Suggesting Anarchists ‘Move to Somalia’ is a Death Wish Considering US Has Been Bombing the Location for Years

The following debate originally took place within the Facebook group, “INTJ Females”…

Eliška P.:


Larissa R.: Rayn, yeah, right, go visit Somalia

Rayn: Yeah, right. To reflect your faulty “logic,” I would suggest that you go visit North Korea – where citizens enjoy almost 100% voter turnout, and candidates are selected unanimously. 😆

Argumentum Ad Somalium:

“A variation of the false dichotomy fallacy by which one assumes that the only intellectual alternative to one’s local government is Somalia.”

Larissa R.: I can see this is not the first time somebody tells you about possibility to move to Somalia 😉

Larissa R.: Just pick any country without a government and enjoy your “holiday”!

Larissa R.: And what comes to North Korea… well I’m really happy here where I live (Scandinavia), government and all (that Americans like to demonise).

And so is the majority of us here:

Rayn: It’s definitely not the first time that some “civilized” stranger online determined it to be “respectful” discourse to almost immediately threaten me with America’s murderous foreign policy because I dared to begin exposing the State as the most dangerous and illogical superstition humanity has ever known.

Trump Admin Pummels Somalia with Bombs in the Middle of a Pandemic, Killing Innocents:

Exposing Margaret Sanger and Her Planned Parenthood Organization for Crimes Against Humanity

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

“While we’re on the subject of dismantling racist monuments…”

Rayn: Genocidal eugenicist…

Congressman Calls On Smithsonian To Remove Bust of Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger:

Jim R.: Leave it up, so that eugenics can be exposed for the evil ideaology that it is

Kat B.: Yeah, she was not a great person. Love PP though.

Rayn: Kat, “Planned Parenthood,” originally called “American Birth Control League,” is a corrupt eugenics organization, founded by the popular racial hygienist, and genocidal eugenicist, Margaret Sanger. I’m not sure how you could “love” such a company, but as a disability rights advocate, I’m duty-bound to expose their involvement in crimes against humanity…

Margaret Sanger listed the aims of the American Birth Control League in the appendix of her 1922 book, “The Pivot of Civilization.” Included among them is the following point: “Sterilization: of the insane and feebleminded and the encouragement of this operation upon those afflicted with inherited or transmissible diseases, with the understanding that sterilization does not deprive the individual of his or her sex expression, but merely renders him incapable of producing children.”

Planned Parenthood was founded with the goal of maintaining “racial hygiene” in America, by promoting contraception, sterilization and abortion among the disabled…

The UN Human Rights Council, which uses international criminal law and in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, as a legal guideline, has recognized institutionalized “forcible abortions,” especially when implemented by the State, as a Crime against humanity.

Sanger famously stated, “Birth Control is not contraception indiscriminately and thoughtlessly practiced. It means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.” (“Apostle of Birth Control Sees Cause Gaining Here”, The New York Times, 04-08-1923)

Meanwhile, the founder and first presidency of the German branch of Planned Parenthood, called “Pro-Familia,” and established in 1952, with Sanger’s personal approval, was a Nazi eugenicist criminal.

Pro Familia (Germany):

Hans Harmsen, Sanger’s Racist Friend:

And, of course, Hitler’s right-hand physician, Joseph Mengele, AKA “Angel of Death,” was happy to keep practicing this exact “medicine,” likely with the direct support and protection of the US government.

Mengele an Abortionist, Argentine Files Suggest:

Were you aware of “Operation Paperclip,” a top-secret US government operation, wherein our State provided a safe haven to known Nazi war criminals, within South America, under new identities, so that they could continue to carry out their “science,” under cover, and report their findings directly to the US government?

Operation Paperclip:

Documents Shed Light on C.I.A.’s Use of Ex-Nazis:

U.S. Recruited Nazis More Than Thought, Latest Declassified Papers Show:

Were you aware that Hitler got most of his most ambitious racial hygienists theories about isolating, sterilizing and murdering “undesirables” from America’s “progressive” and “scientific” institutionalized eugenics movement, in the first place?

