When Pressed for Solutions, the State Continues to Shoot Blanks

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

“Bethel Park High School”

Blanks to be Fired During Active Shooter Drill at Local School:

Active shooter training will be conducted Thursday at Bethel Park High School, and students will be exposed to the sound of gunfire, according to a letter to parents.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Seems legit…

State Strips Cannabis Users of Right to Self-Defense

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Krissy Noble

Pot Prohibition Makes Self-Defense Illegal:

() When a stranger forced his way into her apartment, tackled her, punched her repeatedly, and tried to cover her mouth with a cloth, Krissy Noble says, she did what she thought was necessary to protect herself and her unborn baby. She grabbed a handgun from the coffee table and shot the man three times, then ran to a neighbor’s apartment and asked her to call the police.

Although local prosecutors agreed that the shooting was justified, Noble faces charges that could put her behind bars for years, thanks to a marijuana conviction that made it illegal for her to possess firearms. Her case shows how drug prohibition and indiscriminate gun laws conspire to deprive people of the constitutional right to armed self-defense.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Seems legit…

Useful Idiot Threatens Mass Shooting with 3D Gun

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Austin James David West

Utahn threatened mass school shooting using 3D-printed gun, police say:

(Pat Reavy) A South Jordan man faces a criminal charge after police say he threatened to commit a mass shooting at a small South Salt Lake school using a gun made from a 3D printer.

Austin James David West, 23, was charged Aug. 9 in South Salt Lake Justice Court with making a threat of violence, a class B misdemeanor.

On Aug. 8, West was arrested at his home after he talked with another student “about using a gun to shoot students at Broadview University,” according to a Salt Lake County Jail report.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: What up, useful idiot? Even the less-plastic-variety of 3D guns are not made for mass shootings.

3-D Printed Gun Fires 6 Shots — Then Falls Apart:

And, these “untraceable gun” comments are ridiculous. School shooters seek credit for their crimes, and often plan their deeds around a murder-suicide plot…

Wake up, and smell the tyranny. 3D guns allow for low-cost, temporary light-weight, individual self-defense against one to two attackers. In reality, what the State fears most about these weapons (even more so than their untraceable nature) is their ability to bypass metal detectors, as this stealthy quality makes them an ideal civilian tool for assassinating corrupt politicians and judges…

Another Agent of the State, Operating Above the “Law”

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

FBI Agent Accidentally Shoots Man on Dance Floor, Then Flees Scene:

My Commentary: Another agent of the State, operating above the “law.”

Quality of Public School Education on Full Display as Student Gun Protest Turns Violent

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Students’ Gun Protest Turns Violent:

At least five students were arrested Friday as hundreds of others from several Stockton, California high schools walked out of classes in protest of gun violence.

Students at Stagg, Edison, Chavez, Lincoln and Village Oak high schools were walking along streets, and Stockton police said some students threw rocks and damaged both police and citizen vehicles.

Five arrests were made, including charges of battery on an officer, resisting arrest, taking an officer’s baton and vandalizing vehicles, including patrol vehicles, Stockton police said.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Public school students involved in recent gun protest engage in violence against police and commit destruction of private property? You don’t say?