Trump and Clinton Foundations Appear to be Glorified Money-Laundering Operations

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


SCANDAL: Trump Foundation Reported Charitable Donations It Never Made:

(Karoli Kuns) In the current maelstrom of media handwringing over ‘deplorables’ and Clinton’s pneumonia, David Fahrenthold’s bombshell report for the Washington Post has fallen into third place, but it definitely should not.

According to Fahrenthold, Trump’s charity does not give any of Trump’s money. It is, instead, used as a pass-through from other people to charities. This is perfectly legal, but it belies his claim that he gives millions to charities.

Worse yet, there are five contributions to charities which the Foundation claims it sent, but which were not received. The largest contribution has already been explained — it is the $25,000 impermissible donation sent to Pam Bondi shortly after she decided not to investigate Trump University.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Trump and Clinton Foundations are glorified money laundering operations.

Discussing the Sad Reality that Neo-Cons and Neo-Libs Love War

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Neo-Cons and Neo-Libs Love War…“…

Rayn: Neo-Cons AND Neo-Libs love war…

“September 11, 2001 turned out to be that ‘Pearl Harbor Event’ the neo-conservatives were hoping for in order to prepare the American people to support the foreign policy for which the neo-cons longed.” – Ron Paul

“September 11, 2001 turned out to be that ‘Pearl Harbor Event’ the neo-conservatives were hoping for in order to prepare the American people to support the foreign policy for which the neo-cons longed.” – Ron Paul

Jonas A.:  I agree!!! P____GS!!!!

Neo-Cons and Neo-Libs Love War…

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Liberty Hangout,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"September 11, 2001 turned out to be that 'Pearl Harbor Event' the neo-conservatives were hoping for in order to prepare the American people to support the foreign policy for which the neo-cons longed." - Ron Paul

“September 11, 2001 turned out to be that ‘Pearl Harbor Event’ the neo-conservatives were hoping for in order to prepare the American people to support the foreign policy for which the neo-cons longed.” – Ron Paul

My Commentary: Neo-Cons AND Neo-Libs love war…

Crimes Against Humanity for Peace, 2016!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Liberty Minds,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"When you at the voting booth this November and are trying to choose between banning Muslims or bombing them"

“When you at the voting booth this November and are trying to choose between banning Muslims or bombing them”

My Commentary: Actually, BOTH of the DemoCrackpot and RepubliConArtist presidential candidates PLAN TO MURDER innocents in your name, and BOTH WILL FORCE YOU to pay for it, too (throwing in this fact because too many seem to care more about money than innocent human lives)…

Crimes Against Humanity for Peace, 2016!

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party’s Pro-War, Anti-Civil Liberties Front-Runner:

Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Speech Shows: We Have No Anti-War Candidates:

And, to preempt the rallying cry of the delusional: NO, Bernie Sanders was NOT anti-war, either…

Bernie Sanders Says He Would Use Drones to Fight Terror as President:

Due to the Gary Johnson / Bill Weld Candidacy, the Libertarian Party Has Ballot Access in All Fifty States for the First Time in 20 Years

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

United States

United States

Libertarian Party First 3rd Party With Ballot Access in All 50 States Since 1996:

My Commentary: 3rd party? More like 2nd…