Bell vs. Buck (1927):

The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics:

Hitler’s Favorite American: “Biological Fascism” in the Shadow of New York City:

Haunted Files: The Eugenics Record Office Recreates a Dark Time in NY Laboratory’s Past:

Eugenics and the Nazis — the California Connection:

State’s Little-Known History of Shameful Science / California’s Role in Nazis’ Goal of ‘Purification’:

California Once Targeted Latinas for Forced Sterilization:

Dark Chapter of American History: U.S. Court Battle Over Forced Sterilization:

Eugenics Laws Restricting Immigration:

Kat B.: Rayn, I’m a historian. You haven’t told me anything I’m not aware of. But PP has changed their goals and provides a very necessary service. Most don’t even offer abortions. In many states they are the only place you can get an abortion. We simply don’t have a better option.

Rayn: I guess I’m just not educated enough to ignore crimes against humanity – especially, when there’s no statute of limitations on prosecuting the guilty.

Rayn: Planned Parenthood helped the US government sterilize one third of all Puerto Rican women. Completely unforgivable. Along with their role in helping to sterilize the disabled for at least half a century, they are a criminal organization, deserving only of prosecution and scorn.

Sterilized in the Name of Public Health:

Stanford University – Forced Sterilization in Puerto Rico:

Planned Parenthood Sterilized One-Third of Puerto Rican Women in Grisly Population Control Experiment:

All efforts to sanitize the crimes against humanity committed by Planned Parenthood, through dubious claims about the “necessary services” they offer, are logically fallacious, even by highly-privileged standards of statist “reasoning.” There are, in fact, many other eugenics-free organizations in America that are capable of providing women’s health services. However, the US government must first defund Planned Parenthood, so that our extorted tax funds can be directed towards subsidizing them, instead…

Exposing the Ill Logic of Pro-Mask Minions Spreading Corporate Pseudo-$cience

The following debate originally took place upon my post, “The $cience Is $ettled… On Side-Stepping the Scientific Method“…

Rayn: “The science is settled. No need to apply the scientific method.”


Patrick F.: “Breitbart News”

Nothing more legit.


“Your fallacy is genetic”

Rayn: The Breitbart article links a Bloomberg QuickTake News YouTube video, showing Dr. Fauci, stating “I would not want to do a randomized controlled study,” after he is asked about it by a Georgetown University student. It begins at the 27 minute mark:

A Conversation With Dr. Anthony Fauci at Georgetown University:

And, here’s the original Breitbart article:

Dr. Anthony Fauci Opposes Controlled Study on Effectiveness of Masks:

Patrick F.: Seems like you suffer greatly.


😂 😆

Patrick F.: Get your facts straight. Even a minute into that part, he clearly states:

“I would not want to do a randomized control study, because that would be having people NOT wear masks and see if they do better”

Which they would not.

“The benefit of wearing a mask is clearly there”

Do you even watch the stuff you post? Your claims are beyond farfetched and akin to that of an “infowarrior” (some of the looniest Karen’s on the planet)

I’m done here. This is just sad. Good luck on your crusade in showing the world what willing sheep they are, who would even hop on a cart to Auschwitz!

Just wow.

Patrick F.: One more you fall under (just for fun)

Patrick F.: Did they create this site just for your arrogant hypocrisy? You fit the mold, but you’ll never see it.

Don’t worry, others can

Rayn: 😹 Thanks for admitting that Fauci said, “I would not want to do a randomized control study” on the efficacy of wearing masks, in regards to the spread of COVID-19. His so-called “reasoning” as to “why” doesn’t change that fact, genius. Learn how to read the news.

Oh, and being called a “Karen” by the bootleg, wannabe Ras Trent is hilarious! Bo! Keep the comedy coming, stylee dread! Your lily-white ass went to River Dell HS in the 90%+ white community of Oradell, NJ, where you were born, and raised. Rest assured that if you stepped foot in my high school, in Brooklyn, you would get rolled out of Crown Heights in a fucking garbage can!

Ras Trent (SNL Skit):

Rayn: Seems like you enjoy eating crow, Ras Foley. 

“Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.” – Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister

Patrick F.: Lol. You are a laughably low and utter hypocritical fool.. another Karen thinking they are “woke”.

Done with this post. Done with your clinical insanity.

“YeR fAlLaCY iS DeRpPppPp” 😂😆😂

Rayn: You called me “Karen,” so I called you “Ras Trent.” It’s called “cause and effect,” or did you not learn that in your government education camp? Just bc glad that I was kind enough to wait until *after* I shut down your genetic fallacy to respond to your personal attacks against me, you pathologically pathetic poser. 😹

“Are You There, Jah? It’s me, Ras Trent.”

