Morally-Ambiguous, Duopoly-Duped Lemmings Struggle to Understand the State of Corruption We Exist Within

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Rayn: Firm Linked to Pelosi’s Husband Got Virus Loan, Data Show:

Patrick F.: No corruption in the White House?

“Just look at what the democrats are doing! Nothing else to see!”

Rayn: Cool story, bro! But, I’m not a morally ambiguous left-right duopoly lemming, so I’ll just continue to expose all forms of corruption, without hypocrisy, without hesitation, without apologies, and without excuses.

I already posted about the Whitehouse’s financial corruption, earlier today:

More Than 6 Companies With Ties to Congress Took Millions in Stimulus Loans:

Rayn: Trump Donors Among Early Recipients of Coronavirus Loans:

Rayn: Then, there was this gem, from earlier today:

McConnell’s Wife’s Family Business Appears on Trump Admin’s List of Companies That Received Most PPP Money:

Rayn: Don’t forget this one, from earlier today:

Trump Friends and Family Cleared for Millions in Small Business Bailout:

Patrick F.: Good. Everyone should be held accountable. ( I Thought u were simply aiming at dems without looking any other way.)

My fault.

Keep up the good work / fact checking!

Take care.

‘Impeachment is Off the Table’ Pelosi Strikes Again!

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Rayn: Told you! “Impeachment is off the table” Pelosi would continue to obstruct justice, for a third time… Criminality is a bipartisan policy. They only bicker over *which* tyranny and abuse should be implemented, next.

Pelosi Blasts Eric Holder Contempt Vote: ‘I Could Have Arrested Karl Rove Any Day’:

Pelosi: Bush Impeachment `Off the Table’:

Nancy Pelosi Took Donald Trump Impeachment Off Table as Democrats Won House:

Pelosi Urges Bipartisanship as Democrats Win U.S. House:

Peter: We all know that impeachment is not really “off the table “ Just waiting for Mueller and for the new Committee Chairpersons to take over in January. It is important to move slowly and deliberately to expose Trump to the half of the country that believes his lies if we really want to be successful

Genaire: his base is either a bunch of morons, racist or down right selfishly greedy. They won’t care what evidence is presented.

Stacie T.: Exposing him will do nothing, unfortunately. He’s been pretty blatant about it all right from the get. That half believes him because they want to. They know the truth. They don’t care. All they know is that they can be openly racist, homophobic, xenophobic and classist because of him, so they’re going to hold onto him like their nuts in a hateful game of paint ball. I mean, how dare the other half elect a black president and think they’re going to go unpunished for it, right?

Sandra C.: Pelosi definitely CANNOT BE TRUSTED!!

Rayn: Just saw this, and had a good laugh…

Rayn? Lookie, lookie ?
What a “surprise”! I’m completely “shocked”!

Donald Trump Endorses Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House:

Discussing Hillary Clinton’s Potential 2020 Presidential Bid

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Hillary Clinton, the politician that won’t quit… sadly

Rayn: LOLZ!

Hillary Clinton remains the Democrats best chance to defeat Trump in 2020:

Steven S.: Lol

Kala Z.: FAKE NEWS!!! haha She needs to go away…..

Tara B.: No…. Please…

Tammy S.: That’s too sad

Peter K.: She had her chance, time for new blood.

Kyra K.: sorry I’m with Peter.

Donna K.: What a good little facebook troll you have become!! Hillary won by 3 million votes-Donald Trump is the Illegitimate president. What could be sadder than having a grifter for our president…Grifters gotta grift…

Rayn: “Politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex.” – Frank Zappa 

Rayn: Hillary Clinton, on rape and murder of Prime Minister of Libya, Muammar Gadaffi:
“We came, we saw, he died.”

Hillary Clinton is Evil! (REMIX):


Donald Trump: Hillary’s Biggest Supporter!

Rayn: In Leaked Speech, Clinton Promises Bankers To Stand Against Marijuana Legalization “In All Senses Of The Word”:

RaynA Vote for Trump or Hillary is a Vote for the Continuation of the “War on Drugs” and the “War on Terrorism”:
(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Debating Facebook Engineer’s Resignation

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Rayn: Facebook Engineer Quits Over Company’s Mob-Like Attacks on Anyone Opposed to ‘Left-Leaning Ideology’:

Johnson J.: daily caller. bs

Rayn: BS? The source within this article is readily available…

The Facebook Engineer Who Wrote a Controversial Memo Decrying the Company’s ‘Intolerant’ Culture is Leaving:

Daniel Sv.: I only look forward to a social media that is not explicitly left wing.

Rayn: Check out, and, Daniel.

Johnson J.: what happens if you yell racial slurs in an ethnic neighborhood ? u get mobbed. Right wing is Nazi. this is a Nazi publication. BS. even if they were being overzealous… we are at war.

