Sadly, Control of the Masses Poses Little Difficulty

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Truth Be Known,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Football, beer, and above all, gambling, filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.” – George Orwell

My Commentary: Not difficult at all…

Are Natural Rights Man-Made, or Are We Born With Them?

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Rights Are NOT Gifts from Government!“…

Rayn: Wake up to the amazing, liberating Truth that Self-Ownership is our BIRTHRIGHT! Yet, one cannot secure such a unique and sacred possession without first acknowledging every other Individual on Earth to hold their very own, as well! And, THIS is the ultimate PROOF of understanding!

"Rights are not gifts from government."

“Rights are not gifts from government.”

Brian K.: According to George Carlin, rights are imaginary. We made them up.

FTF Films – Imaginary Rights:

Rayn:  I’m not sure which “rights” Carlin is referring to, Brian, but you can rest assured that my Natural Right to live is NOT AT ALL imaginary, but a self-evident truth! I was born with it, just like you! Meanwhile, our natural right to Self-Ownership, which is hinged upon our liberty, along with the Non-Aggression Principle, is also self-evident and inborn! Aside from this, our natural right to the justice of a peaceful co-existence, via consensual Cooperation, is also very real and inborn, as we have lived by this Natural Law FROM OUR VERY CONCEPTION – with our lives fully depend upon its productive and reproducible results!

Here is an informative video on the topic, including a good understanding of other property rights that are derived from self-ownership, and a right to exist:

The Philosophy of Liberty:

I shared the picture above to remind others that paper documents, stone tablets and legally fictitious straw-men will NEVER be able to “grant” us what we are already born with. To believe in such dangerous superstitious nonsense is to convert our natural rights into nothing more than “privileges,” to be taken away at any time!

(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Fiona Has Wings!

The following correspondence originally took place here, upon the Facebook page, “Aspergers Adult Support“…

Aspergers Adult Support:

“When you’re surrounded by all these people, it can be lonelier than when you’re by yourself. You can be in a huge crowd, but if you don’t feel like you can trust anyone or talk to anybody, you feel like you’re really alone.” – Fiona Apple

Walki T.: It’s the contrast.

Rayn: Fiona Has Wings! 


Worthless Cashier at Seven-11 in Rutherford, New Jersey

Worthless cashier at 7-Eleven in Rutherford, NJ

The worthless cashier working at the Jackson Avenue 7-Eleven in Rutherford, New Jersey, refused to accept my $50 bill, today, claiming it to be “fake.” After a short debate, I finally demanded he settle the issue by simply testing my cash. Shockingly, he then proved himself as even more useless than I originally suspected. Upon reluctantly retrieving the store’s counterfeit-detecting pen from next to the register, he proceeded to swipe it across the bill multiple times, striping it with a row of faint yellow lines. Then, with a look of confidence, he told me that the pen was “broken,” and he still could not accept my money. By this time, a line was forming, and the manager had even moseyed over, though he was merely was watching the whole exchange, without saying a word. Incredulous, I explained that his pen had proven my cash to be real. However, he maintained his claim that it was broken. I told him that he was completely incompetent, then snapped a quick photo of the scene, for the record.

Discussing Drone-Bombing Child-Killer’s Desire to Disarm Americans to “Save Children”

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Drone-Bombing Child-Killer Wants to Disarm Americans to ‘Save Children’“…

Rayn: Drone-bombing, child-killer wants to disarm Americans in order to “save the children”? Hmmm… Seems legit!

” ‘If a policy saves one child’s life, it is worth doing.’ – President Obama
So, Mr. President… about those drone strikes”

Brian J.: Obama is a war criminal. He’s a war-pig.