Historically-Illiterate Masses Are Highly-Susceptible to Democide

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall after I posted artwork from here


“The horrific truth is… if people were told to get into the boxcars to be takento the ‘virus protection camps, many of them would rush to get in line”

Patrick F.: Wow. So being told wearing a mask can help keep people who are at-risk safer is similar to being carted off to Auschwitz willingly?

Is this a joke?

Rayn: Cool inquiry, bro! However, the “if” in the sentence indicates a “conditional clause.” “Simile” typically involves a “like” or an “as.”


Rayn: The original post I shared was intended to illustrate just how susceptible the average Statist is to “democide.” The cattle car reference, within, was meant to highlight the historical illiteracy required to place blind trust and faith in extreme, oppressive, dangerous government-sponsored “solutions,” based in the pseudo-science of their paid “experts.” What might seem like “hyperbole,” on the surface of the reference, is really “paradox.”

“Democide: if you support government, you’ve probably never heard of this.”

Thomas R.: But your “if” will not occur. So this post has absolutely to do with nothing. I can come up with more plausible what “ifs” than this. How many you ask, ALL OF THEM!

Patrick F.: “Dangerous government-sponsored “solutions”

So wearing a mask is equal to being a sheep who would hop on a cart to Auschwitz if the govt told them to..

Can’t say I follow that logic.

Wear a mask. It’s not to protect yourself, it’s to protect other people who are at risk.. not some elaborate pseudo science conspiracy to keep people in the herd.

You must love Alex Jones.

Rayn: Patrick, the ill logic you can’t follow is a strawman, of your own design. I made no mention of masks, nor was that subject mentioned in the graphic I shared. Your determination to misrepresent my position makes for amusing reading, though. 😸

Alex Jones is cointelpro, and an admitted actor. You must love force-fitting strangers into the broken collectivist political narrative you follow after. But, I’m well beyond the reach of your pre-packaged, cookie-cutter claims, as I’m not a duopoly-duped lemming. No matter how many masks you wear, bro, I can still see right through you.

The Mask – The Fugees:

Thomas R: what if the landing gear fell off an airplane and crushed my skull you lose you fuck]

Cognitive Dissonance is a Hell of a Drug!

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…


“Sheeple of the New Normal”

Kevin B.: Anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-science. The holy trinity of facebook feed bullshit

Rayn: Behold! “Science” as a religion!*F

#BlackHerstory: In the 19th century, the father of modern gynecology, J. Marion Sims, conducted his research experiments on enslaved Black women. Sims performed the invasive and torturous procedures without anesthesia. J. Marion Sims’ justification for choosing not to anesthetize his test subjects was that he did not believe Black women felt pain at all. In an 1857 lecture, he stated that it was “not painful enough to justify the trouble.”

Individuals must finally recognize the fact that no school of thought or ideology is immune to corruption! The destruction that overzealous control-freaks and power-hungry tyrants can wreak on a sleep-walking humanity “is as boundless as the dark” they operate in when they commit their crimes against nature!

Human sacrifice in the pursuit of knowledge has taken place so many more times in the field of medicine than most “science-lovers” would ever dare admit to… that is, if they’ve even bothered looking into the topic! They simply cannot admit that science is merely *knowledge,* alone – not wisdom, not understanding, and most DEFINITELY not morality! And, this represents just ONE of the many reasons that science is NOT EVEN CLOSE to being a single line of forward-moving progress towards “truth,” as many of those Individuals raised up on State education have been led to believe. Science is much better understood as a living tree of DATA, networked in a jumbled, overlapping, bush of branches – with many thriving in the light, while some mold in the ground, wither in the shade, and rot from pestilence. Such a system is in need of constant trimming using the “scientific method,” and shall forever remain rife with conflicting theories and viewpoints that will often take more than a century for humanity to resolve, if never!

Among some of the other reasons that science cannot accurately be viewed as a straight-line path to “truth”:

– Nothing in science is absolute, only more and more highly probable

– Science is a tool “only as good” as those human beings utilizing it

– Science can involve very complex topics, fields, ideas, equations, etc., beyond the grasp of the “layman,” making it especially susceptible to fallacious “appeals to authority” – especially from those unable to fully appreciate the scientific method.

