Debating the Eugenics Behind Vaccinations

The following debate originally took place upon my post, “Over a Century of Vaccine Injuries and Deaths in Children

Rayn: Eugenics…

(Original post located here)

Jennifer H.: On which side?

Rayn: On the “official” side, like usual…

Rayn: Same target, as usual, too…

Jennifer H.: I’m not sure exactly what you’re trying to say. Can you clarify?

Rayn: Okay. Read the “product information sheet” for the MMR-II vaccine:

Pay special attention to the sections entitled, “Contraindications,” “Warnings,” “Precautions,” and “Adverse Reactions.”

Also, if you have been previously vaccinated at any time, exactly how many of those times were you, your parents, or guardian, given any sort of product insert to read over *before* making a final decision to “consent”? In my case, I can attest to receiving this information a full 0% of the time, over the course of a fifteen year period, spanning across doctor’s offices in three States, and through over a dozen needle jabs…

Jennifer H.: Literally every time, actually, because that’s what they’re for? I had to sign a consent form to get a flu shot.

Jennifer H.: Not sure what that has to do with eugenics but OK, at least I’m clear on what this is now.

Jennifer H.: If you choose not to read what you’re signing that’s on you. ??

Jennifer H.: So, out of curiosity, what exactly is using the threat of disability as a tool of fear called?

Jennifer H.: It sounds oddly familiar. Hmm…

Rayn: My parents never received one even once, not for myself, nor any of my three siblings. Can’t “choose not to read” what was never provided in two decades of vaccinations, across three States.

Jennifer H.: So the consent forms were…blank?

Jennifer H.: Still waiting for the answer to the original question, but I guess talking about package inserts is way easier than clarifying what “target” you’re talking about.

Jennifer H.: “If I derail enough, everyone will forget this was about eugenics!”

Jennifer H.: I wonder what letting people die of vaccine-preventable disease would be called. ?

Rayn: Using the threat of disability as a tool of fear? By all means, feel free to pontificate away…

Rayn.: “If I derail enough, everyone will forget this was about eugenics!” I knew you were speed-posting for a reason…

Rayn: Derail away… (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Debating Israel’s Latest Bombing of Gazan Civilians

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, after I shared a post from here


Diana D.: Over a hundred rockets fired from Gaza at Israel yesterday, the day of the sabbath….

Rayn: Hmmm… You seem to agree that bombing civilians is wrong… But, it’s also important to recognize the fact that the right to life is actually natural-borne, and not a mere privilege of citizenship…

Diana D.: Those civilians been hijacked by terrorists. #freegazafromhamas

Paul K.: Dual Citizenship I bet, Today is my Sabbath are you throwing BOMB`s today

Rayn: The only thing that Israeli bombs free Gazan civilians from is corporeality… Terrorism is terrorism… Being targeted by it in any way should provide adequate knowledge of its utter illegitimacy, and total immorality. It is always a criminal act, no matter the motivation, and no matter the author. (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Debating When the Downfall of American Began

The following debate originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, and fellow Autistic Self-Advocate, Jason Ross…

Jason R.: I am horrified now! Please wake me up from this nightmare since January 20, 2017, the day Obama had a leave, and the USA started disintegrating 🙁

Justice Anthony Kennedy to retire from Supreme Court:

Bill P.: America will recover from Tump, we can never give up

Rayn: Trump’s a child-killing war criminal. Obama was a child-killing war criminal. Bush was a child-killing war criminal… And, in 2020, the majority of the minority of Americans who still engage the violence of voting will dutifully install another child-killing war criminal. The cycle will continue until the vast majority of Americans reach their limits, and finally withdraw consent to being “governed” by morally-bankrupt control-freaks.

“If you worship at the altar of the State, don’t be mad when they sacrifice you”
(Artwork originally located here, upon the Facebook page, “Being Libertarian“)

Defending the Words of Immortal Technique

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “Free Thought Project


“When someone calls you a conspiracy theorist, what they are really saying is they are too lazy to do their own research & we should just trust the government and media to tell us the truth.” – Immortal Technique

Rayn: Bring it on!

Sam B.: No, but anyone who says this in any seriousness is claiming that failing to support their unsubstantiated claim makes you a sheep, and that the only real research is watching conspiracy YouTube videos and lurking on Infowars.

Rayn: That’s a nice straw man you’ve got there. Yet, I never made any such claim, nor have I made any unsubstantiated conspiracy theory claims, for that matter. I also don’t watch “conspiracy YouTube videos,” nor do I lurk in InfoWars. Sorry I don’t fit into your neat little box of dismissal. Meanwhile, anyone’s failure to support their claim that I’m a “conspiracy theorist” makes them a lemming.

Genaire: Several credible news outlets have YouTube videos, that have done credible journalism to expose the fraud which was the Iraq war, the fraud in which was the Libyan invasion and the list goes on and on.

Rayn: I remember when a bunch of lemmings attacked me as a “conspiracy theorist” over my views about the police…

Never Trust the Police, and Always Presume the Innocence of Those They Target, Until Proven Otherwise:

Countering Communism

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “I Owe You Only Non-Aggression”…


“You didn’t get a refund
You got your stolen money back.
But that’s none of my business.”

Sam B.:

“The freer the market, the freer the people”
Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is


Genaire: Direct democracy, free market, no war entanglements. Freedom done right.


Sam B.: You’re not getting a paycheck, you’re getting some of your stolen production back.

Genaire: In the form of a paycheck

Rayn: “The mind of child,” on full display… though, it’s not exactly “wonderful” to witness… Either way: enjoy your fantasy, comrade!

A Tribute to Communism: