Monsanto’s Plans for Total Food Dominance

I originally posted the following news commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"Monsanto: No Food Shall Be Grown that We Don't Own"

“Monsanto: No Food Shall Be Grown that We Don’t Own”

The Multiple Ways Monsanto is Putting Normal Seeds Out of Reach:

Monsanto’s Many Attempts to Destroy All Seeds but Their Own:

My Commentary: Monsanto, the company responsible for the Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) and Genetically Engineered (GE) seeds, is now working in collaboration with the patent office, the FDA, and the legislate branch of the US government, to create for themselves a complete monopoly over the American food supply, and eventually, the whole world. And, they will do it at the expense of the future of productive agriculture as we know it. As per usual, Big Corporations jealously plot against the plentiful, fruitful nature of the Earth, which stands in stark contrast to their greedy and wasteful policies of planned obsolescence. As far as Big Corporations are concerned, true competition must be eliminated at all cost, and by any means necessary.

Better Understanding the “USDA Organic” Seal

I originally posted the following news commentary onto my Facebook wall…

USDA Organic Seal

USDA Organic Seal

It’s Organic, but Does that Mean it’s Safer?

( & , New York Times) MOST of the chicken, fruit and vegetables in Ellen Devlin-Sample’s kitchen are organic. She thinks those foods taste better than their conventional counterparts. And she hopes they are healthier for her children.

Lately, though, she is not so sure.

The national outbreak of salmonella in products with peanuts has been particularly unsettling for shoppers like her who think organic food is safer.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: “Organic” foods are simply foods grown naturally, without the use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers or hormones. REFINED FOOD PRODUCTS bearing the seal, “USDA ORGANIC,” are STILL processed in plants, where health and safety conditions within factor into the overall quality of the final product. Buying WHOLE FOODS that are washed and prepared in the home will significantly reduce the possibility of exposure to these types of bacterial and/or viral contaminants.

When buying eggs or milk, consider the treatment, diet and living conditions of livestock, as well. Go beyond the “organic” seal. Look for products that also say “cage-free” or “free-range,” and “vegetarian.”

FDA Continues War Against Nature, Classifying Form of Vitamin B6 as a “Drug”

I originally posted the following news commentary onto to my Facebook wall…

FDA SWAT “Training” Session (artwork by

FDA SWAT “Training” Session (artwork by

FDA Declares Form of Vitamin B6 a Drug, Effectively Banning Pyridoxamine from Dietary Supplements:

(Mike Adams, NaturalNews) The FDA has effectively banned a naturally-occurring form of vitamin B6 called pyridoxamine by declaring it to be a drug, reports the American Association for Health Freedom. Responding to a petition filed by a drug company, the FDA declared pyridoxamine to be “a new drug.”

Now, any nutritional supplements containing pyridoxamine will be considered adulterated and illegal by the FDA, which may raid vitamin companies and seize such products. See the history of FDA raids on vitamin companies here:

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: The FDA, operating as the political and military arm of Big Pharmaceutical companies, incrementally attempts to eliminate its true competition: NATURE!

High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contaminated With Toxic Mercury

I originally posted the following news commentary onto to my Facebook wall…

High Fructose Corn Syrup is Contaminated with Toxic Mercury

High Fructose Corn Syrup is Contaminated with Toxic Mercury

Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury:

(HealthDay News) — Almost half of tested samples of commercial high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contained mercury, which was also found in nearly a third of 55 popular brand-name food and beverage products where HFCS is the first- or second-highest labeled ingredient, according to two new U.S. studies.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Here’s yet ANOTHER reason to avoid the man-made poison referred to as “high-fructose corn syrup” (HFCS). It is nothing more than a cheap, pathetic substitute for natural, quality ingredients. Use unbleached cane sugar, honey and maple syrup instead. Sweeten meals with fruit whenever possible. Take daily steps towards boycotting this refined toxic compound.

British Government Report Proposes Use of Bio-Weapons To Solve Non-Existent “Overpopulation”

I originally published the following news commentary onto my MySpace blog…

Biological Warfare Training

Biological Warfare Training

Government Report: Bio-Weapons Could Be Used To Combat Overpopulation:

(Paul Joseph A British government Ministry of Defence report outlines a nightmare future society in which the population are forced to accept brain chips, immigration and urbanization ravages communities, class warfare ensues, and biological and neutron weapons are used to combat overpopulation.

The MoD’s Development, Concepts & Doctrine Center drew up the document to crystallize the “future strategic context” likely to face Britain’s armed forces, according to a report in the London Guardian today.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Interestingly enough, the systematic demonization and criminalization of hemp by the governments of the world has been the ONE OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE MEANS of projecting the pseudo-scientific Malthusian myth of “overpopulation.”

Overpopulation refers to the exceeding of certain threshold limits of population density when environmental resources fail to meet the requirements of individual organisms regarding shelter, nutrition and so forth. It gives rise to high rates of mortality and morbidity.”

In other words, “overpopulation” should not be confused with “overcrowding” because it is not a condition that is determined by a simple measure of available living space. There are many other environment factors at play, as well. A very easy way to understand “overpopulation” is that it occurs in a system where resources are being consumed by a population faster than they are being restored, or where pollution is being emitted by a population faster than it can filtered.

According to Wiki, “the resources to be considered when evaluating whether an ecological niche is overpopulated include clean water, clean air, food, shelter, warmth, and other resources necessary to sustain life.”

With clean water, clean air and food production understood as the most vital resources considered in determining whether “overpopulation” exists in a particular system of individuals, it is time to place focus on those things that strain these resources. Industrialization, Urbanization, Deforestation, and Soil Erosion are the four human practices most destructive to the purity of water, air and food. And, interestingly, the by-far largest contributors to these conditions are cotton and timber industries, along with the sweetheart government policies that keep them all together in business. Combining their efforts, these three soulless entities have worked dilligently to practically completely outlaw HEMP production throughout the entire world in order to create monopolies for themselves within the paper, fabric and wood industries.

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