Debunking Disinformation About Diabetes Test Strip Subsidies in America

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…

Earlene E.: I would like to highlight the government removing the subsidy for blood test strips. Diabetics need very frequent blood testing 5+ times a day. The cost of strips is $70.00 outcome reduced blood glucose testing and more hospital admissions from hyper or hypo glycemic Diabetes . . . I am asking if everyone could put this as their status for 1 hour. I’m pretty sure I know the ones that will. Think of someone you know or love who has or has had diabetes. My hope is that in 2017 a cure will be found. Will you post it for 1 hour? To honor those who have fought or are fighting diabetes. 🙂
(Copy and paste, don’t share)

RaynBeware of Disinformation… Even the liberal shithole, Snopes, discredited this:

Stripping the Strips:

Certain desperate DemoCrackPots are looking to prop up the failing, worthless ACA, because they believe that their sense of entitlement outweighs the economic realities of health care… Rule #1: free-market competition is superior to government-enforced monopolies on services…

The Mainstream Media Monopoly is Officially Losing it’s Death-Grip Over the Mind of the Public

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

State Department spokesman, John Kirby

State Department spokesman, John Kirby

State Dept Dismisses Question from RT, Says Won’t Treat it Like Other Media:

RT has asked the US State Department for specific information concerning allegations that Russia is targeting hospitals in Syria. The response was a reiteration of those allegations and a refusal to treat RT in the same way as other media outlets.

During Wednesday’s State Department briefing, spokesman John Kirby accused Russia and the Syrian regime of the bombing of “five hospitals and at least one mobile clinic in Syria.” RT’s reporter Gayane Chichakyan asked Kirby to specify the details of the alleged incidents, including their location.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Well, then… It looks like the mainstream media monopoly is officially losing it’s death-grip over the mind of the public!

Meanwhile, Obama meets with German chancellor, Angela Merkel, in Berlin for a joint press conference, and stands by silently, while she states:

“Digitisation is a disruptive technological force that brings about deep-seated change and transformation in society. Look at the history of the printing press, when this was invented what kind of consequences it had. Or industrialisation, what consequences that had.”


“Very often, it led to enormous transformational processes within individual societies and it took a while until societies learned to find the right kinds of policies to contain this, to manage and steer this. We live in a period of profound transformation.”

Merkel With Obama: Internet “Disruptive” Force that Has to Be “Contained, Managed, and Steered” by Government:

Dying Mainstream Media Monopoly Desperately Attempts to Discredit Independent News Sources as “Fake”:

Is War Criminal Fever Contagious, or Something?

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

They Lied about Iraq and Libya: Do You Trust Them Now About Russia?

(Robert Parry) A British parliamentary inquiry into the Libyan fiasco has reported what should have been apparent from the start in 2011 – and was to some of us – that the West’s military intervention to “protect” civilians in Benghazi was a cover for what became another disastrous “regime change” operation.

The report from the U.K.’s Foreign Affairs Committee confirms that the U.S. and other Western governments exaggerated the human rights threat posed by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and then quickly morphed the “humanitarian” mission into a military invasion that overthrew and killed Gaddafi, leaving behind political and social chaos.

The report’s significance is that it shows how little was learned from the Iraq War fiasco in which George W. Bush’s administration hyped and falsified intelligence to justify invading Iraq and killing its leader, Saddam Hussein. In both cases, U.K. leaders tagged along and the West’s mainstream news media mostly served as unprofessional propaganda conduits, not as diligent watchdogs for the public.

Today, we are seeing an even more dangerous repetition of this pattern: demonizing Russian President Vladimir Putin, destabilizing the Russian economy and pressing for “regime change” in Moscow. Amid the latest propaganda orgy against Putin, virtually no one in the mainstream is exercising any restraint or finding any cautionary lessons from the Iraqi and Libyan examples.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Fux wrong with y’all? Y’all got war criminal fever, too?

The American Public is Completely Losing Faith in the Mainstream Media Monopoly Due to Their Biased 2016 Presidential Election Coverage

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Professional spin doctors...

Professional spin doctors…

Mainstream Media Admits It May “Never Recover” from 2016 Election:

(Carey Wedler) In a revealing statement that flew largely under the radar earlier this month, the mainstream media admitted it would never recover from its irresponsible and negligent coverage of the 2016 presidential election. A recent column published in the New York Post referred to the media’s reporting as “the complete collapse of American journalism as we know it.

In his article for the Post, Fox News contributor Michael Goodwin discussed the media’s pro-Clinton bias – one recognized by supporters of virtually every other presidential candidate, from Bernie Sanders to Jill Stein to Gary Johnson and, of course, Donald Trump. Even Americans who don’t necessarily have a horse in the 2016 race notice the slant.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Less and less are believing in the lies of these spin doctors…

Sadly, the Truth is Always the First Victim of War

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “The Great Work,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“The first victim of war”

My Commentary: Every time…