America’s Silent Majority Placed Their Vote for Nobody!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I shared a graphic being shared by the page, “The Art of Not Being Governed“…


The Presidential Election Turnout Rate: 46.9% Didn't Vote 25.6% Voted for Clinton 25.5% Voted for Trump 1.7% Voted for Johnson"

The Presidential Election – Turnout Rate:
46.9% Didn’t Vote
25.6% Voted for Clinton
25.5% Voted for Trump
1.7% Voted for Johnson”

Sara: I heard 15k people wrote in Harambe too lmao

Rayn: The silent majority placed their Vote for Nobody! Most Americans are fully aware that Nobody will keep all campaign promises, and Nobody truly cares! But, the DemoRepublicrats always ignore the results, and steal the election, because they have the State, the mainstream media monopoly, and more money, on their side! They are total creeps, and control-freaks!

Gary Johnson is a Stooge!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate, Gary Johnson

Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate, Gary Johnson

Gary Johnson Still Waiting for Ron Paul to Accept His Friend Request:

(Josh Guckert) Several months after earning the Libertarian presidential nomination for a second time, Gary Johnson awaits news on perhaps an ever more important front: his pending Facebook friend request to former Congressman Ron Paul. The former New Mexico Governor is also awaiting an acceptance to get into the secret “Former Libertarian Presidential Nominees” group, of which Paul is an administrator.

Pressed for comment, Johnson assured interviewers that it was a mere oversight on Paul’s part. Since sending the request in January, the current LP nominee has messaged Dr. Paul on three different occasions. The first message read “Hey Ron! Just seeing if you got my friend request!” The next said only “Taxation is theft, amirite? Lol.” Finally the most recent asked Paul if he would be interested in going to see the new movie Snowden.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Ha! Keep waiting, stooge!

(note: the above article is actually satire)

Due to the Gary Johnson / Bill Weld Candidacy, the Libertarian Party Has Ballot Access in All Fifty States for the First Time in 20 Years

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

United States

United States

Libertarian Party First 3rd Party With Ballot Access in All 50 States Since 1996:

My Commentary: 3rd party? More like 2nd…