Discussing American Hubris

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “American Hubris“…

Rayn: American Hubris…

“Legal. Illegal.”

“Legal. Illegal.”

Jordan K.: They’re both legal for the government and both illegal for us

Rayn: The first one is legal for the government to do, according to them. The second one is illegal for us to do, according to them…

Judge Rotenberg Center is a Disturbing House of Horrors!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Executive Director, Dr. Matthew Israel introduces "Rewards Street," or ”Yellow Brick Road”

Executive Director, Dr. Matthew Israel introduces “Rewards Street,” or ”Yellow Brick Road”

Judge Rotenberg Center:

The Judge Rotenberg Educational Center (JRC) is a private residential school located in Canton, MA. serving students and adults with autism, mental retardation, emotional disturbance and multiple disabilities, under the direction of Matthew Israel, Ph.D. Executive Director.  The Judge Rotenberg Center serves it’s students 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Part of the JRC teaching involves punishing students who misbehave. and rewarding students for good behavior.  Punishment can come in the form skin shock therapy administered by a JRC staff member.  Staff members wear a transmitter that send a shock signal to the student who is wearing a receiver in a backpack or a fanny pack. Students who have trouble controlling their hands wear holsters to lock their hands at their sides until a teacher releases them.  Rewards are a trip to “Rewards Street, a replica of the “Yellow Brick Road” from the “Wizard of Oz”, complete with talking characters.  Students may be rewarded with a trip to the game room, the department store, complete with clothes, jewelry and makeup, the hair dresser, the Tiki room, for relaxing with soft drinks and computers or going to the in house movie theatre, complete with a concession stand.  In addition to the “Yellow Brick Road”  the center is filled with unique and expensive art, which decorates halls, conference rooms and offices.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: This is PROFOUNDLY disturbing in ways I cannot even put into words…

And, it’s practically RIGHT out of the CIA’s MK ULTRA program handbook:

We must close this HOUSE OF HORRORS down AT ONCE! Nothing good can come of this!

Since Last Year, South Korean Customs Officials Have Seized Thousands of China-Made Pills Filled with Powdered Human Baby Flesh

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

China-Made "Miracle Pills" Seized by South Korean Customs Officials Consist of 99.7% Powdered Flesh of Dead Human Babies

China-Made “Miracle Pills” Seized by South Korean Customs Officials Consist of 99.7% Powdered Flesh of Dead Human Babies

South Korean Customs Officials Find Thousands of Pills Filled with Powdered Human Baby Flesh:

The tiny corpses are then bought, stored in household refrigerators in homes of those involved in the trade before they are removed and taken to clinics where they are placed in medical drying microwaves.

Once the skin is tinder dry, it is pummelled into powder and then processed into capsules along with herbs to disguise the true ingredients from health investigators and customs officers.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Most have chosen the “head in sand” pose, dismissing these sorts of stories as “myth” without so much as a modicum of research. Few understand just how much the grisly, abominable “one child policy” of China’s government is responsible for this zero-value on human life policy, and black-market trafficking in aborted human fetal remains!

As Female Infanticide Skyrockets Under Deadly “One Child” Policy, China’s Wealthy Eat Human Baby As Delicacy:

China is home to AT LEAST 13 MILLION abortions a year….

Video Proves Kelly Thomas Was Murdered by Fullerton Police

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Kelly Thomas, after being brutally beaten by officers Jay Cicinelli and Manuel Ramos, of the Fullerton, California police department

Kelly Thomas, after being brutally beaten by officers Jay Cicinelli and Manuel Ramos, of the Fullerton, California police department

Footage of Fullerton Police Beating Kelly Thomas to Death Finally Released:

(Gustavo Arellano) Today, the world finally got to see security footage of Fullerton police officers beating Kelly Thomas to death, a case that has sparked worldwide outrage.

The video–complete with Thomas pleading for his life–is after the jump. WARNING: Not for the faint of heart, but something that every Orange County resident should see, to remind themselves of what happens when a police force is out of control.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: After lies upon lies, the truth is revealed… “The lip of truth shall be established forever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment.”