The following debate originally took place here, upon the Facebook wall of Ms. Lauryn Hill, after I posted a captioned photo being shared by the page, “Strictly Voluntary,” along with a comment of my own…
Rayn: Check it out, Ms. Lauryn Hill! Voluntaryists understand your position, all too well! Taxation is Theft!
Jahgreen R.: is it like she wants to be free to express her childhood’s homeworks mistakes now that she is an adult??? I today realize what that word means which she spoke in a poem in London way back in 2005: “What an abracaration!!!” -aryist[s], what about -ist[s]!!! I am a voluntarist if I’m not gonna be a volunteer, but not for grammar mistakes, what’s fucked up with you??!!! Who were you sent by? You amp up not being with you!! Now you’re gonna complain why y’all’re not loving me? but, come on, you………………..repulse
Rayn: My apologies, but I’ve read your comment multiple times, and simply I can’t make out what you’re trying to say within it… Can you please clarify?
Jahgreen R.: A flabbiness spray for Lauren to put in a bubble. She needs to understand, anyone who earns more than average must pay taxes, that’s also accepting the luck could have been someone else’s to put in light out of the many poors who have talent in any other field but will never be able to access. Why wouldn’t the poor be able to receive from the wealthiest in partnerships funds, professional welfare like she ain’t ready to do so? Trust it or not, only the wind has got the answer to this question ; she’ll just have to follow the majority.
Rayn: Nope… Individuals cannot simply relegate rights which they don’t have, themselves, to others, no matter how much they imagine that such activity would somehow eliminate the lack of morality inherent to the unjust acts they seek to commit, by proxy – nor will it relinquish them of personal responsibility for the acts now being committed in their name. Since you and I have no right to take money from others without their consent, neither does the State! It wouldn’t matter if we tossed out the claim that it was for the “greater good,” or if we used some of the stolen money to buy our victim a service he also didn’t consent to, as we pocketed some for ourselves as payment for arranging said service. It would be a criminal act, regardless. It’s probably disappointing to hear this, if you’re a member of the Statist cult, but… yeah… true morality is universal, like that.
Taxation is Theft, and Taxation is Extortion. To those who advocate such theft under the guise of “helping the poor” with stolen funds, I say, “Check Your Statist Privilege,” my friend!
Rayn: Not sure what country you’re from, but here in Imperialist America…
Majority of American Tax Dollars Used to Fund Endless Wars of Aggression and Crimes Against Humanity:
Jahgreen R.: it’s money, give to the poor for the buckle to be done
Jahgreen R.: you are unlucky, vote for hilary, she has a something for partnership funds and eventually professional welfare. and yeah, you’re right: i live in france but i don’t see why she’d exact all-voluntarism for her only cause. you’re probably gathering lauren’s argumentation for herself. you’ll do her job and she’ll turn you off
Rayn: You should really look into using a better French to English translator, my friend. Your phrase, “for the buckle to be done” makes zero sense in English, in the context that you are using it…
Also, repeat yourself as you may, you are merely side-stepping the fact that you do not have the right to the hard-earned money of other peaceful, innocent individuals. This is called COVETING and STEALING, and it is completely IMMORAL.
Also, you can falsely accuse those who have money of not supporting the poor, all you want, but you have absolutely no proof that they aren’t doing so, privately. You’re just speculating against the peaceful and innocent, and taking on the role of the Accuser.
In America, the corrupt State will spend the majority of our tax dollars on a highly-militarized police state, as well as endless wars of aggression and crimes against humanity, long before ALLEGEDLY “helping” to care for the poverty-stricken, as I already noted. You are apparently living in a pure fantasy world of wishful thinking, my friend, wherein, through evidence-free blind faith, you believe that the biggest sociopathic criminals in society are somehow magically benevolent, and caring. LOL! Yet, the rest of us, with eyes to see the corruption of the State, or the horrific situation to have experienced it, first-hand – well, we simply have no obligation to embrace your State-worshiping religious beliefs!
Here’s how the American government uses our tax dollars to “take care” of the homeless:
But, Without Government, Who Would Criminalize Homelessness?
But, Without Government, Who Would Harass, Fine and Jail the Homeless?
But, Without Government, Who Would Brutally Murder the Homeless?
