The Majority Cannot Give Consent for the Minority

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “Being Free“…


"Democracy is based on the idea that the majority can give consent for the minority. But consent doesn't work like that."

“Democracy is based on the idea that the
majority can give consent for the minority.
But consent doesn’t work like that.”

Jordan K.: I want to post this photo every day of my life. I might just print this out and start putting it on telephone poles.


“Yo, Dawg! We heard that you don’t like the tyranny of the majority over minority groups… So, we legitimized the authority of an ultra-minority through a voting majority, so they can tyrannically rule over everybody, accordingly, while you formally select the next elect minority of tyranny to fully control your humanity, in perpetuity!” (Artwork by Rayn, and originally located here)

“Yo, Dawg! We heard that you don’t like the tyranny of the majority over minority groups…
So, we legitimized the authority of an ultra-minority through a voting majority, so they can tyrannically rule over everybody, accordingly, while you formally select the next elect minority of tyranny to fully control your humanity, in perpetuity!”
(Artwork by Rayn, and originally located here)

Discussing Alarming Trend of Police Raping Women While On Duty

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Want a Free Pass to Rape Women Without Fear of Prosecution? Become a Cop!“…

“Ladies, if you don’t want to get raped by a cop, ‘then follow the law in the first place so you don’t get pulled over.’ – Oklahoma Patrol Captain, George Brown

“Ladies, if you don’t want to get raped by a cop, ‘then follow the law in the first place so you don’t get pulled over.’ – Oklahoma Patrol Captain, George Brown

RaynCops Raping Women While On-Duty Has Become an Alarming Trend:

But, without government, who would tax-fund rapists, while providing them with the “color of law” needed to “legally” detain and isolate their victims, even in daylight hours, without arousing even the slightest suspicion about their intentions and activities?

Alison K.: The church?

Rayn: LOL! Exactly! Statism is just another bad religion! 😉

Want a Free Pass to Rape Women Without Fear of Prosecution? Become a Cop!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"Ladies, if you don't want to get raped by a cop, 'then follow the law in the first place so you don't get pulled over.' - Oklahoa Patrol Captain, George Brown

“Ladies, if you don’t want to get raped by a cop, ‘then follow the law in the first place so you don’t get pulled over.’ – Oklahoma Patrol Captain, George Brown

Cops Raping Women While On-Duty Has Become an Alarming Trend:

(Joseph Mayton, Daily Beast) On Thursday, a Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy pleaded no contest to rape and sexual assault of two women. Jose Rigaberto Sanchez, 29, faces a sentence of eight years and eight months in prison and must register as a sex offender, according the district attorney’s office.

Both crimes occurred in September 2010. The first incident included the forcible sodomizing of a 24-year-old woman in Palmdale after Sanchez offered her sex in exchange for not arresting her. He took her to a desert where the crime occurred.

Two nights later, Sanchez pulled over a 36-year-old woman on drunk driving suspicion and attempted to bribe her with sexual favors, according to the Los Angeles Country district attorney’s office.

This is only one of several recent cases of sexual violence where a police officer has been accused or convicted of abusing his power and authority to abuse women while on the job. In January 2012, a Milwaukee jury convicted a policeman of violating the civil rights of a woman by raping her. In November 2013, a Texas police officer was accused of raping a 19-year-old woman. And earlier this month a sheriff’s deputy in Oklahoma was arrested on suspected rape charges at a nursing home.

(Read Entire Article Here…)

My CommentaryBut, without government, who would tax-fund rapists, while providing them with the “color of law” needed to “legally” detain and isolate their victims, even in daylight hours, without arousing even the slightest suspicion about their intentions and activities?

Explaining the Difference Between Hoax and Satire

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…

Genaire: NYPD Officer Kills Baby Following Breastfeeding Argument:

Sara: It’s a hoax story.

Genaire: That’s good to know. I hadn’t gotten around to reading it yet.

Sara: Yeah, but sadly, with the police state and the NYPD’s actions lately, it’s very easy to believe.

Samantha P.: lol i completely flipped when i read this story until sara stepped in and saved my nerves!

Rayn: It’s actually satire, meaning that it wasn’t really meant to fool readers, so much as to make them think about the issue being addressed…

National Report Publisher Allen Montgomery Responds to Critics of NYPD Story:

(update: archived copy of above link located here:

Daniel F.: Unfortunately a story like this one is all too believable these days. I’ve already lost count of how many totally outrageous headlines I’ve come across that I realized were satire only because they were from freewoodpost or some other satire site like it. (Not even the Onion – somehow they manage to keep coming up with stories and headlines that most people wouldn’t mistake for being actually real).

Wendy P.: OMG, I also felt my nerves tremble till I read entirely. Cops should be trained to know the law inside and out and know when citizens actually break a law. Citizens should also be made very aware of the law.

Discussing One of the Main Roots of America’s Police State Problem

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “But, Without Government, Who Would Use Violence to Enforce Victimless Crimes?“…

Cop Block:

NYPD Is Outta Control.
Standing in solidarity with the other NYPD Officers videotaped in recent days choking their victims. This poor excuse for a human was photographed choking a woman who was 7 months pregnant. If this was any member of the public, this would be attempted murder.
[Jacob/ We Copwatch]

Pregnant Woman Apparently Put in Chokehold by NYPD Cop During Dispute Over Illegal Grilling:

Rayn: But, without government, who would “protect” society from a pregnant woman “illegal[ly] grilling” with her family on the sidewalk in front of her home, without so much as a single complaint from neighbors, and with the sidewalk not even being obstructed?

Pregnant Woman Apparently Put in Chokehold by NYPD Cop During Dispute Over Illegal Grilling:

Mha I.: This is sickening. Who the hell handles anyone never mind a pregnant woman like that. She could have miscarried the baby!

Wendy P.: Seems like they need much more training, a lot more, and ongoing, probably need to reflect and discuss their day everyday with counselors or trainers/teachers – something like that. They need more support and supervision.

Rayn: It’s as Henry David Thoreau said, Wendy: “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” Unless we all identify the root of this problem, the best we can hope for is to desperately treat the expanding list of symptoms. What it all comes down to is simple: No Victim, No Crime! Once this is understood as a fundamental principle of JUSTICE, it is actually EASY TO SEE that this costumed criminal is very apparently BREACHING THE PEACE with violence in order to generate revenue for the State, who stands as the only ACCUSER against this innocent woman!

In the US, our streets aren’t protected by “peace officers” but rather, are patrolled by government-hired “law enforcement” mercenaries, who carry out the commands of their State overlords, keeping the criminal courts packed, and always enriching the prison-industrial-complex, to the police-state-creating detriment of State-extorted “tax-payers.”

Wendy: You are right, taxpayers should directly have a say as to how this tax money is spent.