Debating Facebook Engineer’s Resignation

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Rayn: Facebook Engineer Quits Over Company’s Mob-Like Attacks on Anyone Opposed to ‘Left-Leaning Ideology’:

Johnson J.: daily caller. bs

Rayn: BS? The source within this article is readily available…

The Facebook Engineer Who Wrote a Controversial Memo Decrying the Company’s ‘Intolerant’ Culture is Leaving:

Daniel Sv.: I only look forward to a social media that is not explicitly left wing.

Rayn: Check out, and, Daniel.

Johnson J.: what happens if you yell racial slurs in an ethnic neighborhood ? u get mobbed. Right wing is Nazi. this is a Nazi publication. BS. even if they were being overzealous… we are at war.

Rayn: Though you seem to indicate otherwise, Johnson, non-leftist Facebook employees didn’t “yell racial slurs in an ethnic neighborhood,” though they were met with the mob mentality of their liberal co-workers. As this former senior Facebook engineer stated, in a FB post he made back in late August, “they know that all of the talk of ‘openness to different perspectives’ does not apply to causes of ‘social justice,’ immigration, ‘diversity,’ and ‘equality’,” because “on these issues, [one] can either keep quiet or sacrifice [his or her] reputation and career.”

And, ironically, by reflexively, yet loosely, tossing around the label, “racist,” here, without even an inkling of such behavior coming from myself, nor from the article I provided, nor from the former Facebook employee mentioned within, you appear to be engaging in the same exact sort of behavior that this ex-employee complained his liberal co-workers were using to create an atmosphere of intimidation, fear and silence, behind the scenes, at Facebook.

Regardless of it’s recent popularity, use of the “Association Fallacy” is *not* a logical method of reasoning… It is merely an intellectually-dishonest and manipulative attempt to dismissively discredit an individual’s voice, without the burden of addressing even a *single* portion of their *actual* opinion.

Guilt by Association Logical Fallacy:

Meanwhile, if you haven’t been following this story, it started back in late August, when the author of the resignation above, Brian Amerige, a senior Facebook engineer, wrote a piece on Facebook’s internal message board, entitled “We Have a Problem With Political Diversity.” It’s located here:

Dozens at Facebook Unite to Challenge Its ‘Intolerant’ Liberal Culture:

In this writing, he stated the following, “We are a political monoculture that’s intolerant of different views. We claim to welcome all perspectives, but are quick to attack—often in mobs—anyone who presents a view that appears to be in opposition to left-leaning ideology. We throw labels that end in *obe​ and *ist​ at each other, attacking each other’s character rather than their ideas.”

And… here we are, less than two months later, watching Facebook scrub a large amount of very popular pro-libertarian, pro- anarchist, anti-State, and anti-Police-Abuse pages from their social network, among others, in a single, obviously-politically-motivated motivated move.

Facebook Purge: Here is The List Of Pages Deleted by Facebook:

In response to this, Brian Amerige chose to resign from his job position at Facebook. It should have become apparent, with his latest move, that Amerige’s understanding of the “left” is actually based on the *full* scale of the political spectrum, which starts with fully-consensual, individual liberty (anarchism), and progresses to fully-coercive, collectivist tyranny (communism, fascism). Under this scale, all of recently scrubbed pro-libertarian, pro- anarchist, anti-State, and anti-Police-Abuse pages absolutely were very “far right”:

“What your teacher told you:

And, these pages contained nothing “racist,” “homophobic,” or otherwise. I know, because I’ve shared from them over a hundred times, upon both my Facebook wall, and my website. I’ll provide examples, next, to make the content clear. (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Statism is Sadism

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following status update here, posted by libertarian anarchist, Robert Higgs, and originally shared it to my own wall, along with commentary…

Robert Higgs: If you wish to live subject to the domination, extortion, and oppression of dishonest, violent gangsters, and I cannot change your mind about the desirability of doing so, I will accept that my powers of persuasion have failed. Still, I wonder why you must force me to live likewise, and by what right you regard yourself as entitled to do so.

My Commentary: “Freedom is not extreme. Control is. ”

#CheckYourStatistPrivilege #ChooseVoluntaryism#ConsentIsTheCurrencyOfCoexistence

Wikileaks Documents Identify Head of Libertarian Party as Secret US Intelligence Asset

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

EXCLUSIVE: Head Of Libertarian Party Named In Wikileaks List Of Secret US Intelligence Assets:

(John Vibes) In late 2011, hackers managed to crack into the databases of the global intelligence firm Stratfor and found a large volume of information that connected the firm with military contractors, government agencies, and confidential informants.

In the first months of 2012, these documents were made public by Wikileaks and included millions of emails, which showed Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, and other vital information about their covert operations.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Surprising? Not really…

Clarifying a Meme About the GOP Sabotaging Presidential Candidate, Dr. Ron Paul, in 2012

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted a meme being shared by an acquainted from here


"Yeah, if somebody could leak GOP emails from 2012 to show that they are also corrupt enough to rig elections... That'd be great"

“Yeah, if somebody could leak GOP
emails from 2012 to show that they
are also corrupt enough to rig elections…
That’d be great”

Daniel Sv.: That’s a bit of a mis characterization. If there were any emails leaked, you would probably see that the RNC establishment was going out of their way to sabotage Trump. They desperately wanted some establishment candidate, even Ted Cruz (who is part of the establishment, though heavily disliked for his arrogant and brusque style). Remember how they attempted to cancel the Colorado primary and award the delegates to Cruz? The reason why Trump won is that the establishment was fundamentally bankrupt. People were tired of the establishment candidates pandering to topics that had nothing to do with them (abortion, endless wars, fundamentalist Christianity, etc) while signaling tepid support for maintaining the middle class, then when getting elected to chuck those by the wayside and pocket money from Goldman Sachs while continuing on unnecessary wars. People see that the establishment is scared of an outsider candidate like Trump and it’s making them mad with glee.

Rayn: Hmm… I’m not sure if you realize, but this meme actually refers to the RNC rigging of their own primary elections through the systematic disenfranchisement of presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul in (both 2008 and) 2012.

Muslims 4 Liberty!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted a photo being shared by the page, ““…


"I'm already against the next war #WhyIamAntiWar (Musllims 4 Liberty"

“I’m already against the next war #WhyIamAntiwar (Muslims 4 Liberty”

David L.: Are these guys real? If they are I respect them

RaynM4L (Muslims for Liberty). 🙂