With Mainstream News Source Spoofing on the Rise, I Finally Fell for a Fake News Article… Beware of “BostonTribune.com”!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Suspected child-killer, Casey Anthony

Suspected child-killer, Casey Anthony

RaynCasey Anthony Obtains License For Home Daycare Business In Florida:

Tammy S.: Is that possible?! No! Don’t send your kids, you’ll regret it!

Diana B.: you have got to be fukken kidding me

Rayn: In Pathocratic America, murdering children is viewed as a respectable and successful business model, to be replicated on a grand scale, whenever possible. Just look at how popular Obama is, even though he daily signs off on the death warrants of countless scores of foreign babies.

Diana B.: abortion is also state sponsored. how many american babies are being cut down with state govnt $$$$

Rayn: Indeed! Obama even recently allocated more funding to the Planned Parenthood eugenics program, and the left cheered it as a victory…

“Birth Control is not contraception indiscriminately and thoughtlessly practiced. It means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.” – Margaret Sanger, FOUNDER of Planned Parenthood, and Lifelong Genocidal Eugenicist

Diana B.: SMFH how do all these so-called open minded people feed into the bull$hit?!??!??!?!

Diana B.: by the way, margaret sanger is killary’s idol! 😕

Diana B.Hillary Clinton Admires Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood:

Diana B.: sickening. human life has become so cheap….

Diana B.: or maybe its always been that way? 😕

Rayn: “We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. And the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” – Margaret Sanger, FOUNDER of Planned Parenthood, and Lifelong Genocidal Eugenicist

(According to the leftists, this paragraph is being taken out of context, and Sanger just wanted to help “negroes” take control of their reproductive rights… through a condescending brainwashing campaign, using paid shills peddling religious trickery… you know… “for their own good”?)

Rayn: Killary is a lizard, to be sure!

Diana B.: Fukin sick! How is this shit still happening in 2016?!?

Rayn: The loudest among humanity appear to be the most historically-illiterate, morally-bankrupt, and yet, strongly-opinionated. And, they gleefully shout down into compliance all those who are too polite, meek, or respectful to challenge the many falsehoods, horrors and fantasies being spewed, as though the volume of their voice, or the resulting silence it elicits, somehow represents evidence of superior logic..

Meanwhile, any time a slick-talking, confident sociopath comes along claiming crimes against humanity to be “scientific,” or “legal,” or “necessary,” way too many are quick to drop to their knees, and eagerly swallow it down…

Sara: Snopes says it’s a hoax:

The Hand that Shocks the Cradle:
http://www.snopes.com/casey-anthony-obtains-license-for-home-daycare-business-in-florida/ (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Best “Send Off” for Obama Would Entail Him and Bush Standing Trial at the Hague for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity!

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Natalie M…

Natalie M.: He is really starting to get on my nerves! Telling the black Americans to vote while he is aggressively trying to pass trans-Pacific partnership trade agreement (TPP) during the lame duck. Tpp screws over the American people and gives more power to corporations.

Obama’s Message to Black Voters:

Rayn: The best “send off” possible would entail him and Bush standing before the Hague, being prosecuted for War Crimes and Crimes against humanity

America Has Become the New Nazi Germany

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


We Are the New Nazis:

(Peter WhiteAfter more than two decades of continuous war against countries we bombed with which we were officially at peace, and then invaded, and after millions have been killed and after billions have been spent to finance America’s illegal wars, we are no safer than we were before 9-11 and the world is facing the greatest refugee and worst humanitarian crisis since WW II. The United States is to blame for these wars of atrocity and the American political class that promulgated them are war criminals. In short, we Americans are the new Nazis of the world disorder.

Reports by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), Mother Jones, and Time put the costs of American adventurism at about $1.6 trillion dollars. Other reports have estimated the cost of US wars since 9/11 to be far higher, between $4 -$7 trillion. According to MJ, “a report by Neta Crawford, a political science professor at Boston University, estimated the total cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—as well as post-2001 assistance to Pakistan—to be roughly $4.4 trillion. The CRS estimate is lower because it does not include additional costs including the lifetime price of health care for disabled veterans and interest on the national debt.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: The Germans thought they were “free,” too…

They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45:

Excerpts from book: “You know, it doesn’t make people close to their government to be told that this is a people’s government, a true democracy, or to be enrolled in civilian defense, or even to vote. All this has little, really nothing, to do with knowing one is governing…

“What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could not understand it, it could not be released because of national security…

“This separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised (perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter…”

Don’t Fear Straw-Boogie-Men! Police are the Real Terrorists in America!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Police officer points a loaded rifle at the head of an innocent motorist during a "check point" in Sacramento

Police officer points a loaded rifle at the head of an innocent motorist during a “check point” in Sacramento

NEW STUDY: Americans 58 Times More Likely to Be Killed by Cops Than by Terrorists:

Ever since information was released showing that Americans were 8 times more likely to be killed by police than by terrorists, more attention has turned to the problem of police misconduct in the United States.

But that attention is likely to become even more critical, given newly released FBI data from which a much higher figure can be extracted.

When the totals are calculated, it turns out that Americans are 58 times more likely to be killed by law enforcement officers than by terrorists.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Don’t fear straw-boogie-men. Unsurprisingly, many are created by those who profit most…

Government Agents ‘Directly Involved’ in Most High-Profile US Terror Plots:

You government has been murdering, indiscriminately, while forcing you to pay for the “service,” and they certainly don’t want any of the exposure, nor the backlash, they’ve finally been receiving for it, recently… So, stay focused, my friends! And, don’t lose sight of the big picture!

Is War Criminal Fever Contagious, or Something?

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

They Lied about Iraq and Libya: Do You Trust Them Now About Russia?

(Robert Parry) A British parliamentary inquiry into the Libyan fiasco has reported what should have been apparent from the start in 2011 – and was to some of us – that the West’s military intervention to “protect” civilians in Benghazi was a cover for what became another disastrous “regime change” operation.

The report from the U.K.’s Foreign Affairs Committee confirms that the U.S. and other Western governments exaggerated the human rights threat posed by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and then quickly morphed the “humanitarian” mission into a military invasion that overthrew and killed Gaddafi, leaving behind political and social chaos.

The report’s significance is that it shows how little was learned from the Iraq War fiasco in which George W. Bush’s administration hyped and falsified intelligence to justify invading Iraq and killing its leader, Saddam Hussein. In both cases, U.K. leaders tagged along and the West’s mainstream news media mostly served as unprofessional propaganda conduits, not as diligent watchdogs for the public.

Today, we are seeing an even more dangerous repetition of this pattern: demonizing Russian President Vladimir Putin, destabilizing the Russian economy and pressing for “regime change” in Moscow. Amid the latest propaganda orgy against Putin, virtually no one in the mainstream is exercising any restraint or finding any cautionary lessons from the Iraqi and Libyan examples.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Fux wrong with y’all? Y’all got war criminal fever, too?