State Destroys Freshly-Packaged Deer Meat Intended for the Homeless:
Cops Murder Homeless Man for Victimless “Crime” of “Illegally Camping”:
City Outlaws Panhandling, Police Chief Now Threatening to Ban Giving to the Homeless:
90-Year-Old Florida Man Arrested for Second Time in a Week After Feeding the Homeless Again:
Rayn: Voluntaryists do not vote, my friend, so I’ll leave that to the mindless, morally-bankrupt Statist Zombies. Killary doesn’t represent me, nor Trump. They merely represent the Left and Right Wings of the America War-Hawk.
DemoRepubliCrats: (n) a group of Americans who vote to centralize their moral bankruptcy, murderous criminality, and insatiable desire for unrestricted control over the lives of others, into the shape of a violent, coercive, non-corporeal, unaccountable military-industrial plutocracy referred to as the “State,” largely in a legal effort to shield all individual members of said cabal from judicial prosecution, by diffusing and ultimately obscuring all personal accountability and private responsibility from the equation, while simultaneously creating a “legal” pretext for severely punitive, “State”-based enforcement of both 100% sponsorship for, and 100% participation in, said criminal racket, through use of extortion, conscription, violence, theft, kidnapping and imprisonment – all to the extreme detriment of the peaceful, non-consenting individuals who either currently live, or were originally born, within the imaginary borders of the “State.”
I say: Vacate The Vote and Vote for Nobody! Far from being “political inaction,” “a dereliction of public duty,” or “failure to politically speak,” it is the opposite of all such claims, and stands out, historically, as one of the most real, effective and non-violent means to place a solid vote of “No Confidence” against all candidates at any given election! Withdraw Consent!
Also, I posted here, on Ms. Lauryn Hill‘s Facebook wall, to share with her a meme that showed up on my news feed, containing, her name and image. While I was at it, I also let her know that Voluntaryists understand her position, while noting that Taxation is Theft. I’m not even remotely “gathering [her] argument for her…” I’m merely showing her support.
I have dated proof that I not only know Ms. Hill’s position on not paying taxes, but that I actively pointed out the Truth to others, when they were mindlessly regurgitating mainstream media monopoly disinformation onto her Facebook wall:
Decimating Disinformation Regarding Ms. Lauryn Hill’s Stand Against the Theft of Taxation:
Let’s see your evidence that you know where Ms. Hill is coming from, or that you are willing to defend her real position against lies and deception… I’ll wait (but, I definitely won’t hold my breath)…
In the meantime, your choice to involve yourself in my correspondence with Ms. Hill all boils down to your mental weakness and spiritual cowardice. That is evidenced by both your support of the morally-bankrupt ideologies of coveting and theft, as well as your pathetic, sheep-like conclusion that Ms. Hill will “just have to follow the majority.” This is unsurprising, as the bully known as the State thrives in environments where both victims and bystanders engage in mass denial and mass cowardice, as these each inevitably lead to mass Stockholm Syndrome, ensuring that the majority become so personally invested in their own oppression, they don’t hesitate to mindlessly attack any and all dissenting peers with pathetically absurd logical fallacies, in an effort to keep them silent…
Horizontal enforcement: empowering and emboldening Statism, always!
Rayn: As a final note, perhaps you were being sarcastic with your pathetic, sheep-like claim that Ms. Lauryn Hill will “just have to follow the majority,” but I certainly did get a good, hearty laugh when I read it, fully aware that she wrote an entire song completely destroying such weak-minded, so-called “thinking”…
Allow me to share the relevant lyrics, along with the context surrounding them:
“…I just accepted what you said
Keeping me among the dead
The only way to know
Is to walk then learn then grow
But faith is not your speed
Oh, you’d had everyone believe
That you’re the sole authority
Afraid to face reality
The system is a joke
Oh, you’d be smart to save your soul
Oh, and escape this mind control
You spent your life in sacrifice
To a system for the dead
Oh, are you sure…
Where’s the passion in this living
Are you sure it’s God you serving
Obligated to a system
Getting less then you’re deserving
Who made up these schools, I say?
Who made up these rules, I say?
Animal conditioning
Oh, just to keep us as a slave
Oh, just get out
Of this social purgatory
Just get out
All these traditions are a lie
Just get out
Superstition killing freedom
Knowing my condition
Is the reason I must die…”
Jahgreen R.: Rayn, I didn’t mean to mess up with your convictions but I’m seeing that my attack won’t consolidate you so I’ll have you read in the link. You have your majority to decide whether you’re gonna vote our not, you probably don’t have to say outta borders, or whatsoever…Remember the laws are scripted by the understandings of the divine books (Lauren trusts The Books, so should you). You first have to be able to stand out to quantum leap ability, when no choice is good but a result must come out than you have to make it yourself!! How long will you wait up? I just suggested that your Lauren does it herself for guys like you. Today, only Trump or Clinton will do it for you and you must choose. What you’re doing is being passive, that’s wack character. But neutrally: Vote! or Don’t vote! Up to you comes what you’ll’ve just sewn, and I shan’t get down from My Soulmate’s Throne! I’m where I am, man. I can’t get down to you. I can’t get down to the level when you can be so totalitary as far as rallying up everyone for her cause (Read your hashtags on the bottom of your post)? And, mind you!! She’s seen at the under-level where she is. It’s no sight(s mistake to see where she’s at. Tell yourself I have seen her before you and followed but I’ll tell you, build yourself a new trust in your soulmate cause Lauren eats up your one and that’s surely what I hate, but it’s off-topic. You had another question asking my intelligence at comprehending your post. How old are you? Stupid folk!!! Your post is full of ‘voluntary’ mistakes, exacts to give flesh and bone to Ms.41 and you say I’m not able to see clear through this propaganda. It all sounds like snake talk when she goes out this: That’s where I live, I don’t have to get down to a youth who thinks he got the edge on ‘Fight’: passivity! I’m gonna tell you where this deals with Lauren in some parts if you come back saying you’ve understood I’m Higher Than The Earth, I don’t need you to tell me that you think you’re part of the most intelligent men and that any other off of your clan aren’t. I don’t know you and neither do you know my J O K E S , you got all superscholar on a J o k e. I’m an adult, I don’t want you to think that fighting is staying passive, darn! So, I won’t introduce you to my intelligence but to my protective blessings upon
Jahgreen R.: “I Get Out” will have occured. She persists. In fifteen years, have you already realized she’s surely not clinging on The Christ but on her adam who lives in theory. I’m sorry, I’m not sorry for a female that type!
Rayn: As a Voluntaryist, I don’t allow horizontal enforce2ment from the Critical thinking-free majority sway me from following my own conscience! I will continue to Vote for Nobody, as the Truth dictates! Voting for “the lesser of two evils” represents nothing more than ACTIVE CONSENT to a system of LIES, THEFT, VIOLENCE, KIDNAPPING, SLAVERY, GENOCIDE and DEATH-WORSHIP, since its VERY INCEPTION! So, for the sake of my JUSTICE-AND-PEACE-LOVING SOUL, I finally, finally, finally SAID NO, LONG AGO!!!!!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!
Your claim that “what [I’m] doing is being passive,” is completely short-sighted, and historically-illiterate. As I already stated in one of my previous replies to you, “far from being ‘political inaction,’ ‘a dereliction of public duty,’ or ‘failure to politically speak,’ it is the opposite of all such claims, and stands out, historically, as one of the most real, effective and non-violent means to place a solid vote of ‘No Confidence’ against all candidates at any given election!”
For evidence of these uncomfortable Truths, unlearn the lies you’ve been taught, and discover the single-most important factor that ended the Apartheid State in South Africa…
Why You Got to Stop Voting:
As the author states: “Boycotting elections alone will not oust the oligarchy, but it is the only proven non-violent way to delegitimize a government. “
In all honesty, those who are voting just to keep the “other candidate” out of office are not really “choosing” anything! They’re merely HOSTAGES, NEGOTIATING WITH POLITICAL TERRORISTS! They are a kidnapping victims with a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome!
I refuse to deny the truth of America’s predicament. I actively Withdraw Consent, and choose the peaceful freedom of Voluntaryism, instead! To participate in the voting scam guarantees that these sociopathic criminals will continue to call themselves the “elect,” while further running America into the ground. They have spent centuries, now, incrementally criminalizing our humanity, while legalizing their criminality, and the cycle of abuse must finally end!
The Faulty Dilemma is an Enemy of Reason:
Rayn: And, I absolutely trust in the Law of Liberty, as written by the Hand of יהוה, my Father, to keep me from bondage. And, as stated in Scripture:
Míshlê [“Proverbs”] 4:27: Do not turn to the right or the left; Turn your foot away from evil.
