Finally Recognize the Fact that We All Have More in Common With Each Other Than With Our So-Called “Leaders”

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork, being shared by an acquaintance from hereand originally posted it to my own wall…

Israeli-Palestinian Social Experiment:

My Commentary: We will ALWAYS have more in common with each other than we will EVER have with our so-called “leaders.”

The Best Solution to the Middle East Conflict, Ever!

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…

Generationally contested land in the Middle-East

Generationally contested land in the Middle-East

GenaireEveryone In Middle East Given Own Country In 317,000,000-State Solution:

Rayn: The *best* solution, ever! Too bad it’s satire…

The Apartheid State of Marriage in Israel

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

The "Am I legally allowed to marry in Israel?" flowchart

The “Am I legally allowed to marry in Israel?” flowchart

Who Would You Be Allowed to Marry in Israel Today?

(Ariel David, Haaretz) On the website of Hiddush, a nonprofit organization that promotes religious freedom and equality in Israel, there is a world map showing countries that restrict freedom of marriage. The countries given as imposing “severe restrictions” include most states between Morocco to the west and Pakistan to the east. And Israel is no exception.

Marriage in the Jewish state is a complex matter, and is almost entirely under the purview of religious authorities.

There is no civil marriage. Jews can only be married in a religious ceremony, by an Orthodox rabbi under the authority of the Chief Rabbinate, the top religious authority for Jews in Israel. This means there is also no interfaith marriage between Jews and non-Jews, since Orthodox Judaism does not allow mixed unions. Israelis who belong to other streams of Judaism, such as Reform or Conservative, must still tie the knot in front of an Orthodox rabbi in a traditional ceremony if they want their marriage to be recognized by the state.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Repeat after me: Israel IS NOT an Apartheid State! 😉

Discussing Holy Wars as Representing a Contradiction in Terms

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family, upon my post, “Holy Wars Represent a Contradiction in Terms!“…

Rayn: You’re welcome!

One Of The Most Beautiful, Accurate And True Cartoons Ever! A Masterpiece!

Mike R.: In other words: Everyone Sucks. The End.

Rayn: Everyone that commits murder sucks – especially those who spill blood under the reprehensible delusion that anything less than all fertile portions of the Earth qualifies as sacred living ground!

Genaire: Check it out, Ron!

Ron K.: Wow, this is 1 bloody cartoon

Holy Wars Represent a Contradiction in Terms!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto the Facebook wall of family…

One Of The Most Beautiful, Accurate And True Cartoons Ever! A Masterpiece!

(Globe Today) Do you want to know the real reason why there’ so much violence in the Middle-East? This animation by Nina Paley is one of the most beautiful, accurate and true cartoons I ever seen! A masterpiece! The animation makes it clear why there can be no clear “winners” over this land. Time to end the bloodshed and seek peace through compromise and cooperation.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: You’re welcome! 😉