Finally Recognize the Fact that We All Have More in Common With Each Other Than With Our So-Called “Leaders”

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork, being shared by an acquaintance from hereand originally posted it to my own wall…

Israeli-Palestinian Social Experiment:

My Commentary: We will ALWAYS have more in common with each other than we will EVER have with our so-called “leaders.”

The Best Solution to the Middle East Conflict, Ever!

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…

Generationally contested land in the Middle-East

Generationally contested land in the Middle-East

GenaireEveryone In Middle East Given Own Country In 317,000,000-State Solution:

Rayn: The *best* solution, ever! Too bad it’s satire…

Love Conquers Hate!

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance, after they shared a photo from here

Sri A.: They married in spite of the brutal threats from Israelis. One way to stop the occupation is to marry each other. You can then have your own fights without murdering Palestinians. She is Jewish Israeli, he is Palestinian Muslim.


Israel Still Continues to Commit Crimes Against Humanity in Their Attack Upon the the Residents of the Gaza Strip

The following is a fully updated version of my two posts, “In the Past Two Weeks, Israel’s Government Has Massacred Nearly 600 Gazan Civilians, Because… Terrorism!,” and “Israel Continues to Commit Crimes Against Humanity in Their Attack Upon the the Residents of the Gaza Strip,” with many new links included at end. Like the previous two articles, I originally posted it to my Facebook wall…

I created this chart using the latest data from United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and a previously-published version of their “Palestinian Casualties” illustration, which I have modified to reflect the newest figures, since OCHA doesn’t release graphics as quickly as data…


According to the latest figures from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Israeli military forces have killed an estimated 1,843 Gazans since their July 7th launch of Operation “Protective Edge.” About 73% of this total represents civilian casualties. In other words, approximately 1,354 civilians have been murdered by Israel’s government so far, with about 415 of that total being children, and 214 being women, which together represent 46% of all civilian deaths…

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs – Gaza Crisis:

Sadly, these numbers reveal that the world’s “Most Moral Army” continues to snuff out the lives of more children than it is killing Hamas “militants” in its latest war-criminal adventures inside Gaza! Gazan youths represent about one quarter of the Israeli governments total killings, and almost one third of their total civilian murder victims!

Israel’s Offensive in Gaza has ‘Killed More Children than Fighters’, Say Human Rights Groups:

‘No Safe Place for Civilians’ in Gaza, United Nations Says:

Israel’s Gaza Offensive Has Killed Child Every Hour for Two Days:

Israel’s government is executing a full-scale massacre of purely cowardly proportions – to the welcoming cheers of celebrating Israeli audiences, in some cases! (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Israel Continues to Commit Crimes Against Humanity in Their Attack Upon the Residents of the Gaza Strip

The following is an updated version of my post, “In the Past Two Weeks, Israel’s Government Has Massacred Nearly 600 Gazan Civilians, Because… Terrorism!.” Like the previous article, I originally posted it to my Facebook wall…

Latest Gazan Fatalities, according to United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), as reported by their Facebook page, here

According to the latest figures from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Israeli military forces have killed an estimated 1,118 Gazans since their July 7th launch of Operation “Protective Edge.” About 74% of this total represents civilian casualties. In other words, approximately 827 civilians have been murdered by Israel’s government so far, with about 243 of that total being children, and 131 being women, which together represent 45% of all civilian deaths…

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs – Gaza Crisis:

Sadly, these numbers reveal that the world’s “Most Moral Army” has snuffed out the lives of more children than it has killed Hamas “militants” in its latest war-criminal adventures inside Gaza! Gazan youths represent about one quarter of the Israeli governments total killings, and almost one third of their total civilian murder victims!

Israel’s Offensive in Gaza has ‘Killed More Children than Fighters’, Say Human Rights Groups:

‘No Safe Place for Civilians’ in Gaza, United Nations Says:

Israel’s Gaza Offensive Has Killed Child Every Hour for Two Days:

Israel’s government is executing a full-scale massacre of purely cowardly proportions – to the welcoming cheers of celebrating Israeli audiences, in some cases! (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)