– Science often receives large-scale funding, usually for large-scale projects, making it highly vulnerable to rotten-minded political agendas (i.e. the American government’s genocidal eugenic sterilization program, the Nazi government’s genocidal eugenic murder program, the U.S. Public Health Service’s Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments, the American Government’s Guatemala Syphilis Experiments, Pavlov’s Conditioning Experiments on children, an entire racist branch of science called “Craniology,” early psychiatrists diagnosing runaway “slaves” with “Drapetomia,” psychiatrists in the USSR diagnosing political dissidents with “Sluggish Schizophrenia,” torturous homosexual “Aversion Therapy” in South Africa’s Apartheid-era military, the CIA’s Project MK-Ultra + Project Bluebird + Project Artichoke, etc, etc, etc… These are just a few of the more well-known historical examples exposed throughout the years…)

Here’s a helpful list with some examples of scientific criminality…

10 of the Most Evil Medical Experiments in History:

And, here’s a recent example of a genocidal eugenicist vampire “coming out of his coffin” to froth at the mouth for the murder of innocents…

Richard Dawkins: ‘Immoral’ to Allow Down’s Syndrome Babies to be Born:

Even a “forward-thinking,” “ahead of his time”, “brilliant” and “genius” man like Nikola Tesla wasn’t immune to pseudoscientific vulnerability. In the end, he was still human, and so, capable of making grave errors in logic, even with as much understanding as he proved to have about certain aspects of science…

Nikola Tesla the Eugenicist: Eliminating Undesirables by 2100:

Of course, such denials about the reality of science’s limitations only ensures that criminality like the above-mentioned examples will continue on, with little resistance…

Each of us must personally remain vigilant in the quest for truth, wisdom, understanding, freedom, peace and justice, refusing to lazily fall back on mindless ritual and tradition, nor blindly adjusting our focus to match that of the “expert”-stamped status quo, rather than directly observing phenomena for ourselves, as much as possible, and challenging ourselves to be especially inquisitive when we cannot, engaging in much OPEN, NON-POLITICAL DIALOGUE AND DEBATE, as a way of injecting a healthy dose of skepticism into the equation.

Rest assured that many of today’s wrongs will not be recognized for what they really are until long after the damage is complete… just as history has proven, time and time again! All too often, criminal operations are carried out by “authorities” with barely a single critical consideration by their weak-willed followers, who eagerly aid and abet their sociopathic “betters,” in pure awe of the confidence these lizardly “leaders” exude. These herd-minded human batteries are not only unwilling to “upset” the confident sociopaths they adore, for fear of losing favor, they also secretly view their own uncertainty about exactly how to “best impose management upon society” as a weakness, rather than a strength! If they were to finally see through the illusion-based deception of “rulership” as a “necessity,” rather than a form of planned obsolescence, they would easily determine that usurping the free-will of others should be a source of uncertainty – and, also, DISGUST! And, until this dynamic is adequately explored, the need for sheeple to grovel before sociopathic charmers will continue on until “confident” revolutionaries emerge to make these types feel “safe” enough to rebel!

Wanna see if you’re paying attention? Well, can you name any so-called “scientific experiments” currently being forced upon America’s population without our consent?

(hint: genetic food “experiments” that have no “control” are not even remotely “scientific,” and medical “procedures” that cause debilitating neurological disorders like Guillan-Barres Syndrome and Narcolepsy in those with specific sorts of compromised central nervous systems, and cause disease in those with compromised immune systems, are publicly-acceptable SOFT EUGENICS, wherein the “weak” are legally sacrificed for the survival of the “strong.”)

Kevin B.: You could care less about the truth.

Rayn: You would care more about the truth, if you weren’t so “educated.” 😸

Kevin B.: What you are posting is not OK.

Rayn: Cool story, bro. 😎 Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug!

Kevin B.: Seriously though. You are the Facebook liar you’ve been looking for.

Rayn: I wasn’t looking for a Facebook liar, but since I got your attention, anyway, I might as well mock your impotence. 😺

Kevin B.: The crackpot liar may as well do what now?

Rayn: Go ask your Daddy for more guidance, little ram. “When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own; for he is a liar, and the father of it.”