But, Without Government, Who Would Criminalize Homelessness?

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “A Wolf in a Sheeple’s World,” and originally posted it to my own wall…

"Concord City Ordinance 50-10: No person may occupy a public bench for more than 20 consecutive minutes; and no more than 30 minutes combined for a 24 hour period. Violation: Class III Misdemeanor"

“Concord City Ordinance 50-10:
No person may occupy a public bench for more than 20 consecutive minutes; and no more than 30 minutes combined for a 24 hour period.
Violation: Class III Misdemeanor”

My Commentary: No victim, no crime, slimeball!

Humanity Has a Moral Responsibility to Disobey Unjust Laws

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Well-Armed Activists Openly Defy Texas Law To Feed The Homeless – Hundreds Clothed And Fed:

() When feeding the homeless becomes an act of civil disobedience, Americans have been asleep for far too long.

Luckily, however, there are still good people who are willing to defy such arbitrary and ill-conceived laws and ordinances.

The folks over at the aptly named organization Don’t Comply, took to the streets just outside the Austin Street Shelter in Dallas this weekend to perform, what has now become a revolutionary act – feeding the homeless.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: “One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Guilty Until Proven Innocent in Michigan, as State Pilots Roadside Saliva Checkpoint Program

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"Michigan State Police"

“Michigan State Police”

Michigan Goes Total Police State With Roadside Saliva Check Points:

Michigan goes total police state.

Regardless of your stance on drugs, I think most would agree that the Michigan State Police has no right to ‘run roadside saliva check points’.

The pilot program will be launching in five Michigan counties this year according to this MLive report

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary#WarrantlessSearches #GuiltyUntilProvenInnocent

But, Without Government, Who Would Outlaw Charity, While Claiming the Need to Extort the Masses in Order to “Take Care of” the Poor?

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Virgil Vaduva stands outside of Xenia City Hall in Ohio with a ticket he received for "panhandling" in his effort to raise money for charity

Virgil Vaduva stands outside of Xenia City Hall in Ohio with a ticket he received for “panhandling” in his effort to raise money for charity

Man Sentenced To 30 Days In Jail For Raising $42 Donated To Homeless Charity:

(M. David) Last Thursday, March 26th, reporters from Counter Current News, Alternative Media Syndicate, The Anti Media, The Fifth Column, The Greene County Herald, Truth Voice and Cop Block all filled the court room in Xenia, Ohio to witness one of the most bizarre things in the history of the American legal system: a man being convicted of the “crime” of raising money for charity.

Virgil Vaduva is a reporter for the Greene County Herald. He is known throughout Greene County for his tireless activism on several fronts, including fighting for the rights of the poor and homeless. Tuesday, March the 31st, Virgil was sentenced for his “crime” of “panhandling” for the poor. What was the sentence? Judge Murray handed down the maximum sentence of 30 days in jail. He even added extra “punishment” of 100 hours of community service, to be carried out within 90 days.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: But, without government, who would outlaw charity, while claiming the need to extort the masses in order to “take care of” the poor (AKA harass, fine, abduct, imprison)?

Discussing the Self-Sacrifice of Korryn Gaines, and Her Exposure of the Naked Aggression of the State Against Peaceful Human Existence

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Through Her Sacrifice, Korryn Gaines Exposed the Naked Aggression of the State Against Peaceful Human Existence“…

Police murder victim, Korryn Gaines

Police murder victim, Korryn Gaines

RaynKorryn Gaines: 5 Extremely Important Facts You Need to Know:

Failure to comply with arbitrary, pre-crime-based edicts of pathocratic control-freaks, refusal to pay extortion fees for permission to exercise natural rights as though they were mere privileges, and lethal resistance to abduction and false imprisonment by State mercenaries.

Through her sacrifice, Gaines exposed the naked aggression of the State against peaceful human existence, and highlighted the role government plays as Accuser of the innocent, in that absence of a requisite victim.

Gaines courageously stood up to the soul-sucking State meat-grinder, even though she knew she would likely be killed by it. And, as usual, the government scrambles for excuses to justify its latest cold-blooded murder, and attempts to tarnish the name of their victim, and the merits of her actions…

Jonas A.: Yep! Stood her ground, fought and died for freedom!