Rayn: Though you seem to indicate otherwise, Johnson, non-leftist Facebook employees didn’t “yell racial slurs in an ethnic neighborhood,” though they were met with the mob mentality of their liberal co-workers. As this former senior Facebook engineer stated, in a FB post he made back in late August, “they know that all of the talk of ‘openness to different perspectives’ does not apply to causes of ‘social justice,’ immigration, ‘diversity,’ and ‘equality’,” because “on these issues, [one] can either keep quiet or sacrifice [his or her] reputation and career.”

And, ironically, by reflexively, yet loosely, tossing around the label, “racist,” here, without even an inkling of such behavior coming from myself, nor from the article I provided, nor from the former Facebook employee mentioned within, you appear to be engaging in the same exact sort of behavior that this ex-employee complained his liberal co-workers were using to create an atmosphere of intimidation, fear and silence, behind the scenes, at Facebook.

Regardless of it’s recent popularity, use of the “Association Fallacy” is *not* a logical method of reasoning… It is merely an intellectually-dishonest and manipulative attempt to dismissively discredit an individual’s voice, without the burden of addressing even a *single* portion of their *actual* opinion.

Guilt by Association Logical Fallacy:

Meanwhile, if you haven’t been following this story, it started back in late August, when the author of the resignation above, Brian Amerige, a senior Facebook engineer, wrote a piece on Facebook’s internal message board, entitled “We Have a Problem With Political Diversity.” It’s located here:

Dozens at Facebook Unite to Challenge Its ‘Intolerant’ Liberal Culture:

In this writing, he stated the following, “We are a political monoculture that’s intolerant of different views. We claim to welcome all perspectives, but are quick to attack—often in mobs—anyone who presents a view that appears to be in opposition to left-leaning ideology. We throw labels that end in *obe​ and *ist​ at each other, attacking each other’s character rather than their ideas.”

And… here we are, less than two months later, watching Facebook scrub a large amount of very popular pro-libertarian, pro- anarchist, anti-State, and anti-Police-Abuse pages from their social network, among others, in a single, obviously-politically-motivated motivated move.

Facebook Purge: Here is The List Of Pages Deleted by Facebook:

In response to this, Brian Amerige chose to resign from his job position at Facebook. It should have become apparent, with his latest move, that Amerige’s understanding of the “left” is actually based on the *full* scale of the political spectrum, which starts with fully-consensual, individual liberty (anarchism), and progresses to fully-coercive, collectivist tyranny (communism, fascism). Under this scale, all of recently scrubbed pro-libertarian, pro- anarchist, anti-State, and anti-Police-Abuse pages absolutely were very “far right”:

“What your teacher told you:

And, these pages contained nothing “racist,” “homophobic,” or otherwise. I know, because I’ve shared from them over a hundred times, upon both my Facebook wall, and my website. I’ll provide examples, next, to make the content clear. (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Debating the 2016 Elections

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by an acquaintance from here


“I hope my team wins so my point of view will be forced on the other half of the nation, or I’ll get angry.”

Johnson J.: What if one simply doesnt like liars?

Rayn: Then, there’s very little reason to vote.

Johnson J.: u know….. we already lost. Democrats wont do anything but the bare minimum.

Rayn: Both of these murderous control-freaks support the “war on terror” and the “war on drugs.” Their efforts to colonize and imprison the planet make them both enemies of humankind.

Johnson J.: well.. at least the dems arent running people over with cars and sending bombs to people’s houses…..

Rayn: As I already stated, Democrats ARE “sending bombs to people’s houses.” It’s called the “War on Terror.” Or, do you really believe that these foreign victims don’t qualify as “people”?

Obama-Led Drone Strikes Kill Innocents 90% of the Time in Afghanistan, in Just a Single Five-Month Campaign:

Rayn: And, even if you are like many leftists I’ve debated, and really refuse to acknowledge African and Middle-Eastern civilian targets of American imperialism as “people,” does this level of apathy extended to all of the victims of America’s bipartisan “War on Drugs”?

Baby Critically Burned During SWAT Raid, Stun Grenade Thrown into His Crib:

These institutionalized, force-tax-funded systems of legalized violence and murder far outweigh any of the combined damage done by private citizens, by leaps and bounds. But, even when examining the private sector, Republicans are not the only incompetents using violence as a political tool…

Massachusetts Hit and Run Victim Targeted for Trump Bumper Sticker:

Cape Cod Woman Accused of Hitting Car Over Trump Sticker:

Protesters Block Streets, Attack Trump Supporter’s Car in Eugene After Peaceful Rally:

Boynton Beach Man Claims He Was Assaulted Over Trump Flag in Yard:

NY Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill Trump-Supporting Congressman and Campaign Staffer:

Man Who Made Death Threat Against Sen. Rand Paul has been Arrested, Lawmaker Says:

Jordan K.: Rayn +1 Johnson 0