The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…
Earlene E.: I would like to highlight the government removing the subsidy for blood test strips. Diabetics need very frequent blood testing 5+ times a day. The cost of strips is $70.00 outcome reduced blood glucose testing and more hospital admissions from hyper or hypo glycemic Diabetes . . . I am asking if everyone could put this as their status for 1 hour. I’m pretty sure I know the ones that will. Think of someone you know or love who has or has had diabetes. My hope is that in 2017 a cure will be found. Will you post it for 1 hour? To honor those who have fought or are fighting diabetes. 🙂
(Copy and paste, don’t share)
Rayn: Beware of Disinformation… Even the liberal shithole, Snopes, discredited this:
Stripping the Strips:
Certain desperate DemoCrackPots are looking to prop up the failing, worthless ACA, because they believe that their sense of entitlement outweighs the economic realities of health care… Rule #1: free-market competition is superior to government-enforced monopolies on services…