Vote for Barabbas! Four More Wars!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Strike the Root,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Pretending to cry for American kids... while bombing children in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Syria..."

“Pretending to cry for American kids… while bombing children in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Syria…”

My Commentary: Vote for Barabbas! Four more wars!

Much Like His Predecessor, Obama is a Professional Actor, and a Pure Political Parasite

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “Statism is a Religion“…


"The two faces of a sociopath 1. Cries for child victims of gun violence 2. Murders children with drone bombs"

“The two faces of a sociopath
1. Cries for child victims of gun violence
2. Murders children with drone bombs”

Greg C.: Nice dentures Barrack you fake ass actor. You cry about guns like white people shouldn’t be allowed to have them. You didn’t cry when ISIS was beheading Christian children though – did you? You damn phony. You told 60 minutes you could win a 3rd term but the majority of this country despises you. I think Donald Trump or Cruz would give you the beating of your life in the next election. America can’t wait till you wave good bye and jet with that wife of yours…

Rayn: He’s definitely a straight-up actor, like his predecessor. Pure political parasites!

"Vote for Nobody *Nobody will keep elections promises *Nobody will listen to your concerns *Nobody will help the poor & destitute *Nobody cares about you & your family Nobody tells the truth."

“Vote for Nobody:
*Nobody will keep elections promises
*Nobody will listen to your concerns
*Nobody will help the poor & destitute
*Nobody cares about you & your family
Nobody tells the truth.”


Exercising “Freedom of Association” in Response to Open Celebration of Crimes Against Peace

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I shared my artwork, “Spreading Democracy

Rayn: Are you doing your part to help spread democracy, tax-serf?

"I'm doing my part to help spread democracy! ARE YOU?" (by Rayn)

“I’m doing my part to help spread democracy! ARE YOU?”
(Artwork by Rayn)

Morgan S.: HAHAHAHA we did tooo.

Morgan S.: aint nothing better then watcvhing a two thousand pound JDAM take out those donkey fuckers that were just shooting at us from a building. KAA-BOOOOMMMMM. Say hello to Allah you fuckers.

Morgan S.Marine Hornet Drops 2,000 Pound JDAM Missile on Terrorist Target:

Rayn: Perhaps you missed the point, Morgan, but the artwork I shared above is completely ANTI-WAR in nature, and derides the terrorism of spreading “democracy” with bombs. From now on, please use your *own* Facebook wall to eagerly and gleefully celebrate the American government’s Crimes against peace, their imperialist occupation policies, and your hatred towards Muslims, rather than doing so upon mine. I am not even slightly interested in reading such comments, and am annoyed and disappointed to read yours, here. And, now that I have made myself explicitly clear, if you continue to exercise such “freedom of speech” on my wall, I will respond by exercising my “freedom of association.” Consider this your first and final warning. I can only hope that you understand my request, and will show it the full respect it deserves, so that we can continue to be friends on Facebook without issue. And, please try not to take exception, cousin, because many others wouldn’t even receive a warning. I would simply take action, instead, with the “unfriend” button. Thanx for your time.

Feel the “Bern,” War-Piglets-in-Training!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “We the Individuals,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Obama’s current drone warfare program – Sanders’ proposed drone warfare ‘reform’ “

“Obama’s current drone warfare program – Sanders’ proposed drone warfare ‘reform’ “

My Commentary: Ready for more “change,” voting slobs? That’s right: feel the “bern,” war-piglets-in-training! 😉

My advice: get a jump on the other lemmings, and start preparing your apologist-for-war-crimes speeches, now!

Apologist for War Crimes, or Advocate for Peace?

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Bombing Civilians For Peace!“…

Rayn: War-Criminal-in-Chief Obama is a regular trend-setter!

Doctors Without Borders Awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1999:

"The first Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb another Nobel Peace Prize Winner"

“The first Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb another Nobel Peace Prize winner”

Anke M.: Jeez Rayn, what’s wrong with you? You and Genaire have fairly gone of the tracks!
I know neither one of you are stupid, but posting this nonsense really pisses me of!

Rayn: What’s wrong with me!? Sorry, but I’m right on track! War is a racket and murder is wrong! It’s not “collateral damage,” as the professional liar, O-bomb-a, claims. Belief in such a morally-bankrupt concept requires a huge leap of faith in the religion of “government.” However, I’m not a Statist, but rather, a “political atheist,” so I DO NOT “bow to political gods”!

And, far from stupid, I’m actually very knowledgeable about US foreign policy, and world politics. My writing and art records speak for themselves! Meanwhile, a few days ago, America’s president authorized the bombing of a hospital in Afghanistan, killing an estimated 22 civilians, including members of “Doctors Without Borders,” which happened to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999.

That Awkward Moment When One Nobel Peace Prize Winner Bombs Another:

Doctors Without Borders Awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1999:

So, you’re willing to dismiss PURE FACT as “nonsense,” while being pissed off that I posted the truth!? That’s your prerogative, but rest assured that I’m pissed off, too – pissed off that America’s War-Criminal-In-Chief, much like his bloodthirsty predecessor, continues to engage in yet another illegal, immoral War of aggression, while committing Crimes against humanity in his authorization of the maiming and murdering of civilians with drone bombs, as a matter of policy.