Props to All 7,000 Peace-Loving Israelis Who Protested in Tel-Aviv Against Gaza Massacre!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2014-07-29 - Props to All 7,000 Peace-Loving Israelis Who Protested in Tel-Aviv Against Gaza Massacre!

In Tel Aviv, Thousands Protest Against the Gaza Operation:

My Commentary: Props to every last the 7,000 peace-loving citizens of Israel who risked their safety on Saturday to gather together at Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square in order to firmly let the world know that being Jewish DOES NOT mean being PRO-WAR-CRIMES against the innocent civilians of Gaza! These brave Israeli war protesters faced off against an angry mob of their own fellow citizen-terrorists from the right wing, who not only chanted death threats at them, and continuously sang a song celebrating the IDF’s mass murder of Gazan children, but also eventually forced their way through police barricades, where they immediately began to block protesters from accessing one of Tel Aviv’s major streets. After the cavalry cops finally arrived and broke the up the roving mob, police then requested organizers to wrap up their event early for “safety” reasons. Protesters complied, disbanding without further incident…

Some excerpts from the article…

“The former demonstration was organized by Hadash, the leftist political party, and the organizations Combatants for Peace and The Parents Circle Families Forum…

The ill-will felt towards the Israeli left could be gauged well among the group of right-wing protesters that the police corralled in a separate part of the plaza. They continually shouted ‘Death to the leftists’ and expressed hope that ‘a rocket from Gaza’ would kill them. In addition they merrily sang ‘WHY IS THERE NO SCHOOL IN GAZA? BECAUSE NO MORE KIDS ARE LEFT.’ [emphasis mine] Some protesters tried to convince this group to stop singing these songs as they were detrimental to the message of support for the IDF that they were trying to promote, but to no avail.

Later in the evening these right-wing protesters tried to break through the police barrier into the greater demonstration and even succeeded for a short while to block Ibn Gevirol St., one of Tel Aviv’s major arteries. The police quickly pushed them out of the street with cavalry. During the clashes four protesters were arrested. Due to these outbursts of violence the police asked the organizers to cut the protest short. The demonstrators eventually left without incident.”

Here is a video recording of the large group of right-wing Israelis who showed up to this peace-promoting event in Tel Aviv in order to celebrate the Israeli government’s Gazan massacre, gleefully singing and chanting, “There’s no school tomorrow! There’s no children left in Gaza! Oleh!”:

Israelis in Tel Aviv 26.7.2014: “There’s no school tomorrow,there’s no children left in Gaza! Oleh!

Discussing Food Trucks as the Future of Small Business Ownership

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Food Trucks Are the Future of Small Business Ownership!“…

Rayn: Nice 😉

More Millennials Support Legalizing Food Trucks Than Google Glass and Bitcoin:

Mike R.: Food trucks and other mobile businesses just seem like the next logical thing. Especially when you pair it with apps. Imagine ordering something in advance and the truck comes right to your business and COOKS it right there. Talk about fresh delivery! Plus food trucks were one of my best parts of my time at Rutgers.

Food Trucks Are the Future of Small Business Ownership!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

More Millennials Support Legalizing Food Trucks Than Google Glass and Bitcoin:

You’ll pry food trucks from our cold dead hands.

That’s one of the takeaways from a new Reason-Rupe poll that surveyed 2,000 young adults for their thoughts on politics and government regulations. Among millennials, 81 percent want to legalize food trucks, making them the most popular of the 13 activities and products Reason-Rupe asked about in its polling.

Allowing mobile vendors to work freely topped support for plastic bags (66 percent) and buying incandescent light bulbs (64 percent) as well as new developments in technology like wearing Google Glass in public (66 percent), online gambling (58 percent), and the cryptocurrency Bitcoin (49 percent). As Emily Ekins of the Reason Foundation put it, “millennials don’t like to be nannied, opting for personal choice over regulation.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Nice 😉

But, Without Government, Who Would Use Violence to Enforce Victimless Crimes?

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following captioned photo here, being shared by the page, “Cop Block,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

NYPD Is Outta Control.
Standing in solidarity with the other NYPD Officers videotaped in recent days choking their victims. This poor excuse for a human was photographed choking a woman who was 7 months pregnant. If this was any member of the public, this would be attempted murder.
[Jacob/ We Copwatch]

Pregnant Woman Apparently Put in Chokehold by NYPD Cop During Dispute Over Illegal Grilling:

My Commentary: But, without government, who would “protect” society from a pregnant woman “illegal[ly] grilling” with her family on the sidewalk in front of her home, without so much as a single complaint from neighbors, and with the sidewalk not even being obstructed?

NAFTA Does Not Promote “Free Trade”

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Brooke N., after she shared artwork from here

Brooke N.: There’s a lot that is wrong in the world just now. This may not look like it competes in terms of horror with the slaughter of innocents or the invasion of Crimea and confusion and plane downing in The Ukraine. But High Fructose Corn Syrup kills too. It causes diabetes and heart disease. While there’s not the kind of violence involved that we see on the news, quietly ceding national sovereignty to corporations that in no way have the best interests of ordinary citizens at heart will cause as many unnecessary deaths as violent uprising does.

"When Mexico put restrictions on high fructose corn syrup, three different U.S. Corporations sued the Mexican government under NAFTA's investor-state system. Mexico lost and had to pay $169.18 million."

“When Mexico put restrictions on high fructose corn syrup, three different U.S. Corporations sued the Mexican government under NAFTA’s investor-state system. Mexico lost and had to pay $169.18 million.”

Rayn: The idea that NAFTA was created to promote “free trade” is an Orwellian-languaged joke! Corporate cartels are formed for the exact opposite reason!