Yahusha, haMashiach, Taught Humanity to Reject the Fallacy of the Mob Mentality, and Embrace the Reality of Individual Sovereignty

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


The End of Stoning: Jesus and the Personhood Revolution:

() A problem people have when thinking about the lasting legacy of Jesus is the tendency to either objectify him as a ticket into a spiritual in-crowd status or dismiss him as a religious ascetic wholly incapable of relevancy for politics and world affairs. That’s because they’re Enlightenment rationalists that compartmentalize his life into a religious ideology to possess rather than a performative revolution in how humans can be with each other.

To understand the spiritual revolution Jesus began we must study his life and imitate his model in our daily affairs.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Shabath Shalum! Baruk haba bashem Yahuwah! Halalu Yahusha, haMashiach!

“Speak and so do as those who will be judged by the Law of Liberty.” – Yaaqob 2:12

Reject the fearful, cowardly mob mentality that fuels the cult of human sacrifice! Bravely embrace the personal responsibility and accountability of Individual Sovereignty inherent to a peaceful, free, diverse, and cooperative society!

Shabath Shalum! Happy Pesach! Baruk HaShem Yahuah! Halalu Yahusha!

I originally posted the following statement, along with artwork from the page, “Love is a Verb,” onto my Facebook wall…

"Shabat(h) Shal(u)m"

“Shabat(h) Shal(u)m”

My Commentary: Shabath Shalum! Happy Pesach! Halalu Yahusha, our Mashiach, for making the ultimate sacrifice to expose the murderous, torturous slave-system of the Accuser before the eyes of the whole Earth, for all generations to witness, in the Name of Yahuwah! Baruk Ha’Shem Yahuwah!

You Are Not the Father!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered some amusing artwork here, being shared by the page, “People for Anarchy, Voluntaryism, Non-Aggression, and Liberty.” Taking creative liberties, I decided to design a qodesh “variation on a theme,” and post it to the wall of my friend, Damion S…

"Democracy: the system that picks murder of speech. Remember: voting with the crowd can get you Barabbas over Yahusha. 'Do not turn to the right or the left; turn your foot away from evil.' - Míshlê [Proverbs] 4:27" (Artwork by Rayn)

“Democracy: the system that picks murder of speech. Remember: voting with the crowd can get you Barabbas over Yahusha. ‘Do not turn to the right or the left; turn your foot away from evil.’ – Míshlê [Proverbs] 4:27”
(Artwork by Rayn)

My Commentary: When it comes to 2000+ year old democracy… Yahuwah, you are not the father. 😉 Ha!

Reverence of Yahuwah is the Beginning of Knowledge

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Ann Yahu…


“The reverence of יהוה is the beginning of knowledge.” – Mashly (Proverbs) 1:7

Rayn: Selah!

Discussing the Writing Inscribed on the Stone Tablets Used Within the 1956 Film, “Ten Commandments”

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Stephen K.: Your thoughts, Rayn? Do they make sense?

Stone tablets used within the 1956 film, "Ten Commandments"

Stone tablets used within the 1956 film, “Ten Commandments”

Rayn: The above inscription looks to be written mostly in Middle Semitic “Moabite” script, which is a very slight variation of Middle Semitic “Paleo-Hebrew” that holds many of the same exact characters. The reason I believe it to be this particular Semitic script is because it’s the only one I know of that writes out the letter “waw” (“ו” in modern Hebrew) like a “Y,” and the letter “kaph” (“כ” and “ך” in modern Hebrew) like a “Y” with an extra branch emerging from the center (imagine a “ ,” minus the circle, and turned 180°). However, the letter “hhet” (now called “chet” and written as “ח” in modern Hebrew) and the letter “sin,” (now called “samekh” and written as “ס” in modern Hebrew) are both written in Paleo-Hebrew, instead of Moabite. Meanwhile the “lam” (now called “lamed” and written as “ל” in modern Hebrew) often jumps between Moabite and Early Semitic “Ancient Hebrew”… (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)