Hurricane Florence May Rain a Shit-Storm Down On North Carolina

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

An aerial view of a hog farm in North Carolina. The shot on the right shows a flooded manure lagoon after Hurricane Matthew.

What Will Happen When Hurricane Florence Hits North Carolina’s Massive Pig Manure Lagoons?:

North Carolina is one of the biggest hog-farming states in the US, with about 9 million pigs being raised on some 2,300 farms. That equals a lot of manure—about 10 billion pounds of wet animal waste are produced in the state a year, according to the Waterkeeper Alliance. Farms store the pigs’ feces in uncovered, earthen lagoons, some the size of football fields. And now they’re at risk of becoming a public health hazard when Hurricane Florence touches down.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: A shit-storm…

But, Without Government, Who Would Trash Mass Quantities of Food Intended for the Homeless?

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

State-trashed charity food

State-trashed charity food

Rayn: 3,000 Homeless People Denied Food As City Forces Charity to Bleach the Food and Throw it In Dumpster:

Sandra C.: That’s a Shame! Is this
What we are teaching our
Children today? To be
Mean to other people?

Rayn: You see, only the government has truly benevolent intentions towards the poor. Everyone else is guilty having malicious motives, until proven innocent, in the form of a government-issued “permit.” Attempts at volunteer-based charity are *especially* suspicious, as there is no legitimate reason to help the needy without being paid to do so!

(I’m being sarcastic, of course, but ridicule works much better when delivered this way)

America Does Not Have a Free Market Economy

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


America’s Dairy Farmers Dump 43 Million Gallons of Excess Milk:

(Kelsey Gee) Farmers in the U.S. are pouring out tens of millions of gallons of excess milk, amid a massive glut that has slashed prices and has filled warehouses with cheese.

More than 43 million gallons’ worth of milk were dumped in fields, manure lagoons or animal feed, or have been lost on truck routes or discarded at plants in the first eight months of 2016, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That is enough milk to fill 66 Olympic swimming pools, and the most wasted in at least 16 years of data requested by The Wall Street Journal.

Desperate producers are working to find new uses for the excess, like getting more milk into school lunches, and in revamped tacos and Egg McMuffins. But many can’t even afford to transport raw milk to market at current prices, which have plunged 36% on average since prices hit records in 2014.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: No free market to speak of in America… Just a crony capitalist system of government regulations, government-induced waste, government price-fixing, and many going without food, as a result… But, obviously, the eventual solution to all of this corruption is… *drum roll* You guessed it! Infinitely more government, in the form of socialism!

#OrdoAbChao #ProblemReactionSolution #HegelianDialectic

Even While Tax-Payer Subsidized Amtrak is $21 Billion in the Hole, the Company Will Now Waste Over $2 Billion on a Minor, Insignificant, Almost Completely Unnecessary “Upgrade”

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Amtrak train

Amtrak train

Amtrak is Spending Billions So You Can Travel 3 mph Faster on a Small Section of Track:

I love train travel. I’ve enjoyed it in France, Italy, China, and even here in the States. I think it would be awesome to have a private, nationwide, high-speed rail network in America, though I recognize that practical considerations make that highly unlikely for the foreseeable future.

I mention all that to say that in sharing this story I’m not anti-train; I’m anti-stupid wastes of taxpayer money.

You see, the Department of Transportation has announced its largest loan in history: $2.4 billion to Amtrak to pay for faster service in the Northeast corridor.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Brilliant!

American Government Orders Hundreds of Millions of Pounds of Food to be Destroyed Every Year

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following captioned photo, being shared by an acquaintance from here, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

Santucci Farm – Traverse City Cherries: These cherries are beautiful! But, we have to dump 14% of our tart cherry crop on the ground to rot. Why? So we can allow the import of 200 million pounds of cherries from overseas! It just doesn’t seem right. What do you think? Please share this on your Facebook page???. Just to let everyone know we are not allowed to donate or in any way use diverted cherries. I have people who would buy them if I could sell them. Also these are tart cherries with a very short shelf life


My CommentaryUS Government Orders Farmers To Destroy 30 Million Pounds Of Their Own Crop:

And, during the “Great Depression,” the State ordered hundreds of millions of pounds of food be destroyed to artificially boost market prices, even while millions of Americans spent years starving.

THIS is the Nature of the State…