American Government Orders Hundreds of Millions of Pounds of Food to be Destroyed Every Year

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following captioned photo, being shared by an acquaintance from here, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

Santucci Farm – Traverse City Cherries: These cherries are beautiful! But, we have to dump 14% of our tart cherry crop on the ground to rot. Why? So we can allow the import of 200 million pounds of cherries from overseas! It just doesn’t seem right. What do you think? Please share this on your Facebook page???. Just to let everyone know we are not allowed to donate or in any way use diverted cherries. I have people who would buy them if I could sell them. Also these are tart cherries with a very short shelf life


My CommentaryUS Government Orders Farmers To Destroy 30 Million Pounds Of Their Own Crop:

And, during the “Great Depression,” the State ordered hundreds of millions of pounds of food be destroyed to artificially boost market prices, even while millions of Americans spent years starving.

THIS is the Nature of the State…

Elitists Pose the Greatest Threat to Humanity

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

An anti-austerity demonstration that took place in central London in April 2016

An anti-austerity demonstration that took place in central London in April 2016

Elites — Not the “Ignorant Masses” — Pose the Greatest Threat to Global Society:

(Jake Johnson) In January, at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland — largely a meeting of corporate elites and political leaders — the billionaire CEO Steve Schwarzman courteously granted an interview to Bloomberg Television.

When asked about the American political scene, Schwarzman responded just as many of his colleagues have: With utter bewilderment.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: *Elitists

Psychopathic, Narcissistic, Arrogant Elitists, and Minions, Call for Rise Against “Ignorant Masses”

I originally posted the following information and commentary to my Facebook wall…

"Elitism: It's lonely at the top. But, it's comforting to look down upon everyone at the bottom."

“Elitism: It’s lonely at the top. But, it’s comforting to look down upon everyone at the bottom.”

It’s Time for the Elites to Rise Up Against the Ignorant Masses:

( James TraubThe Brexit has laid bare the political schism of our time. It’s not about the left vs. the right; it’s about the sane vs. the mindlessly angry.

I was born in 1954, and until now I would have said that the late 1960s was the greatest period of political convulsion I have lived through. Yet for all that the Vietnam War and the civil rights struggle changed American culture and reshaped political parties, in retrospect those wild storms look like the normal oscillations of a relatively stable political system. The present moment is different. Today’s citizen revolt — in the United States, Britain, and Europe — may upend politics as nothing else has in my lifetime.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: The psychopathic, narcissistic, arrogant elitists, and their minions, aren’t even trying to hide their agenda, anymore…

“Best resist the oligarchy of the globalist/
The murderous eugenicists/
The Babylon that still persists/
To this very day/
Let us finally slay the Dragon/
Sick of slaving while this Beast is busy bragging”

Democracy Provides Politicians With the Legal Immunity Necessary to Commit Crimes Against Entire Population of Victims

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “TRUTHgasm,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Straightforward Ballot
☐ Steal from People
☐ Bomb Children
☐ Victimless Crimes
☐ All of the Above
☒ No Government”

My Commentary: Democracy: providing arrogant, slick-talking, sociopathic thieves and murders the legal immunity to commit crimes against humanity. Three cheers for progress! 😉

Kidnapped at Gunpoint and Locked in a Cage for Consuming a Non-Toxic Plant? Seems Legit!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “People’s Uprising,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Marijuana: Making Criminals Out of Honest People Since 1937”

My Commentary: Kidnapped at gunpoint and locked in a cage for consuming a non-toxic plant? Seems legit!