Notice that stands is in direct opposition of your false claims that “only Trump or Clinton will do it for you and you must choose”! You continue to completely discredit yourself, and reveal yourself to be in bondage to corruption, and the traditions of man! It’s your character that is both whack, and weak! So, keep licking those boots, and eating dust, my friend! While you’re at it, continue to covet Ms. Lauryn Hill‘s hard-earned money, expose your desire to steal from her, and take the side of the Accuser, with completely unsubstantiated claims that she doesn’t help the poverty-stricken.
In the meantime, I will continue to let my Father’s light lead the way to my salvation, with high hopes that I make it HOME!
“Speak and so do as those who will be judged by the Law of Liberty.” – Yaaqob 2:12 (AKA “James the Just,” Brother of Mashiach)
The Tribe Will Prevail Over the Hive, and Decolonize the World!
Rayn: “Democracy: the system that picks murder over speech. Remember: voting with the crowd can get you Barabbas over Yahusha. ‘Do not turn to the right or the left; turn your foot away from evil.’ – Míshlê [Proverbs] 4:27”
When it comes to 2000+ year old democracy… יהוה, you are not the father. 😉 Ha!You Are Not the Father!
Rayn: Gee… Here’s a song in complete and total opposition to your claim that Ms. Lauryn Hill is “surely not clinging on The Christ”… Listen closely, as she shows her PURE LOVE and ADORATION for Maschiach’s life, and his self-sacrifice (or, “Christ,” as many call him):
It was released in 2004, to coincide with the movie, “The Passion Of The Christ.” This was a whole two years AFTER the release of her MTV Unplugged 2.0 album, containing the song “Adam Lives in Theory,” I might add!
Also, you apparently didn’t understand her song, “Adam Lives in Theory,” whatsoever, if you imagine Ms. Hill to be “clinging on” to “her adam who lives in theory.” I suggest you listen to the lyrics many, many more times, and perhaps, even process them through a decent French to English translator, for good measure, if you need assistance!
Rayn: As for your claim, “you had another question asking my intelligence at comprehending your post. How old are you? Stupid folk!!!,” that NEVER HAPPENED! I very respectfully wrote, “My apologies, but I’ve read your comment multiple times, and simply I can’t make out what you’re trying to say within it… Can you please clarify?”
Later in our correspondences, when it became very apparent to me that the content of your replies were being lost in translation, I stated,” You should really look into using a better French to English translator, my friend. Your phrase, ‘for the buckle to be done’ makes zero sense in English, in the context that you are using it…” I was also respectful, and carefully maintained it, even in the face of seemingly-hostile statements, laced with disrespectful language, and condescending dismissals, that YOU made towards me, such as:
“-aryist[s], what about -ist[s]!!! I am a voluntarist if I’m not gonna be a volunteer, but not for grammar mistakes, what’s fucked up with you??!!! Who were you sent by? You amp up not being with you!! Now you’re gonna complain why y’all’re not loving me? but, come on, you………………..repulse”
And, to address your repeated claims, “your post is full of ‘voluntary’ mistakes,” I’ll point out that the word Voluntaryist, and Voluntaryism are references to very specific forms of Peaceful Anarchism. It is a philosophy based upon the rejection of violent coercion, and the embrace of the EQUALITY and JUSTICE of Individual sovereignty and co-existence through The Non-Aggression Principle of voluntary interactions!
To put it succinctly, as stated by Wikipedia, Voluntaryism “is a libertarian philosophy which holds that all forms of human association should be voluntary.”
This is to be distinguished from your bizarre claims that the word is a “childhood’s homeworks mistakes,” or “grammar mistakes,” or any other such EASILY DISPROVABLE statements you make. Besides this, to clarify, the word is also not “voluntarist,” as you wrote, nor does it have anything to do with being a “volunteer,” as you also wrote. You obviously have an internet connection, so I fail to see why you choose not to even research the word Voluntaryist before being so erroneously, yet passionately, opinionated about it… That’s very sad…
While I’m at it, I’ll also address your statement, “Read your hashtags on the bottom of your post,” by noting that those hashtags are part of the original post by Strictly Voluntary. I did not write them up. Please learn to use Facebook properly, and you won’t make such obvious errors in formulating your conclusions.
