Shabath Shalum! Happy Pesach! Baruk HaShem Yahuah! Halalu Yahusha!

I originally posted the following statement, along with artwork from the page, “Love is a Verb,” onto my Facebook wall…

"Shabat(h) Shal(u)m"

“Shabat(h) Shal(u)m”

My Commentary: Shabath Shalum! Happy Pesach! Halalu Yahusha, our Mashiach, for making the ultimate sacrifice to expose the murderous, torturous slave-system of the Accuser before the eyes of the whole Earth, for all generations to witness, in the Name of Yahuwah! Baruk Ha’Shem Yahuwah!

Many Names, One Desire

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Statism Is Slavery,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Don't vote and the choice is theirs. Vote and the choice is theirs."

“Don’t vote and the choice is theirs. Vote and the choice is theirs.”

My Commentary: Many names. One desire…

The Devil is the Ultimate Perpetrator

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance…

Lana C.: God is Good but the devil is Smart.

Rayn: Indeed! So true! In fact, the Devil is SO SMART, he’s even fooled us into praising the his own name over that of our Father, since “G-d” is really just another name for Satan!

יהוה [HE IS] Shall Not Be Called “G-d” or “Lord”:

יהוה [HE IS] Shall Not Be Called “G-d,” Nor “Lord”

I originally posted the following information onto my Facebook page, “יהוה“…

2011-04-08 - יהוה [HE IS] Shall Not Be Called “G-d,” Nor “Lord” (1)or
2011-04-08 - יהוה [HE IS] Shall Not Be Called “G-d,” Nor “Lord” (2)


Shemot [Names] (“Exodus”) 3:13-15:  And Mosheh said unto Alahym, Behold, when I come unto the children of Yahsharal, and shall say unto them, The Alahym of your fathers has sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is His Name? What shall I say unto them? (14) And Alahym said unto Mosheh, “אהיה אשר אהיה [I AM THAT I AM]:” and He Said, “Thus shall you say unto the children of Yahsharal אהיה [I AM] Has Sent me unto you.” (15) And Alahym said moreover unto Mosheh, “Thus shall you say unto the children of Yahsharal, יהוה [HE IS], Aluah of your fathers, the Aluah of ‘Abraham , the Aluah of Yahsaac, and the Aluah of Yahcob, Has Sent me unto you: this is My Name Forever, and this is My Memorial unto all generations.”

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The Impact of a Name

The following correspondence originally took place in the forum section of

(replies from all third parties have been omitted for clarity)

"What's in a name?"

“What’s in a name?”

GrimmRomance: The impact of a name: What does your name mean? Are you fond of it? Were you teased about it?

Rayn: My name is “Rayn.”

In Scandanavian, “Rayne” means “strong counselor,” and “mighty.”
In Scottish and Gaelic, “Rayne” means “field of good ground.”
In French and English, “Rayne” means “queen.”
In Israeli, “Rayne” means “song.”

Growing up with my name was definitely an experience all its own! In school, I was subject to both wonder and ridicule for bearing this title.

When introduced to new individuals, I often find myself repeating my name multiple times before it is properly received. It would seem that there is a certain degree of disbelieving one’s own ears when hearing a name such as mine. Ha ha! To me, possessing a unique name is definitely a character-building experience!