Who Could Possible Run Your Life Better Than a Small, Elect Group of Morally-Bankrupt Plutocrats?

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family, after they posted artwork being shared the page, “Libertarian Party“…


“Libertarian. The radical notion that you are not the property of anyone else, including the government.” – Tony Baize (All individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose.)
(Learn more about the LP and its values of Liberty at lp.or/platform)

Rayn: What a elitist and extremist viewpoint! Do you really believe that you can run your life better than a small, elect group of morally-bankrupt plutocrats? Just who do you think you are?

The Government Can – Tim Hawkins:

Stephen K.: 90% of the US Congress are millionaires.

Rayn: It’s a little over half, actually.

More Than Half the Members of Congress Are Millionaires (Jan. 2014):

This is a small rise from the 2011 figures:

47% of Congress Members Millionaires — a Status Shared by Only 1% of Americans (Nov. 2011 article):

Stephen K.: Someone spread disinformation to me 🙁

State Destroys Freshly-Packaged Deer Meat Intended for the Homeless

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following captioned photo, being shared from here by the page, “Libertarian Party,” and originally posted it to my own wall… 

Health Department destroys 1,600 pounds of fresh deer meat donated to homeless shelters http://houston.cbslocal.com/2013/02/25/louisiana-forces-homeless-shelter-to-destroy-8000-worth-of-deer-meat/

Health Department destroys 1,600 pounds of fresh deer meat donated to homeless shelters

Louisiana Forces Homeless Shelter to Destroy $8,000 Worth of Deer Meat:

Louisiana’s State Health Department forced a homeless shelter to destroy $8,000 worth of deer meat because it was donated from a hunter organization.

KTBS-TV reports that the Shreveport-Bossier Rescue Mission lost 1,600 pounds of venison because the state’s Health Department doesn’t recognize Hunters for the Hungry, an organization that allows hunters to donate any extra game to charity.

“We didn’t find anything wrong with it,” Rev. Henry Martin told KTBS. “It was processed correctly, it was packaged correctly.”

(Read Entire Article Here…)

My Commentary: Statists often make the false claim that charity for the homeless is simply “too rare to be reliable,” while quickly jumping to the non-sequitur logical fallacy that society then “needs” government programs to “care” for such individuals (AKA loathe, criminalize, abuse and rob them via State employees, while the public subsists on a steady diet of “out of sight, out of mind”). Yet, almost NONE of these sadly misinformed individuals have ever even been homeless – and, are just talking out of their asses on a very important, real life issue, with the hope that no one will call them out on their bluff, or that others are just as ignorant as they are! And, while these wanna-be do-gooders are busy worshiping the State, relishing in the callous, apathetic, hands-off, homeless-ignoring, false charity that comes with their dutiful payment of “taxes,” they seem to have forgotten one important fact: there IS one thing that the government HATES more than homeless and poor people, and that is: COMPETITION! The State literally NEEDS to be NEEDED by the public, or else, it risks becoming OBSOLETE! Therefore, government ALWAYS finds new and creative ways to make our legitimate efforts to help others in need into criminal activity that must be prevented at all costs. And, whether it be through de facto means, such as lining the path to REAL assistance for those in need with massive levels of bureaucratic red tape, or through outright cold-hearted bans on helping those without shelter under the guise of “safety,” the proof is always in the pudding! Never forget that “by their fruit, you WILL know them”!

(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Ron Paul Supporters Crash War Reunion of War Criminals Cheney and Rumsfeld

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

One good war crimimal deserves another!

One good war crimimal deserves another!

‘War Criminal!’: Ron Paul Backers Crash Cheney-Rumsfeld Reunion:

(Raw Story) Supporters of libertarian Republican Ron Paul shouted down former Vice President Dick Cheney at a conservative conference Thursday, in a sign of a growing foreign policy rift on the American right.

Cheney had appeared on the first day of the 2011 Conservative Political Action Conference to introduce Donald Rumsfeld, the former Bush-era defense secretary who was scheduled to receive this year’s “Defender of the Constitution Award.”

That didn’t sit well with “Team Paul,” supporters of Rep. Ron Paul who have long called for an end to the US’s foreign wars.

“Where’s bin Laden?” one heckler shouted as Cheney stood at the podium to introduce Rumsfeld.

“War criminal!” another shouted out, prompting a heated reaction from the crowd.

The specter of a Republican vice president being called a “war criminal” at a conservative conference was so unexpected that it prompted TalkingPointsMemo’s Evan McMorris-Santoro to describe it as “what a Cheney-Rumsfeld hug at the Netroots Nation convention might look like.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Ha! Great work, fellow Ron Paul supporters! The Libertarian Party is on the rise!