The “Social Justice” of Cultural Marxism, On Full Display at Reed College

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Film director, Kimberly Peirce

Film director, Kimberly Peirce

Leftist Students Shouted ‘F*ck You B*itch’ at the Gay Director of a Pro-Trans Movie, Boys Don’t Cry:

() There was a time not so long ago when the people shouting “fuck you bitch” at a gender-fluid gay filmmaker would have been bigoted right-wing conservatives. But because we currently live in the year 2016, the people who heckled Kimberly Peirce—director of Boys Don’t Cry, a groundbreaking film about a transgender man—during her recent appearance at Reed College were far-left students.

The students hurled a litany of insults at Peirce, putting up posters that read “fuck your transphobia” and “you don’t fucking get it” among other things. Worse, when Peirce ascended to her podium, students had placed a sign there. It read “fuck this cis white bitch.” That Peirce is actually gender-fluid is quite beside the point.

The students’ unbelievable rudeness crossed the line into a kind of censorship when Peirce tried to speak: the students simply shouted over her. Eventually they let her talk, but some students continued to yell things like “fuck your respectability politics” and “fuck you scared bitch.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: A crowd of totally hypocritical “social justice” wannabes at Reed college had no problem repeatedly chanting “fuck you bitch” at “Boys Don’t Cry” director Kimberly Peirce, while attempting to drown out the director’s voice out with the phrase, “fuck you, scared bitch.” They also strategically placed a sign on the speaker’s podium the director was to use, which read, “fuck this cis white bitch.” (Ironically, as if the sexism inherent to all of these attacks wasn’t enough to raise alarm bells, the article is sure to note that Peirce identifies as “gender-fluid,” revealing just how many levels of hypocritical the crowd truly was, as they even broke the very first rule of “identity politics,” in their crusade against the director, through blatant, purposeful, hostility-ridden “misidentification”).

The crowd held up signs that read, “fuck your transphobia” and “fuck your respectability politics.” So, what was the director’s alleged crime, according to this mob? Well… Casting non-trans actor, Hillary Swank, to play Brandon Teena in the famous 1999 film, for one… But, also, profiting from violence against trans people.

So, there you have it: the “social justice” of cultural Marxism, on full display, in all of its rotten non-glory. The professional victim culture that drives it has always represented nothing more than a carefully-crafted and cleverly-worded race to the bottom. It is just a pathologically pathetic contest, wherein the most ineffectual, unproductive, and rage-filed little cry-bully is able to win the much-coveted participation trophy that comes with whiny contributions of absolutely nothing to society!

The Scummy Agenda Underlying Cultural Marxism Finally Begins to Fully Rise to Surface

I originally posted the following information and commentary upon my Facebook wall…

"Language Matters" campaign poster, decorating residential hall at Rutgers University

“Language Matters” campaign poster, decorating residential hall at Rutgers University

Rutgers University: To Avoid Microaggressions, Only Speak When “Necessary”

(Amber Athey) Students in at least one Rutgers University residence hall are being encouraged to use only language that is “helpful” and “necessary” to avoid committing microaggressions.

The display, photos of which were obtained by Campus Reform, is titled “Language Matters: Think,” and was placed in the College Avenue Apartments by a resident assistant, according to a current resident of the building who does not wish to be identified.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: And, there you have it, folks! The scummy agenda underlying Cultural Marxism finally begins to fully rise to the surface, now that an entire generation of emotionally and psychologically infantile, perpetual victims have embraced the con-job.

Finally, the ultimate, trigger-free safe space! Three cheers for “progress”!

“Keep silent for social justice!”

Seeking to Remove the Freedoms of Others Due to Being Offended is Tyrannical

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “V is For Voluntary,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"If you seek the removal of freedoms from an opponent, simply on the grounds that they have offended you, you have crossed a line to stand alongside tyrants." - J.K. Rowlings

“If you seek the removal of freedoms from an opponent, simply on the grounds that they have offended you, you have crossed a line to stand alongside tyrants.” – J.K. Rowlings

My Commentary: Here’s one for the cultural Marxists…

Discussing Hypocritical Western Victimhood Culture’s Positive Reaction to Mockumentary, “No Men Beyond This Point”

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Hypocritical Western Victimhood Culture Reacts Positively to Mockumentary, ‘No Men Beyond This Point’“…

Rayn“No Men Beyond This Point” Trailer:

Hmmm… How about some similarly-themed, and purportedly “wry-humored” films, like “No Women Beyond This Point,” “No Whites Beyond This Point,” “No Jews Beyond This Point,” “No Disabled Beyond This Point,” or “No Blacks Beyond This Point,” etc. Would such mockumentaries ever even be premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, like this one was? Would audiences respond by thinking, “what a premise!,” as this trailer suggests? Would those who negative react be considered “oh-so-sensitive” and labelled as having “fragile egos,” like this trailer also suggests?

Social Justice Warriors and feminist, alike, who just so happen to be prominent members of victimhood culture, and appear perpetually “triggered” by anything that can even remotely be seen as “offensive,” including comedy and satire, are, of course… eagerly embracing this film, and it’s premise? Hypocritical much? Doublethink much? *facepalm* Ironically, they fail to realize that this mockumentary is actually critical of the concept that female-dominated society will lead to utopia…

Matthew A.: Fragile male egos! Coming from an SJW, that is one of the most formidable acts of projection I have ever witnessed.

A film like this could be quite interesting, but of course this is just going to be progressive nonsense.

Let’s see a world without men and find out whether the women left have any electricity, running water, machine repair, etc….

I agree that there wouldn’t be any war, principally because there wouldn’t be a large enough population to warrant it.

Some people! 😉

Hypocritical Western Victimhood Culture Reacts Positively to Mockumentary, “No Men Beyond This Point”

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto the Facebook wall of an acquaintance, after discovering it being shared from here

 “No Men Beyond This Point” Trailer:

My Commentary: Hmmm… How about some similarly-themed, and purportedly “wry-humored” films, like “No Women Beyond This Point,” “No Whites Beyond This Point,” “No Jews Beyond This Point,” “No Disabled Beyond This Point,” or “No Blacks Beyond This Point,” etc. Would such mockumentaries ever even be premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, like this one was? Would audiences respond by thinking, “what a premise!,” as this trailer suggests? Would those who negative react be considered “oh-so-sensitive” and labelled as having “fragile egos,” like this trailer also suggests?

Social Justice Warriors and feminist, alike, who just so happen to be prominent members of victimhood culture, and appear perpetually “triggered” by anything that can even remotely be seen as “offensive,” including comedy and satire, are, of course… eagerly embracing this film, and it’s premise? Hypocritical much? Doublethink much? *facepalm* Ironically, they fail to realize that this mockumentary is actually critical of the concept that female-dominated society will lead to utopia…