Rayn: Your latest claim, ” I don’t know you and neither do you know my J O K E S , you got all superscholar on a J o k e,” it sounds like a weak cop-out, if you ask me… It sort of reminds me of the following:
“As a mad man who casts firebrands, arrows, and death, So is the man that beguiles his neighbor, and says, ‘Was I not joking?’ Where no wood is, there the fire goes out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceases.” – Míshlê [Proverbs] 26:18-20
Also, please explain exactly which soulmate you refer to when you stated, “build yourself a new trust in your soulmate cause Lauren eats up your one and that’s surely what I hate, but it’s off-topic.”
And, while you’re at it, please explain your statement, “I don’t need you to tell me that you think you’re part of the most intelligent men and that any other off of your clan aren’t.” I find this especially strange for the following reasons:
1) I am a female, and I’m also disabled, living with a neurological condition;
2) I do not consider myself to be “part of the most intelligent men;” (although I do consider myself to be part of the most free and peaceful, as both a child of יהוה, and a Voluntaryist);
3) As a child of יהוה, and a Voluntaryist, I adhere to Individualist anarchism. Hence, I am not a legitimate member of any specific clan, other than the human race. I merely embrace a moral philosophy of peaceful consensual co-existence. And, though it might surprise you, not only can ANYONE use their own free will to embrace these things, and even do so with their very own uniqueness, involved, but I literally spend almost all of my free time trying to convince others to do so, on my Facebook wall, and through my music, my artwork, and my writings, all contained within my website,, because I want to live in a peaceful world, free of coercion, violence, theft, and murder – and I believe that so many others do, as well
As you admitted, you truly “[don’t] know [me]”… And, unless you put aside your preconceived notions, you honestly never will.
Jahgreen R.: for those who were born in the 80’s ‘the buckle’s done’ means something. we would work long loops to get our ends, you see. we wern’t just passive. and don’t play magician like you could guess out whether or not i use a translator to speak naturally. that’s what i said you’re unlucky in your country with a fight that necessitates only passivity. Lauren’s ruined down, you understand this expression i’m making out for you: ruined down to the core. I see we aren’t on the same side, so I’m gladly leave you in yours. And requirements: use The Christ next time you’re gonna talk with me! Call me using my name as well cause I won’t scroll down all the posts to check if you’re ok on your side’s passive fight which anyway doesn’t include The Christ. Your life is yours, not mine. Here’s another part of my blog if you’d like to read about Lauren as for astral proportions. Completely ruined down, but Christ would save you if you trusted…
Rayn: Well, I was born in 1980, and my husband was born in 1975. And, neither of us have a single clue what the meaning of either “for the buckle to be done,” nor even “the buckle’s done.” Google, who has the combined knowledge of the entire searchable internet, gave back not a single legitimate result wherein either term was used it in the context that you provided.
Originally, I got only THREE results for the term “for the buckle to be done”: one with directions on the craft of button-hooking, and two about the PC game, “Secret of Monkey Island.”
And, just now, I got only TWO results back for the term, “the buckle’s done”: one about seat-belt safety, and one with a short story, wherein the closing of a belt was described.
With that in mind, I’m glad you FINALLY provided me with some sort of definition of your phrase (albeit a very strained one)… Which means I’ll still have to just figure it out on my own, sadly, with almost no help from you, even after corresponding with you, back and forth, multiple times.
In reality, I didn’t “play magician like [I] could guess out whether or not [you] use[d] a translator to speak naturally.” It’s not magic I used, but REASONING. I googled the first term you provided me, “for the buckle to be done,” before I even asked you about it. And, I found NOT ONE LEGITIMATE ENGLISH RESULT, just like I noted above. With this, I deduced that the phrase MUST be a French one. And, LO AND BEHOLD, my REASONING turns our to be absolutely correct!
Using an English to French translator, then using a google search of my results, I discovered the true phrase you’re UNSUCCESSFULLY trying to convey, “Boucler la boucle,” or in English, “Buckle the buckle”:
Rayn: As I already said in a previous reply to you, “your claim that ‘what [I’m doing is being passive,’ is completely short-sighted, and historically-illiterate. As I already stated in one of my previous replies to you, ‘far from being ‘political inaction,’ ‘a dereliction of public duty,’ or ‘failure to politically speak,’ it is the opposite of all such claims, and stands out, historically, as one of the most real, effective and non-violent means to place a solid vote of ‘No Confidence’ against all candidates at any given election!’
