The Mainstream Media Monopoly is Officially Losing it’s Death-Grip Over the Mind of the Public

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

State Department spokesman, John Kirby

State Department spokesman, John Kirby

State Dept Dismisses Question from RT, Says Won’t Treat it Like Other Media:

RT has asked the US State Department for specific information concerning allegations that Russia is targeting hospitals in Syria. The response was a reiteration of those allegations and a refusal to treat RT in the same way as other media outlets.

During Wednesday’s State Department briefing, spokesman John Kirby accused Russia and the Syrian regime of the bombing of “five hospitals and at least one mobile clinic in Syria.” RT’s reporter Gayane Chichakyan asked Kirby to specify the details of the alleged incidents, including their location.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Well, then… It looks like the mainstream media monopoly is officially losing it’s death-grip over the mind of the public!

Meanwhile, Obama meets with German chancellor, Angela Merkel, in Berlin for a joint press conference, and stands by silently, while she states:

“Digitisation is a disruptive technological force that brings about deep-seated change and transformation in society. Look at the history of the printing press, when this was invented what kind of consequences it had. Or industrialisation, what consequences that had.”


“Very often, it led to enormous transformational processes within individual societies and it took a while until societies learned to find the right kinds of policies to contain this, to manage and steer this. We live in a period of profound transformation.”

Merkel With Obama: Internet “Disruptive” Force that Has to Be “Contained, Managed, and Steered” by Government:

Dying Mainstream Media Monopoly Desperately Attempts to Discredit Independent News Sources as “Fake”:

As Expected, Trump Backpeddles on His Threats to Investigate Hillary’s Crimes

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “The Art of Not Being Governed,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Octoer 9th: 'If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation... You'd be in jail.' November 8th: 'Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. I mean that very sincerely.' "

“October 9th: ‘If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation… You’d be in jail.’ November 8th: ‘Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. I mean that very sincerely.'”

My Commentary: LOLZ!

Check out the Song, “Ya Gotta Vote”!

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Ya Gotta Vote:

My Commentary: “Ya gotta vote to keep up the illusion that ‘the people’ are in control!
Ya gotta vote for one of two narcissistic megalomaniacs with no soul!”

“I’m allowed to hide in a booth and press a button – and, that makes me important!” 😉 Yay!

“Feel the Bern” of Being Sold-Out by a Professional Liar and Political Parasite!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Democratic ex-presidential-candidate, Bernie Sanders, will now be campaigning for Hillary Clinton to win the election

Democratic ex-presidential-candidate, Bernie Sanders, will now be campaigning for Hillary Clinton to win the election

Rayn: Feel the Bern!

Sanders Returning to Campaign Trail for Clinton:

Diana D.: Fake ass politicians

Rayn: Exactly. Professional liars, political parasites.

Mainstream Media Monopoly Spoon-Feeds American Public More Lies, in Preparation for More War

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Here We Go Again: Time Just Declared Russia, Syria, and Iran the New “Axis of Evil”:

(Melissa Dykes) While it’s all over the mainstream media that Russia is using Iranian bases to stage attacks against ISIS for the first time — GASP! — even though A) Russia notified the U.S.-led coalition it would be doing so and B) we all know who created ISIS in the first place, establishment propaganda peddler TIME put a spin on it that will send chills down the spines of anyone paying attention to how much we’re currently being groomed towards war with Iran.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Mainstream media monopoly spoon-feeds the American public more lies, in preparation for more war…