Arrested for Saving Animal Lives Without a License During Hurricane Florence

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Rayn: Saving Pets Without a Permit: Good Samaritan Arrested After Helping Animals Survive Florence:

Stacie T.: I’m confused. Amoxicillin and tramadol are not over the counter drugs. Where did they come from? If they were prescribed by a vet before the storm, she’s no more guilty of practicing veterinary medicine without a license than a pet boarder would be if I went on vacation and left my dog there with her ear infection meds.

Rayn: You can definitely get fish and bird amoxicillin at any pet store, without a prescription. Besides this, at farm supply stores, you can get amoxicillin for chickens and certain livestock without a prescription, too. Since they’re each about the same concentration, proper administration really just involves getting the dosage correct, based on weight.

Rayn: This calls for a poetic “variation on a theme.” *ahem* “It is better to have saved lives without a license, than never to have saved lives, at all”

Rayn: Definitely has more soul than the Statist version… “It is better to have let your neighbor’s animals die, than ever to have saved them without paying the State for that official piece of paper that ensures the safety of all parties, involved.”

Stacie T.: I’m just confused because, even from the statist point of view, I don’t see how they could have arrested her on those charges if it’s otc and/or prescribed. I could see the unlicensed shelter charge being applicable, albeit immoral, but not practicing medicine.

The Pathology of Political Progressivism

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, after I posted a quote shared by an acquaintance…


“Political Progressivism in the USA is an ideology that currently holds it to be an egregious wrong to refer disparagingly to women but considers it hunky-dory to kill them and their children with drone rockets. The evidence in this regard seems to me to be a matter of record and beyond dispute.”

~Robert Higgs

“But, Obama dropped *humanitarian* bombs on the innocent civilians of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Syria and Somalia! Plus, democrats actually welcome any survivors of our ‘aid’ to come and live in America! Unlike those racist Republicans, the left cares about refugees!”

Obama-Led Drone Strikes Kill Innocents 90% of the Time in Afghanistan, in Just a Single Five-Month Campaign:

Jeb Bush Recommends Obama Give ‘Tip of the Hat’ to Brother on Foreign Policy:

US Drone Strikes Could be Classed as War Crimes, Says Amnesty International:

Ryan H.: I enjoyed what you added to the post. Nice work Rayn.

Discussing the Origins of New-Wave Feminism

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…


Rayn: “Feminist” Margaret Sanger, founder of “Planned Parenthood,” was nothing more than a total racist, and a genocidal eugenicist. She outright exposed her murderous, devil-worshiping ideology when she stated:

“Birth Control is not contraception indiscriminately and thoughtlessly practiced. It means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.” (citation: “Apostle of Birth Control Sees Cause Gaining Here”, The New York Times, 1923-04-08)

Those who defend this soulless lizard, and her wicked organization, are typical either historically illiterate, willfully ignorant, or repugnant racists, eagerly-supportive of the age-old State-sponsored destruction of minority groups, and the poor. The fact that this devilry is currently being repackaged as “woman’s rights” is no excuse for supporting it, and really, only highlights just how low the lemming-like among us will go to virtue-signal a most shallow, imagined, and establishment-programmed concept of morality to the rest of society, even in the face of reality. The whole doublethink mentality fueling this issue is mind-blowing.


Michael A.: The lady in the video is wrong white females did not get a lot of rights at the same time as men. They could not vote for a long time and so many other things

Genaire: That’s not what she said. She said black females got their rights at the same time as black men. While white women were complaining about equality from their male counterparts both black men and black women were slaves.

Genaire: That’s not what she said. She said black females got their rights at the same time as black men. While white women were complaining about equality from their male counterparts both black men and black women were slaves.

Joshua G.: That’s real life for sure

Discussing NY Assemblywoman’s Introduction of Tyrannical Legislation to Enforce Mandatory Voting Through Use of Penalty Fee

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “NY Assemblywoman Introduces Tyrannical Legislation to Enforce Mandatory Voting Through Use of Penalty Fee“…

Democratic Assemblywoman and tyrant, Deborah Glick

Rayn: Manufacturing the “consent of the governed” through penalty fees… Seems legit…

New Yorkers Who Don’t Vote Would Pay $10 Fine Under Assemblywoman’s Bill:

Steve K.: If true, it would be unconstitutional, violates the 1st amendment for one thing. Not voting is one way of protesting.

Rayn: Indeed! Penalizing those New Yorkers who choose to Vacate The Vote in an effort to Withdraw Consent is not only an assault against free speech, and freedom of choice – it also represents a shameless effort to run an extortion racket, too! These political parasites are nothing more than a legally-protected criminal caste!

Discussing the Continued War on Grammar

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “The War on Grammar Continues…“…

RaynCollege Writing Center Declares American Grammar A ‘Racist,’ ‘Unjust Language Structure’:

I call bullshit! And, I’ll prove it, too!

“Grammar is important! Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your Uncle jack off a horse.”



Daniel Sv.: The sad thing is that trivializing the term “fascism” will make people apathetic to when real fascism occurs.