For evidence of these uncomfortable Truths, unlearn the lies you’ve been taught, and discover the single-most important factor that ended the Apartheid State in South Africa…”
Why You Got to Stop Voting:
Here’s just a TASTE of the article: “South Africa endured many years of violence under the Apartheid regime. Many people and countries worldwide boycotted Apartheid, but the US government insisted on supporting the Apartheid regime, saying that while the US abhorred Apartheid, the regime was the legitimate government of South Africa. Then the Apartheid regime held another election. NO MORE THAN 7% OF SOUTH AFRICANS VOTED (emphasis mine). Suddenly everything changed. No longer could the US or anyone else say that the Apartheid regime had the consent of the governed. That was when the regime began to make concessions. Suddenly the ANC, formerly considered to be a terrorist group trying to overthrow a legitimate government, became freedom fighters against an illegitimate government. It made all the difference in the world, something that decades more of violence could never have done.”
Rayn: Your phrase, “Lauren’s ruined down” actually doesn’t make full, clear sense. Technically, it’s more of a run-on sentence, in English. However, “ruined down to the core,” does, indeed make perfect sense, so it’s good that you chose to include it in your comment! Thanks!
With that said, it’s a WONDER why you’re here, on Ms. Lauryn Hill‘s page, at all… Since you don’t sound like a legitimate fan of her art, and are now attacking her, on top of your attacks against me, the English term for what you’re doing here is called “trolling.”
You say, “we aren’t on the same side, so [you’ll] gladly leave [me] in [mine],” and yet, you chose to RUDELY interject yourself into a correspondence I was having with Ms. Hill, then quickly espouse what I now know to be hostile statements, laced with disrespectful and abusive language, along with condescending dismissals. It’s too bad you didn’t “leave [me] in [mine],” long before you leveled your UNPROVOKED attacks against me. You could have saved us both a lot of time!
And, lest we forget, you certainly WEREN’T using “The Christ” when you were spewing these venomous words:
“-aryist[s], what about -ist[s]!!! I am a voluntarist if I’m not gonna be a volunteer, but not for grammar mistakes, what’s fucked up with you??!!! Who were you sent by? You amp up not being with you!! Now you’re gonna complain why y’all’re not loving me? but, come on, you………………..repulse”
And, yet, I’ve continued to be as clear, concise and respectful as possible to you, even when you did not offer me a modicum of the same courtesy, from almost the very beginning of this correspondence that you forced with me!
You are a total hypocrite, and a charlatan. Asking for what you don’t offer, and even now suddenly “requir[ing]” that I “call [you] using [your] name” in my replies to you. Well, to that, I say, take a long hard look at your latest post here, and show me EXACTLY where you’re “call[ing] me using MY name.” In fact, out of SEVEN comments you’ve posted here, only ONE contains my actual name! More hypocrisy! Sorry, my friend, but I won’t be JUMPING THROUGH HOOPS for you. I’m not a circus animal, and I’m not here to entertain you, nor be instructed on how to talk by a man who continuously shows me no respect. Find someone else to talk down to, and attempt to control, because I’m not the one!
Perhaps you didn’t notice this, but you’re the only one corresponding with me, here. It would truly surprise me if you didn’t notice, since you’re even the one who initiated this correspondence with me, in the first place. So, it should be apparent that I’m addressing you, every time. Until another Individual gets involved in this correspondence, there is simply no need to heed to your erroneous “requirement” that I continuously “call [you] using [your] name.”
You truly believe that you can now dismissively, arrogantly claim that my fight is “passive” and “doesn’t include The Christ,” as though you have any credibility left! LOL! Stop projecting, and start self-reflecting, my friend! Peace!
Sara: Rayn, it is clear that this man thinks you are also a man. He referred to you as man and dude i think a few times. Maybe his tone wouldn’t be so shitty and insulting if he understood that you are a woman. But then again, look how he is talking about Lauryn on her own fan page. I don’t think it’s worth trying to translate what he is saying. Let him exercise his own demons.
(All original portions of this work, by Rayn Kleipe, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, while all redistributed links, images, sounds, videos, and writings are protected under 17 U.S.C. § 107: Fair Use, or under Public Domain)