I originally posted the following information onto my Facebook wall…
Fuck FascistBook! Add me on Minds.com!
I’ve been a member since March 2018:
I originally posted the following information onto my Facebook wall…
Fuck FascistBook! Add me on Minds.com!
I’ve been a member since March 2018:
I originally posted the following information onto my Facebook wall…
Fuck FascistBook! Add me on Steemit!
I’ve been a member since August 2016:
I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…
Facebook Just Banned ‘Cop Block’ And Other Large Anti-Police Pages:
(Facebook announced on Thursday that 559 pages had been deleted for flooding their platform with politically-oriented spam, according to Washington Post.
Among the pages taken down were notorious anti-police pages for Cop Block, The Free Thought Project, and Police the Police, which had roughly seven million followers between them.
My Commentary: #StatistPrivilege
As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following screenshot, being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…
My Commentary: Facebook has been busy..
I originally posted the following information and commentary upon my Facebook wall…
Rutgers University: To Avoid Microaggressions, Only Speak When “Necessary”
(Amber Athey) Students in at least one Rutgers University residence hall are being encouraged to use only language that is “helpful” and “necessary” to avoid committing microaggressions.
The display, photos of which were obtained by Campus Reform, is titled “Language Matters: Think,” and was placed in the College Avenue Apartments by a resident assistant, according to a current resident of the building who does not wish to be identified.
My Commentary: And, there you have it, folks! The scummy agenda underlying Cultural Marxism finally begins to fully rise to the surface, now that an entire generation of emotionally and psychologically infantile, perpetual victims have embraced the con-job.
Finally, the ultimate, trigger-free safe space! Three cheers for “progress”!
“Keep silent for social justice!”