Level of Love for and Faith in State is Directly Proportional to Level of Hatred for and Mistrust in Strangers

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “People for Anarchy, Voluntaryism, Non-Aggression, and Liberty,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"The love for libery is the love of others; the love for power is the love of ourselves." - William Hazlitt

“The love for liberty is the love of others; the love for power is the love of ourselves.” – William Hazlitt

My Commentary: The level of love for and faith in the State is directly proportional to the level of hatred for and mistrust in strangers……

Shabath Shalum! Happy Pesach! Baruk HaShem Yahuah! Halalu Yahusha!

I originally posted the following statement, along with artwork from the page, “Love is a Verb,” onto my Facebook wall…

"Shabat(h) Shal(u)m"

“Shabat(h) Shal(u)m”

My Commentary: Shabath Shalum! Happy Pesach! Halalu Yahusha, our Mashiach, for making the ultimate sacrifice to expose the murderous, torturous slave-system of the Accuser before the eyes of the whole Earth, for all generations to witness, in the Name of Yahuwah! Baruk Ha’Shem Yahuwah!

Silly Statist… Myths Are for Kids!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “We the Individuals,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“The Condensed Statist History of Man:”

My Commentary: Silly Statist…

Belief in Humanity Over Authority…

The following correspondence originally took place here, upon the Facebook page, “V is for Voluntary“…

V is for Voluntary:

“Stop believing in authority; Start believing in each other”

Kyl J.: 😀

Jeff W.: ♡❤♡❤

Brent N.: Amen


William B.: Sure are prettyy