America’s Crimes Against Peace and War Crimes Continue, Unabated!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2014-09-02 - America's Crimes Against Peace and War Crimes Continue, Unabated!

National Security Pentagon Set to Open Second Drone Base in Niger as it Expands Operations in Africa:

(Washington PostCraig Whitlock) The Pentagon is preparing to open a drone base in one of the remotest places on Earth: an ancient caravan crossroads in the middle of the Sahara.

After months of negotiations, the government of Niger, a landlocked West African nation, has authorized the U.S. military to fly unarmed drones from the mud-walled desert city of Agadez, according to Nigerien and U.S. officials.

The previously undisclosed decision gives the Pentagon another surveillance hub — its second in Niger and third in the region — to track Islamist fighters who have destabilized parts of North and West Africa. It also advances a little-publicized U.S. strategy to tackle counterterrorism threats alongside France, the former colonial power in that part of the continent.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Crime against peace: “planning, preparation, initiation, or waging of wars of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances, or participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the foregoing”

War of aggression: “a military conflict waged without the justification of self-defense, usually for territorial gain and subjugation”

Complacency is complicity…

Yo Momma’s So Statist…

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2014-09-02 - Your Momma’s So Statist...

Parents Turn Sexting Teen Daughter In To Police:

(, Huffington Post) A Virginia couple turned their teen daughter in to local police after they discovered she was exchanging racy images on her electronic devices.

The girl, who is 13, had been using her phone to send nude photos of herself to boys, the parents said.

“Looking through the phone and the tablet we did find sexual pictures, conversations that were very inappropriate for her age,” the mother of the girl told WTVR. Her name has been withheld to protect her daughter’s identity. “Everybody wanted to be her friend, because according to these people, she was cool now.”

(Read Entire Article Here…)

My Commentary: Damn. This article reads like a joke!

“Your momma’s so Statist”… when you were thirteen years old, she had you arrested for possession of child porn because she found nude selfies on your phone!

Today’s parents are becoming more and more pathetic! These sniveling cowards are quick to hand their own flesh and blood over to the State meat-grinder for “processing.” Why don’t they try taking an active role in the lives of their children, instead of outsourcing their education and socialization to the State? Sorry, but a dozen years worth of of studying for standard tests is not a valid learning method, nor is it legitimate preparation for the “real world.” And, thirteen years of being coerced into classrooms full of students of the same exact age is completely socially stunting!

Police Represent Government-Empowered, Tax-Funded, Mercenaries in Comfortably-Safe Position of “Authority” Over Their Intended Victims

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Officer Darren Wilson

Officer Darren Wilson

Darren Wilson’s First Job was on a Troubled Police Force Disbanded by Authorities:

(Carol D. LeonnigKimberly Kindy & Joel Achenbach, Washington Post) The small city of Jennings, Mo., had a police department so troubled, and with so much tension between white officers and black residents, that the city council finally decided to disband it. Everyone in the Jennings police department was fired. New officers were brought in to create a credible department from scratch.

That was three years ago. One of the officers who worked in that department, and lost his job along with everyone else, was a young man named Darren Wilson.

Some of the Jennings officers reapplied for their jobs, but Wilson got a job in the police department in the nearby city of Ferguson.

(Read Entire Article Here…)

My CommentarySociopathic parasites like this will continue to thrive so long as they have the promise of yet another comfortably-safe, government-empowered, tax-funded, mercenary-position of “authority” over their intended victims lined up for them, wherever they go. Why don’t these federal-armament-welfare-whores stop looking for public handouts, and turn in their badges for the white robes and hoods they belong in?

Is Officer Dan Page an “Oathkeeper,” a Double-Agent, or a “Useful Idiot”?

I originally posted the following news article onto my Facebook wall…

Officer Dan Page

Officer Dan Page

St. Louis County Cop Removed Active Duty Over “Killer” Comments:

A St. Louis County police officer will be on administrative leave for the duration of an internal investigation into a video in which he bragged about being a “killer” and made derogatory comments, a department spokesman told NBC News Saturday. Officer Dan Page, a 35-year police veteran and military service member is seen in the hour-long video addressing a St. Louis chapter of the Oath Keepers, a conservative group of former servicemen, saying in part, “I’m also a killer. I’ve killed a lot, and if I need to I’ll kill a whole bunch more. If you don’t want to get killed, don’t show up in front of me.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: This swine spoke before “Oathkeepers” a while back.

I really have to wonder if he’s a double-agent, planted within the Oathkeepers movement to completely discredit the it… Alternatively, he could just be another in a long line of “useful idiots,” truly believing he’s helping Americans, even though he’s actually doing much harm.

Here’s some radio interviews he recently engaged in:

The John Moore Show – 5/12/2014:

TruNews Radio – 7/14/2014:

Ain’t No Half-Steppin’ in the Battle for Freedom!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Racist 1866 Campaign Poster from Democratic candidate, Hiester Clymer, currently stored digitally, here, in the US Library of Congress

Racist 1866 Campaign Poster from Democratic candidate, Hiester Clymer, currently stored digitally, here, in the US Library of Congress

White Americans’ Support for Prison-Industrial Complex Grows With Knowledge That It’s Harder on Blacks:

(Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Reason) One of the rallying cries of the criminal justice reform crowd, including us here at Reason, is that American policing policies disproportionately harm blacks and other minorities. These days even mainstream politicians like Rand Paul have been sounding this alarm—he recently told a Rotary Club crowd in Shelbyville, Kentucky, that “the war on drugs has had a disproportionate racial outcome.” The ostensible purpose of pointing to these disparities is to showcase how unfair and subjective our law enforcement can be. But according to a new study published in Psychological Science, this may not be what the average white person takes away.

Being made aware of the racial composition of America’s prisons actually bolsters white Americans’ support for intrusive policing and harsh sentencing policies, according to Stanford University researchers Rebecca Hetey and Jennifer Eberhardt.

(Read Entire Article Here…)

My Commentary: In the battle against tyranny, many of us understand the importance of “know[ing] thy enemy”…

But, “what about your friends?”

Upon stripping away the thin veneer of “political affiliations,” and allowing Individual thoughts and actions to take their rightful place as the only real indicators of character, it turns out that many of these pale-skinned “progressives” from NYC and California are just as pathetically ignorant and racist as their neo-conned counterparts! And, so long as these half-stepping wannabes think that police and courts are mostly targeting brown skin, at least 73% of them comfortably lend their full and faithful consent and support to the American Police State!!! For these human race traitors, “innocent until proven guilty” is their own “white privilege,” instead of a universal RIGHT for all!

Meanwhile, a closer inspection of the facts exposes their elected “representatives” to be NO DIFFERENT! These narrow-minded slime-balls have been spewing their thinly-veiled racism into the public arena, time and time again, with little fear of backlash! (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)