The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “NY Assemblywoman Introduces Tyrannical Legislation to Enforce Mandatory Voting Through Use of Penalty Fee“…
Rayn: Manufacturing the “consent of the governed” through penalty fees… Seems legit…
New Yorkers Who Don’t Vote Would Pay $10 Fine Under Assemblywoman’s Bill:
Steve K.: If true, it would be unconstitutional, violates the 1st amendment for one thing. Not voting is one way of protesting.
Rayn: Indeed! Penalizing those New Yorkers who choose to Vacate The Vote in an effort to Withdraw Consent is not only an assault against free speech, and freedom of choice – it also represents a shameless effort to run an extortion racket, too! These political parasites are nothing more than a legally-protected criminal caste!