As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Positive Anarchy,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Has anarchy ever been tried? This all too common question contains a logical fallacy. Anarchy cannot be ‘tried.’ Anarchy is not a social or political system. Anarchy is the fundamental state of nature into which you were born. Anarchy exists every single time you voluntarily interact with other people. Anarchy factually informs the vast majority of your daily activities, even in today’s mad world.” – Roberty Eschauzier (Positive Anarchy)
My Commentary: The various institutionalized reprogramming campaigns working towards transforming human beings into human batteries are so pervasive, the average individual is clueless about the nature of their own consciousness. And, even fewer embrace the Spontaneous Order inherent to truly “living.” Mention Self-Ownership, Freedom Through Non-Aggression, and present all Consensual Interaction as Voluntaryism In Action, and most will attempt to justify the illegitimacy of centralized institutions of coercion by either disavowing their own freedom, attacking everyone else’s, or some combination of the two Yet, the truth is that FREEDOM IS NOT SLAVERY; COERCION IS! No one has the right to control innocent, peaceful individuals
“No matter how they spin it, freedom is not extreme; control is.” Ⓐ
“Suspicion is the companion of mean souls, and the bane of all good society.” – Thomas Paine
A few examples of spontaneous order…
Billionaire Uses His $25 Million Yacht to Deliver Supplies To Stranded Malibu Wildfire Victims – After His Own Winery Was Destroyed By The Flames – When State Refuses His Ship Entry to Port, SURFERS Team Up to Deliver His Supplies to Shore:
After Man Collapses, 20 People Take Turns Performing CPR For 96 Minutes:
At Least 80 People Form Human Chain to Rescue Stranded Group in Gulf of Mexico:
Accident-Free Zone: The German Town Which Scrapped All Traffic Lights and Road Signs: