anarchy really is"

“What people think Anarchy is
What Anarchy really is”

Murilo M.: I like your posts Rayn, but this is one I have to disagree with. How can you be sure? Have you ever seen a country in which anarchy worked well?

Rayn: “I am often asked if anarchy has ever existed in our world, to which I answer: almost all of your daily behavior is an anarchistic expression. How you deal with your neighbors, coworkers, fellow customers in shopping malls or grocery stores, is often determined by subtle processes of negotiation and cooperation. Social pressures, unrelated to statutory enactments, influence our behavior on crowded freeways or grocery checkout lines. If we dealt with our colleagues at work in the same coercive and threatening manner by which the state insists on dealing with us, our employment would be immediately terminated. We would soon be without friends were we to demand that they adhere to specific behavioral standards that we had mandated for their lives.

Should you come over to our home for a visit, you will not be taxed, searched, required to show a passport or driver’s license, fined, jailed, threatened, handcuffed, or prohibited from leaving. I suspect that your relationships with your friends are conducted on the same basis of mutual respect. In short, virtually all of our dealings with friends and strangers alike are grounded in practices that are peaceful, voluntary, and devoid of coercion.” – Butler Shaffer

Rayn“Until shortly before the common era, the very last 1 percent of human history, the social landscape consisted of elementary self-governing kinship units that might, occasionally, cooperate in hunting, feasting, skirmishing, trading, and peacemaking. It did not contain anything one could call a state. In other words, living in the absence of state structures has been the standard human condition.” – Yale professor, James C. Scott

Has Anarchy Ever Existed Before?
(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)